(54 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

pen wrote:

im actually more intrested in that gallery smile

EDIT: yeah, its an awsome theme indeed

Still working on it (the gallery) wink It works just fine now, but I need to get the admin plugin done + add a upload/delete feature. Right now, you just upload the images to a folder using FTP..


(54 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

hcgtv wrote:

Finally got the chance to install the layout: http://hcgtv.net

Have you thought of doing different color variations of it?

Hmm...that's not a bad idea smile When I get the time, I may very well make a few... Any suggestions on colors schemes?

Gary13579 wrote:

So, i read this whole topic.

1) This style is AWESOME! Great job.
2) Did you, or did you not get it working without the scrolling?

Im gonna try it, none the less

Thanks smile Happy to hear you got it working!

Hehe, I'm in no need to merge anything...yet smile

Couldn't you just do the same for the user ID #? As long as all the ID's match it should work...right?

I'm just guessing here, but wouldn't it be possible to simply increase the id # ? Like adding +100 (or any number above what one of the forums are using)?

Setting the height of the TD tag like that is not valid XHTML Strict wink I don't know...perhaps that's what's causing the problem?

As for the text problem, open up your stylesheet and comment out this line:

HTML .pun {FONT-SIZE: 68.75%}


(54 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Paul wrote:

I've been using something very similar to your mod for quite a while but it didn't make it into the default PunBB installation.  It is still preferable though if stylesheets work without your mod as not everybody is going to want to install it.

That's true.. I'd like to see something like this mod integrated into the default PunBB release, considering that it will help out a lot when creating styles/themes smile

I took a look at the tweaks you posted, and even though it does work it still restricts you to a fixed width.. Personally, I prefer that but I'm sure there are those that want to use a relative width instead. I've replaced the original archive with a updated version that does allow you to use a relative width without breaking the shadow effect. It still uses the table layout though... I just found it incredible difficult making it work with just DIV's... sad


(54 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Paul wrote:

I did figure out an easy way of duplicating the style with only one extra div.

1. Make the top and bottom shadows full width graphics including the corners.
2. Add the left and right shadows onto the main background graphic
3. Set the top shadow as the background to #punwrap
4. Set the main background as the background to .pun set to repeat vertically
5. Add an extra empty div between the closing divs of .pun and #punwrap and use the bottom shadow as its background.
6. Set the appropriate padding on .pun
7. Set the appropriate width to match the graphics on #punwrap

The extra div doesnt cause any problems with other styles because its empty.

interesting...I just might have to test that smile Although, by using my little mod you can have as many independant *.tpl files as you want, and do whatever you want with them without affecting *anything* in the other styles, so it's not really that important for me if the extra div causes problems or not wink


(54 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Just thought I'd post a little update on this. I've made a little mod to work around the fact that you need to change the *.tpl files now smile Check of [this post] for details.

graue wrote:

Cool! This should be very useful.

I hope so smile Let me know if you encounter any problems with the installation? It should not be able to break anything at all, but still..

##        Mod title:  Dynamic Template tweak
##      Mod version:  1.0
##   Works on PunBB:  1.2, 1.2.1, 1.2.2
##     Release date:  2005-02-27
##           Author:  CodeXP (codexp [at] tasarinan.com)
##      Description:  This mod will allow you to use different templates for
##                    your CSS style sheets. The template system will now 
##                    look for *.tpl files prefixed with '<stylename>_'
##                    instead of the deault ones (main.tpl, admin.tpl etc.).
##                    If it can't find any prefixed templates, it will load
##                    the default ones instead.
##   Affected files:  header.php
##                    include/functions.php
##       Affects DB:  No
##            Notes:  This mod should work with any version of PunBB, but I've
##                    only tested it with the 1.2.x release.
##                    Example on use: 
##                    - Let's say that you're using Oxygen.css as your default
##                    style with your PunBB forum. Then you make a new style
##                    called "mycoolstyle" that requires you to change something
##                    in one, or all, of the *.tpl files. Doing that would
##                    usually break the layout of the rest of your *.css styles.
##                    With this mod, you can just save your new *.tpl files as
##                    'mycoolstyle_main.tpl' (same format for all your *.tpl's).
##                    What now happens is that all your other *.tpl's will use
##                    the ordinary templates, but your 'mycoolstyle' one will
##                    use the new template filenames instead.
##                    If for some reason you're missing one of the new files,
##                    the mod will load the default PunBB one's instead :)
##       DISCLAIMER:  Please note that "mods" are not officially supported by
##                    PunBB. Installation of this modification is done at your
##                    own risk. Backup your forum database and any and all
##                    applicable files before proceeding.

Hi everyone! Here's my first mod ever for PunBB smile

What does it do you ask? Well, first let me give you some background info on *why* I made this:
It started with me wanting to create a new style/theme for PunBB. That part of it was rather easy, but it required me to modify the *.tpl files. That in itself wouldn't be a problem if I was only using the new style. No, the problem occured when you changed to a style that *didn't* need the modifications in the template files (you could say that the layout wasn't quite the same anymore).

Ok then, how does this mod solve anything?
If you got Oxygen.css selected as your style, PunBB will look for 'include/template/Oxygen_main.tpl etc.. If it finds it, it will ignore the default main.tpl file. If it can't find any new templates that fit this naming scheme, it will revert to using the default *.tpl.

