(15 replies, posted in General discussion)


I know Im missing some, but that is alot of domain names, and all of them are google big_smile


(50 replies, posted in Feature requests)



(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Simple, but still good

What you would do is simple (ignore connor's response wink)

1. Copy the phpBB database using phpmyadmin
2. Upload the conversion tool made by chacmool
3. Run it on the new database to convert it to a PunBB 1.1.5 forum.
4. Once 1.2 is released, download it and use the upgrade tool to convert your 1.1.5 forum to 1.2
(BTW, these are the steps to install it, not to answer your questions tongue)
done smile


(14 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

lol, I still think hes installed 1.2, and doesnt know what to do smile

-15 hours and 10min here

happy new year to all


(30 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Dont upgrade.. I just feel like it would be a bad idea..


(14 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Maybe a screen shot would help?

still 11 hours to go here.

Im not all that excited. When I think of 2005, I think of Bush being inaugurated sad..

edit: 11 hours, not 1


(20 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

dont install it! It hasnt been released yet, hes still waiting on Paul.

To do anything to your database, get phpmyadmin. It can be hard to install, but it is a must. You will love it.

Just for now, try the following on your MySQL consule.

mysqldump -u [username] -p [password] [databasename] > [backupfile.sql]
mysqldump -u gary -p 456123789 forums > forums_backup.sql

Please tell me if it doesnt work


(137 replies, posted in News)

cuteseal wrote:

Suggestion maybe - with the front page "comments" links - perhaps add a count to show how many replies were posted?  e.g.  comments (5)

Other have suggested it, but of what rickard says, it cant be done. Of what I hear, it doesnt get the news from the database, but from a cache file. Im not possitive, but if he does release it, im sure it will be possible to get the number of comments.

Look through this topic to see rickards explaination.


(11 replies, posted in Programming)

What I would do is make a forum reply only, then make that index.php file call on the database for that forum, and it would list all the topics.

something like

$query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM ".$db->prefix."topics WHERE forum='1' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 5");
while ($news = $db->fetch_assoc($query))
     echo "$news[poster] says $news[post] on $news[posted] <br /><br />";

then tidy it up (make it work wink), and put in a style


(137 replies, posted in News)

Yes, we all love The Matrix, hence why its quoted everywhere.

The forum your posting on right now is 1.2, but it hasnt really been released yet.


(6 replies, posted in Programming)

works big_smile
I really need to tidy up my PHP. I always relie and stuff like register_globals in php.ini..

Thanks smile


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

seems how i came 4 months ago, i dont remember you..

welcome back all the same


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

the problem with what your doing is that it is using frames. of what Rickard said in the FAQ, IE doesnt support cookies through frames.

instead of doing

<FRAME SRC="http://runecc05.mypunbb.com/index.php" NORESIZE>
Your browser does not support frames.

try doing

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
document.location.href = 'http://runecc05.mypunbb.com/'


(50 replies, posted in Feature requests)

yah, id love it also, but i just cant do it. i have the file (arcade.php) that will load the flash file, but when its done, it just sits there. it doesnt redirect back to arcade.php like it should.

if you could do anything to help, please do. i just need to know how to get the files to redirect.


(6 replies, posted in Programming)

global what? Ive never used global, so I dont know what Id have to do.


(6 replies, posted in Programming)

footer.php will load fine on its own. header.php handles the login stuff (and other needed routines) as well as most of the style. footer.php has a little bit of style,  but it also has a mini chat type thing an a banner ad.

Wait a minute... To complicate things even further, the banner ad from footer.php is loading!
Heres footer.php

            <td class="tblright"> </td>

            <td><img src="templates/<?php echo "$stat[style]"; ?>/tnav_bl.gif" width="14" height="26" alt="" /></td>
            <td class="tblbot"> </td>
            <td><img src="templates/<?php echo "$stat[style]"; ?>/tnav_br.gif" width="15" height="26" alt="" /></td>

if ($player[gold_member] || $player[babble_box]) {
<!------begin babblebox--------->
            <td><img src="templates/<?php echo "$player[style]"; ?>/tnav_tl.gif" width="14" height="23" alt="" /></td>
            <td width="100%" class="tbltop"> </td>

            <td><img src="templates/<?php echo "$player[style]"; ?>/tnav_tr.gif" width="15" height="23" alt="" /></td>
            <td class="tblleft"> </td>
            <td background="templates/<?php echo "$player[style]"; ?>/cellbg.gif" id="charon_page_content">
<iframe src="babblebox.php" name="sbox" width="100%" height="200" frameborder="0" id="bbox">Your browser does not support inline frames! The Babble Box will not be available until you upgrade to a newer <a href="http://www.mozilla.org" target="_new">browser</a>.</iframe>
<td class="tblright"> </td>
<td><img src="templates/<?php echo "$player[style]"; ?>/tnav_bl.gif" width="14" height="26" alt="" /></td>
<td class="tblbot"> </td>
<td><img src="templates/<?php echo "$player[style]"; ?>/tnav_br.gif" width="15" height="26" alt="" /></td></tr>


<center><br><!-- Clicksor.com Advertising Code Begin -->
<script type='text/javascript'>
clicksor_banner_border = '#000000';
clicksor_banner_ad_bg = '#333333';
clicksor_banner_link_color = '#FFFF00';
clicksor_banner_text_color = '#ffffff';
clicksor_banner_image_banner = false;
<script type='text/javascript' src='http://www.clicksor.com/showAd.php?pid=5062&sid=6680&adtype=2'></script>
<!-- Clicksor.com Advertising Code End --></center>


The style and chat wont load, but the banner ad loads fine.

edit: I love the way that 1.2 handles the code tags smile


(6 replies, posted in Programming)

Heres my problem. I have a file that handles many functions (functions.php). One of those functions echos a message, includes footer.php, and exits.
It displays the message fine, and exits, but just wont load the footer.php file.

Heres some code to help explain further

// This function will end the scirpt. and echo $message
function quiting($message) {
    echo $message;


and it doesnt work!
What it does is exucute the file perfectly up to the quiting("message");, then it will echo "message", and quit the script, without loading footer.php.

Anyone know what to do, or could it just be my server, and some setting I could fix in PHP.ini?


(137 replies, posted in News)

Rickard wrote:

In PunBB 1.2 there is no such thing as a closed forum.

Then what is there?


(137 replies, posted in News)

There isnt, but you just cant post new topics or post posts


(137 replies, posted in News)

Rickard: I asked you in IRC, never got a reply. Did you mean to open the 'Mod Discussions' forum, or is it an upgrader bug?


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)

no, lol. ZPanel is much different from cPanel. cPanel is still better, but this one supports all operating systems (that support php/mysql).


(137 replies, posted in News)

sorry to spam, but..
