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Thanks for your input Scripted - I had set write permissions to all the folders in the directory.
It's a dot.Net thing again... Support confirmed it, applications with full or high trust parameters set will not run on GoDaddy servers. They don't see it "being change" in the near feature even... Apparently when developers write applications on those levels it creates a loop hole within the framework to allow malicious code... No one wants another virus driven site....
It's all good... I switched to the PHP version...
Read and write permissions are set to the "allowed" state.
It's --- By default any application built off the framework is set to full access mode. Where as most hosting companies are set to medium to high.
This is more of a development issue.
You guys may need to make this compatible with medium trust shared servers...
Greetings Everyone,
Can you assist me with the error found here?
I'm told I need to reset my trust levels through the application files...
Where do I do this, How do I do this, what do I put in?
I hope someone can help me...
I'm using the PunBB.NET application found on
Posts found: 3