Hope this will be of interest to some fellow PunBB users. Feel free to ask if you have any questions (I'm bad at explaining, I know tongue)

[Download] [Demo]

Edit: Added demo account on my test forum. Login/pass (needed to change style): Test_user / test
- The default style contains several modifications to the default *.tpl's. All the others are using the default styles. As you can see, the modifications to the templates only affects the new style/theme smile


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Frank H wrote:

hmm, all the dropdowns aren't flat in Firefox, so you just got some inconsistency

(and IMO inconsistency doesn't look professional wink)

input,submit,textarea {border: 1px solid #ACA899}

This however, is consistant smile


(54 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Well, I've fixed up a little of the style. It's still using tables for the drop shadow, but everything is controlled trough the CSS. Also, it's now possible to use a variable width without messing up the layout smile

Edit: Almost forgot to mention, I fixed the problem you'd encounter if your forum was located it a subdirectory. I just have to zip it up, and I'll replace the orginal archive I posted earlier with the updated file.

New file uploaded. [Link]


(54 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Paul wrote:

CodeXP: Do you mind if I have a bash at doing a simplified version of this using your graphics?

Absolutely not, go right ahead smile I'm sure there are several parts of it that could be a little more optimized..


(54 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Rickard wrote:
CodeXP wrote:

Well, I didn't find anything in particular that was hard to change. The only thing I perhaps could have wanted was some form of variables in the *.tpl files (img directory etc.) but perhaps there already is?

I'm not sure I understand what you mean, but beginning with 1.3, I intend to add a base tag the the header. That way, you can always rely on the fact that e.g. img/ will point to PunBB's image directory. Would that help?

Hehe, that was kinda what I meant...I just explained it badly smile The basetag will definatly make things a lot easier!


(54 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

erissiva wrote:
Paul wrote:

Excellent. I think it could be done without tables and using all background images. Though it would almost certainly require adding additional divs to main.tpl instead of the tables.

It can be done certainly with one extra divs and possible with no extra divs though the images would need altering.

A prize of three brownie points goes to the first person to work out how to do it fluid width.

No! I want some brownies!!!

Darn me and my simplicity!
I have taken the whole fixed-width and similar color concept and am in the process of editing to match my front page.

So, basically - There's no way to do something similar to this with CSS?

No, not really.. The problem is that there's just not enough DIV's in the *.tpl files for something like this to work by just editing the CSS. No matter if you manage to make the drop shadow work with DIV's, you would still have to edit the template files.


(54 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

erissiva wrote:

Um, yeah...for some reason, it's not finding any of the images...

Most likely because the forum is install in a subdirectory ('domain.com/forums' instead of 'forum.domain.com'). Just edit the CSS and correct the path smile I simply didn't think of it, but I'll add a fix shortly.

@Paul: Yeah, most likely... I just couldn't get it looking the way I wanted doing it that way. btw, the images specified in the *.tpl aren't really needed. They're just there as spacers to prevent the corners looking bad when the browser windows is below ~770px wide smile


(54 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Updated 27 feb. '05

Ok, here's the style for those who want it smile

- Backup your '<forum dir>/include/template' directory.
- Unzip the *.zip file into your forum base directory keeping the folder structure.
- That's it smile


- Variable width now working without messing up the layout (to set width, change the id #shadow in Sleek.css)
- Fixed problem with images now showing if forum was located in a subdirectory.
- More control in the CSS instead of the *.tpl smile


(54 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Thanks for you comments smile Release it? Sure, no problem. What you need to be aware of though is that there are some minor changes to the *.tpl files, so it would change some of your existing layouts.

erissiva wrote:

Fantastic job!
I'm amazed at how fast it loads.

Could this be possible using only CSS?
I mean, by calling images and such?

Well, I couldn't get it working with *just* CSS, I had to add a couple of tables in the *.tpl files (they are still controlled trough the CSS though). The reason it loads so fast is that it only contains about 4k of images, so it should provide around the same speed as the original styles smile

Now, I'll just add some comments and such to the files so that I can post the style big_smile


(54 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Paul wrote:

I think its excellent. A good example of how a clever use of graphics can add a touch of class without slowing things down.

Thanks! The images used totals at about ~4kb (don't think I could have compressed them more), so it shouldn't slow things down smile Any suggestions on improvements or perhaps any bugs you noticed?

Edit: Oops, didn't notice your question right away.

Well, I didn't find anything in particular that was hard to change. The only thing I perhaps could have wanted was some form of variables in the *.tpl files (img directory etc.) but perhaps there already is?


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Would have been nice to be able to see the whole forum layout without registering though smile


(54 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Hi everyone!

I'm currently starting playing around with PunBB again, and at the moment I'm working on making a style smile The forum itself is just up for testing purposes, so there's not really any posts to speak of.. But if I can get the features I need implemented, perhaps I'll convert the main site. I always wanted to do so considering how ridiculous hard phpBB is to validate with the template I'm using (I've given up long ago) + the speed that PunBB offers is *very* nice!

Anyway, what I wanted to ask for was some feedback on the style (work in progress). Have only worked on it for a few hours, so I'm sure there's a lot of improvements I could add.

[Click and let me know what you think?]

Edit: Guests are allowed to post, so feel free to play around smile

Smartmonkey wrote:

Nice.. that is a cool script..

for some reason I don't get any thumbnails.. everything else works fine..

Oh Wait.. I haven't installed gd library yet .. I assume that would be the problem since it resizes them

Yeah, it requires GD to work smile

hcgtv wrote:

Catherine Bell is hot !

Nice script, we're taking PunBB where no man has gone before smile

That she is big_smile Happy that you like it...although, I've just changed a small part of it smile I'm just hoping that I'll manage to get everything I want implemented in the script.