(17 replies, posted in General discussion)

Paul wrote:

The trouble is tabindex is now frowned upon even more than accesskeys, again for accessibility related reasons. The current best practice is to design everything with a good natural tab order. Fortunately, you will be relieved to know that PunBB 1.3 doesn't use tabindex at all though this does mean there have been a few minor adjustments to form design. As for the fate of accesskeys, we will have to wait and see.

P.S. Minor correction, alt+s is actually the government standard for skip navigation.

I think I can understand why, as it can be confusing if you're pressing tab, and the active form element suddenly appears on a completely different part of the page. Still, I do prefer it to access keys, but of course as you say, a well thought out form would be best. As long as the submit button is among the first elements to gain focus (after the textarea, on a form like the reply one in PunBB), I'm happy smile


(17 replies, posted in General discussion)

gog wrote:

Yes, I am aware of that. But when I write a message I just wont to press alt+s, pressing shift-esc-alt*s is an overkill smile

It would become SHIFT+ESC+S, not shift+esc+alt+s.

Still, I don't really see the point of access keys. They don't make things any easier for me, as most sites uses different ones anyway. Also, none of them seem to follow the setup of most other applications I'm using in Win/*nix, so taking the time to memorize new ones takes away a lot of my time. Besides, there is a reason why you have the tabindex parameter in (x)html. For me, it makes much more sense to write my message on a forum like this, then hit TAB+ENTER. A carefully thought out use of tabindex beats access keys any day.

Another problem with access keys, is that they can interfere with browser shortcuts as well. Really, I don't see the point & I hope it's as Paul says; they're on their way out.


(17 replies, posted in General discussion)

gog wrote:

It's a shame they didn't launch Opera as freeware a long time ago. I can't leave without Webdeleoper & other extensions in Firefox. Not the mention the problem witch acces keys. I couldn't post on boards with alt+s combination as I'm used to tongue

In Opera 9, press SHIFT+ESC on a page with access keys. Then you'll be able to use any access keys you might want smile

viperjosh wrote:

Is there a way you can display the topics horizontally, instead of verticly?

Right now they display like:

Topic 1
Topic 2
Topic 3
Topic 4

I'd like it to display like

Topic 1 / Topic 2 / Topic 3

Or use anything inplace of "/" that is just an example. The main thing is getting it to display horiztontally

Just use CSS to style it. Example:

.pun #rssbox li { display: inline; margin: 0 }
.pun #rssbox li:first-child:before { content: "" }
.pun #rssbox li:before { content: " / "  }

* Note that the :before & :first-child selector won't work in IE (or older browsers in general), but there are many different ways you could use instead (background-image etc.). Alternatively, edit your extern.php to add in the "/"

coxis wrote:

Ok thanks. Uuups i didn't see that sad

The mod is great but it would great to make it more elegant look with this icons.

What you could do, is just style it using CSS. The container block got an id with the name of "rssbox", so it should be quite simple.

Just do something like:

#rssbox li {
   padding-left: 16px;
   background: url('path/to/icon.gif') left center no-repeat

This would be suitable for 16x16px icons, but of course, just style as you see fit. I would never mix the styling with code, seeing as that's the whole reason we got style sheets wink

coxis wrote:

3 small requests.

1. the length of topic names , i change it from 200 to 1000 but still the topic names are short, i want to show the full name
2. adding the small icons before the topic names would make it much more fun to look, where i can add this in the code
3. how to change to longer the time that script refresh

Thanks again for simple and nice mod.

My mod doesn't actually affect the data output as such. All output are fetched from the standard PunBB extern.php. If you'd like to change point 1 & 2, you'd have to make the changes to that file (see line 104).

As for #3, it's quite easy. Just open ./include/js/ajax_extern.js and change line 7 (var timer = 15;) to whatever you'd like smile

StevenBullen wrote:


Can you make this available again please?

Just uploaded it to punres.org, so that people can grab it even if my server is down smile

Topic: http://www.punres.org/viewtopic.php?id=1494

qubertman wrote:
CodeXP wrote:

Ok, I think my ajax modification if the chatbox is working well enough for a release now smile

As I've previously mentioned, here are the most important functions I've added:
* AJAX for posting & refreshing chatbox.
* Added a delete function for moderators and admins. This is also handled using AJAX.

[Download here]

This is not accessible at the moment. Where else can this be downloaded? Thank you.

My server is down (permanentely?), but I still have the file smile


(92 replies, posted in General discussion)

Jansson wrote:

Wow.. is that windows?

Looks great anyway smile

Yeah, it's the same old WinXP, just a bit styled wink


(92 replies, posted in General discussion)

New desktop smile



Contact your host. The disk where the DB is stored is full.


