Very easy to do actually. Just open header.php and change line 148 from:

$tpl_main = str_replace('<pun_title>', '<h1><span>'.pun_htmlspecialchars($pun_config['o_board_title']).'</span></h1>', $tpl_main);


switch (basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])):
    case 'index.php':
        $h1_title = pun_htmlspecialchars($pun_config['o_board_title']);
    case 'search.php':
        $h1_title = 'This is the search.php H1 content';
    case 'login.php':
        $h1_title = 'This is the login.php H1 content';

$tpl_main = str_replace('<pun_title>', '<h1><span>'.$h1_title.'</span></h1>', $tpl_main);

Just add a case for each of the *.php pages you want to have different H1 content smile


(28 replies, posted in General discussion)

Enemy wrote:

I vote for DHTML, use of wrong color schemes, etc and overuse of JS.

People if you think that Flash is banners and animations and *nothing* more, then I'm really *sorry* for you.

Have you ever heard of Rich Internet Appplications? Don't you want to have one easy tool for building cross-platform (including mobile devices) web applications, with free SDK available powered by ActionScript 3 (OOP, strong typed java like language) and MXML.
Have a look at this examples.

Stop looking at stupid banners and realize flexibility and easiness that Flash platform gives you.

Rickard, navigation should be as easy and transparent as possible, that's right, but how do you imagine navigation for creative website, about art or games, movies and many others? Just dry html list, no? Check out this amazing use of flash animation and interactivity  it's worth seeing even on slow connection.

If you don't like some Flash work in 99% of cases blame *developer/designer*, not technology!

Flash is one of the greatest thing that has happened to web ever!


Also, I think you're being more than just a little inconsistent here by telling people to blame developers instead of the Flash tech. itself, yet at the same time you're doing exactly that to things like Javascript & DHTML (which in itself isn't really a technology, but rather a method of using several other technologies).

Another thing that strikes me with your post is that you're just about saying that no website can be creative if it doesn't use Flash, although I do hope that's just due to your English language-skills. If not, then you really need to get around the web some more.

In my opinion, Flash has its uses, but navigation is absolutely not one of them. It's terrible for people having poor eyesight (or several other disabilities requiring the use of alternative browser solutions), not to mention the fact that it offers few, if any, fall-back solutions should you not have Flash installed. Oh and another thing, have you ever tried browsing a Flash site on a handheld device? Yeah, well I have and it's more than just a slight annoyance, not to mention the bandwidth costs should you use a cell-phone to connect and the device actually supports Flash.

P.S: In what way do you consider color schemes to be a technology?!


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Kamal wrote:

Some of the fonts on my board are horribly small and I can't figure out where to change them.
Help? … amp;id=374

That's what I mean by small

I'm using Mambo 4.5.2 and
Punbo version Punbo 0.3 - Check for upgrade
Copyright © 2005 Hans Blomme PunBB version PunBB 1.2.8
Copyright © 2002-2005 Rickard Andersson Server load 0.99 0.98 0.86 (1 users online)

Thank you@!

That would be a conflict between your customizations & the IE hacks in the default .css files. Just remove the following code from your bf2.css, and your problem will be gone smile

/* IEWin Font Size only - to allow IEWin to zoom. Do not remove comments \*/
* HTML .pun {FONT-SIZE: 68.75%}
/* End IE Win Font Size */

By the way, that problem only occurs with IE v6 and below.


(2 replies, posted in Programming)

Get rid of that query of yours, as that isn't needed. After that, just replace your $page_title line with the following:

$page_title = pun_htmlspecialchars($cur_topic['subject'].' / '.$cur_topic['forum_name'].' / '.$pun_config['o_board_title']);

To solve this, just add the following to your CSS:

div.pun { width: 700px; margin: 0 auto }

(Just adjust the width etc. as needed)

I just tested it with your site, and it works.

Well, you could always just add the following to your CSS:

div#top_box { margin-top: -6px }
tasha007 wrote:

most girls arent into much computer stuff..has anybody ever thought of that? im only into computers because my boyfriend is yikes

I don't really think that's true, I think it's more that some men and women tend to use a computer slightly differently. What I mean by that is that many men seem to be just as interested in the technical side of a computer (how the components interact etc.) as they are in just using it, while many women treats it more as tool to just get their work done. This in turn will often lead men to get more interested in programming than women, as programming frequently will require you to understand how a computer works on a technical level. Of course, I could be wrong, but that seems to be the trend among most of my friends.

Just though I'd let you know that IE7 have now been released. While I haven't tested it that much yet, it doesn't really seem that different from the beta builds. Oh well, it's not like I'm going to use it for anything but development anyway (somthing that I'm having a few issues with, seeing as it's not meant to be installed alongside IE6. Guess I'll have to check online for some solution).

If you'd like to download it, it's only released as a bundle with yahoo mail for some reason (though I suspect it'll be up at the Ms website very soon), but what you do is to just extract the .exe with WinRar and run the "IE7-Setup.exe" file. That way, you'll avoid all that Yahoo bloat.

Get it here

Try rm -fR ./cache/


(43 replies, posted in General discussion)

Rahvin wrote:

I've switched completely away from windows.
I have a second harddrive partitioned (using logical volumes) to about 8 partitions, each a different linux OS.

I have 2 installs of ubuntu, and although nice, I'd say my favorite Linux distro is Opensuse.
I've used all of the following:
Fedora Core 3 (I have 6 but I'm lazy to install)
OpenSuse 10.1
Ubuntu (warty and dapper both)
slax (live)
and blah some more...

Suse is really complete, and I love the KDE interface default on it, (which is in kubuntu obviously too but just saying), and YaST is useful up to most extents.

I'm not sure why all the hype about ubuntu, its loads of fun being fast and stuff, but, DSL is way faster, and although tiny, I mean, come on, it does everything! (I have it on my usb stick. and mac OS7 too)

I use FC3 for my server, which runs fine, but the graphics card support is horrible!
Same for ubuntu, the graphics support for ATI (lawl shutup) is horrible too. I can't get higher than 640x

Well, I guess people just have different tastes. Personally, I can't stand SuSe or any other RPM based distros. If I can't apt, I'm not using it. Also, I hate the fact that many of the other distros tries to pack in everything but the kitchen sink (and sometimes they *do* include that as well tongue) on those disks. Seriously, there is absolutely no need for a fully packed DVD for a damn OS. I want a polished distro, like K/Ubuntu, and download what programs I need afterwards.

EDIT: As for ATI drivers, well sure that could be better, but there is absolutely no need to run in 640 ever. If everything else fails, just use the Vesa driver.


(43 replies, posted in General discussion)

elbekko wrote:

Ok, thanks smile That worked.
But it's silly that the root account isn't properly configured at install.

I believe their reasoning behind that is that they feel the system is a bit more secure that way, seeing as if you have to use sudo, every root command you perform will be logged. It also allows you to execute those root commands without the need to remember two separate passwords. It does take a while to get used to, but after a while it becomes second nature smile


(43 replies, posted in General discussion)

elbekko wrote:

I ran into a little problem yesterday... su didn't work. It asked for a pass, I enter it, pass incorrect >=/

I fail to see the logic there. As that pass worked for entering some of the administration parts.

If you're running Ubuntu, SU isn't used by default. What you'll have to to is to set a password for the root account (sudo passwd root). Alternatively, you could do it the way I prefer, by just entering sudo su.


(15 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

erick_p wrote:

I would like to be able to assign specific users to user groups. How should I do it? That is the question.

The standard way is to go to their profile, click "administration" and select a group from the drop-down menu.


(15 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Easiest way would be to just change line 30 from:

if ($pun_user['g_read_board'] == '0')


if ($pun_user['g_read_board'] == '0' || $pun_user['group_id'] == PUN_GUEST)


(9 replies, posted in Programming)

Wouldn't it be possible to use REPLACE INTO? It's a bit slower, but if I understand you correctly it should do what you're thinking of...


(47 replies, posted in General discussion)

It's nice and all, but it still needs work. Just took the Acid2 test, and it still fails. Memory consumption is also rather bad still, but it does seem to be better than the 1.5.x series.