(15 replies, posted in General discussion)

I can't wait for the console, but that name is probably the worst name I've heard for a console, since the terrible "Wonder Swan." Oh well, gotta go wii, so I'll stop here.


(23 replies, posted in General discussion)

Well, here's me smile


merlin wrote:

hahaha, at last! I've really tried to solve this with all kinds of methods, thanks Matt smile

As I understand it the line removed is only to ensure handcomputers to view the content of the forum?

No. Here's a brief explanation of the doctype tag. Really, removing the doctype probably will cause you more problems then it solves, seeing as it'll mean that you'll kick off a browsers quirks mode.

What you could do, is add the following line above the doctype declaration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

(note: Change encoding="utf-8" to the same as the encoding your forum currently uses. For a default PunBB install, this would be iso-8859-1)

It's perfectly legal xhtml, and will not cause problems with a proper browser (Opera, Firefox etc.), and should only make IE use the quirks mode.


(92 replies, posted in General discussion)

Jansson wrote:
CodeXP wrote:

My current WinXP desktop. I like my desktop clean smile
http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/3231 … 1fz.th.png

That's definitely Aya Ueto, cool pic, where'd you get it? smile

Yep, that's her. Such a beautiful girl, don't you think? smile The image can be found here (just scroll down for different resolutions).


(92 replies, posted in General discussion)

My current WinXP desktop. I like my desktop clean smile


(15 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

iatbm wrote:

style can be taken ! it is punbb modification wink graphics as well .... read gpl

No, it cannot just be taken like that. If you ever release it then yes, it's free for everyone to download, but as long as you yourself have created a style for your own website, and that site only, then nobody is allowed to just take it. The GPL does not grant *anyone* the right to steal content like that.

And also, as Paul have already pointed out, the graphics DOES NOT fall under the GPL licence, unless the author releases it like that.


(12 replies, posted in Programming)

Have you added the CSS, and set the correct path to the images in the javacsript?


(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

See this topic: http://punbb.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=10942


(99 replies, posted in Programming)

hcgtv wrote:
Frank H wrote:
hcgtv wrote:

It's not free but for $29.95 for the personal version

but not allowed for commercial use ...

If you're making money from a tool, why not pay the $295 price tag then?

It's a lot cheaper than other tools in it's class and if you charge the going rate for your programming services, it's about a day's pay.

Still a bit to high for what you get. Personally, I can't recommend Ultraedit (or UEStudio) enough. Excellent package, for a very reasonable price smile


(12 replies, posted in Programming)

cris wrote:

mm i made it working but it has great problems:
i added these lines to functions.php (i have a function that prints out the thumbnails):
<script type="text/javascript" src="lightbox.js"></script>

cause otherwise it wont work..
now: overlay png isn't there (i have no background for the image), it's all messy and it says (at the very start of the page)

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/mhd-01/www.mysite.net/htdocs/upload/include/functions.php:2) in /home/mhd-01/www.mysite.net/htdocs/upload/header.php on line 34

where do i have to add that header?? thanks again

Add <script type="text/javascript" src="lightbox.js"></script> to your main.tpl


(12 replies, posted in Programming)

cris wrote:

codexp: what do i have to put in my website and where? i suppose lightbox.js, and then?
also, how do i use it outside the forum itself? as i told before i created a section called "images" outside the forum!
thank you again

All you have to do, is just rel="lightbox" in the links. That's it.


<a href="http://www.link.to/image.jpg" rel="lightbox">Lightbox is nice</a>

There's really nothing to it smile


(12 replies, posted in Programming)

cris wrote:

mm well i dont know if that's what i need:
i created a new section in profile (under essentials, privacy etc) named images where users can upload their images.
i just want it to use lightbox...and i dont know how to do it

and another thing i dont understand: by adding that code to parser.php, if i link an image on a post on the board (such as http://www.site.net/img.jpg) is it meant to be opened with lightbox or does it work only with attached images and images uploaded with imageshack and others?
thank you very much

The way I did it, was to process all links without GET variables in the URL. This was done to minimize the risk of html pages being loaded, as that would make lightbox not work correctly.
Other then that limitation, it processes all posted images posted in the format of [ url = http://www.domain.com/fullimage.jpg ] [ img ] http://www.domain.com/thumbnail.jpg [ /img  [ /url ].

The rewriting of urls was done to make it work with certain popular imagehosting websites as well...

Always makes my happy seeing a site using one of my themes smile

Looking good wink


(12 replies, posted in Programming)

Take a look at this. It might help guide you in the right direction smile