I don't see myself switching from Opera anytime this decade if nothing extraordinary happens, but I will probably be using FF more than I'm doing currently when the final version is released smile


(2 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Been a while since I last posted anything in this particular forum, but lately I've been playing around with PHPEd and other PHP IDE's, and one thing that struck me was that developing mods, plugins, extensions, whatever would be much smoother if the comments/function descriptions used the PHPDoc standard.

Perhaps it's just me that sometimes forget what parameters the various functions require, but if it's not, well then this could speed up development for a lot of people smile

hcgtv wrote:
CodeXP wrote:

3. Install eaccelerator (the 0.9.5 rc1 was recently released, and works very well with the latest PHP versions).

I've thought of trying this out, any side effects or things to look out for?

I can't say that I've encountered any problems under Linux so far, and I've been using it since beta2 was released. I had seen some problem on Windows in that PHP would occationally crash, but that has not happened for me on linux. In fact, it seems to be perfectly stable so far. The performance gain is quite amazing, so if you have the possibility to use it I'd say go for it smile Here's the settings I'm using, in case you should need them:

$ cat /etc/php5/cgi/php.ini | grep -i eaccelerator


This will allocate 16MB of memory for the cache, use maximum compression & purge the cache ever 1 hour. These settings seems to work well for me, and I should think it would be the same for most people smile

* note that eaccelerator can be run as both a Zend module, and as a regular PHP extension. I'd recommend against running it as a Zend module though, as it seems to be running the fastest as an extension.


(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

See this topic in the offical FAQ. There's no need for a mod like this, as it's already included in the PunBB core smile

There are actually many ways one can improve performance without actually modifying the PunBB source-code, but some of my favourites are:

1. Drop Apache, and go for the much faster lighttpd with PHP running as fastcgi.
2. Ensure you're using MySQL's query cache. Although a forum by nature updates frequently, it should still prove to improve performance quite a bit in certain cases.
3. Install eaccelerator (the 0.9.5 rc1 was recently released, and works very well with the latest PHP versions). This *will* massively improve performance of PHP scripts, and I'd highly recommend it to anyone.
4. Be sure to enable gzip compression. This will result in much smaller pages being served to compatible clients (just about every single somewhat modern browser), which not only improves performance but will also result in a lot of saved bandwidth. Please note though that for this to work with lighttpd, you should enable it in your php.ini file instead of using something like the module for apache.

Hope this helps out smile


(15 replies, posted in General discussion)

elbekko wrote:

Yeah, it has been released for quite a while now. And I can say it's unstable as hell for me =/

Been rock solid for me, both on Windows & Linux. For those of you having problems though, the release of Opera 9.01 is *very* close now smile

hcgtv wrote:

CodeXP, why is your website down?

Well, that's kind of a long story, but the short version would be that due to some problems in real-life I had to cut all the expenses I could sad I haven't given it up entirely, but I don't know when I'll have everything sorted... Hopefully, it won't be *to* long smile

I'm still programming on my local Linux box though, so when I finally get things sorted (read: find a new job), I don't have to start all over again from scratch.

helter wrote:

Great work, CodeXP.

Thanks smile

lhffan wrote:

Great mod works fine one question related to css how can i fix the height of the box so it will work in IE/OPERA/FIREFOX ?

I'm not sure if I understand the question as it already works in all of those browsers...? If you just want to set the box to a fixed height though, just use something like:

div#rssbox { height: 250px; overflow: auto }
gog wrote:

@pogenwurst, what if google consumes to much bandwith of your site and you want to block it? This is just one of the examples...

As any decent spider, Googlebot follows the rules set in your robots.txt file. Because of this, what user agent it reports as doesn't matter at all, other than for statistics. If you don't want it to touch bandwidth-intensive pages, just add a rule to that file and be done with it smile

Dr.Jeckyl wrote:

all i have is the older version. i upped it to punres for safe keeping.

@CodeXP: if and when you read this let me know and i'll remove the project from punres once you up the most current version.

It would seem you have already uploaded the latest version I released.. Sorry for not having taken care of this myself, but I'm happy to see you took care of it smile

I've been considering re-writing the entire thing, optimizing it etc., but there haven't been a lot of feedback here, so I'm wondering if I can assume it's working fine for everyone? In that case, I'll send Rickard an e-mail so he can up it here at