(33 replies, posted in Feature requests)

I should have known that..
Is there any way to moniter idle time, and use that to determine if someone is on the chat?


I also noticed that it rebuilt the search index after running it hmm.
Thats now fixed also.

Ill upload it when I get home.


(33 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Doesnt PHP have some IRC functions?
I dont have the manual with me (at school sad), but I think that might be possible

Edit: Thank god for php.net smile


// connect to server
$id = ircg_pconnect($nickname, $ip, $port);

// set to output to a file
ircg_set_file($id, 'irc_output.html');

// try to join a channel
if (!ircg_join($id, $channel)) {
   echo "Cannot /join $channel<br />";

// send list command
ircg_list($id, $channel);

// wait for output to arrive

// disconnect
ircg_disconnect($id,'Bye World');

// output everything


Returns something like this in irc_output.html

Channel #channel has n users and the topic is 'Topic'
End of LIST

This would work, if you use it right. Otherwise you have to wait 5 seconds for every page load...


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

Oh no!
*goes home and downgrades to md5*

I dont really feel like encryption is needed, but it is good to have in case someone hacks into my database. But if they do that all is screwed anyway hmm


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

Oh, yeah, duh..
Thats profile.php. I was just stating why it was doing this, not really how to fix it.

There is 2 parts you have to fix. One is when it displays the title field, the other is where updates it.

Do you mean after?
I see


putting it before it would do no good hmm

Im guessing you mean

require PUN_ROOT.'footer.php';

This is what you meant, right?


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

I got it smile
These are the defined constants

define('PUN_ADMIN', 1);
define('PUN_MOD', 2);
define('PUN_GUEST', 3);
define('PUN_MEMBER', 4);

The line to check to see if the user can change titles is

        if ($pun_user['g_set_title'] == '1' || $pun_user['g_id'] < PUN_GUEST)
            $title_field = '<label>'.$lang_common['Title'].'  (<em>'.$lang_profile['Leave blank'].'</em>)<br /><input type="text" name="title" value="'.pun_htmlspecialchars($user['title']).'" size="30" maxlength="50" /><br /></label>'."\n";

PUN_MOD (2) is greater then PUN_GUEST (3).

So change that to

        if ($pun_user['g_set_title'] == '1' || $pun_user['g_id'] == PUN_ADMIN)
            $title_field = '<label>'.$lang_common['Title'].'  (<em>'.$lang_profile['Leave blank'].'</em>)<br /><input type="text" name="title" value="'.pun_htmlspecialchars($user['title']).'" size="30" maxlength="50" /><br /></label>'."\n";

This will let admins change titles, but not moderatorss.

Im going with AMP_Topics_Closer
Auto Close Topics would mean that the topics were automatically closed..

Ahh, I cant change topic titles...

Yeah, true..

Any suggestions on the name?

About it:This is a plugin I made a while back, just to prove I could write a plugin smile. Someone requested it, so I dug it up and made it into a good plugin.

What it does: It takes all topics older then a certain date, and closes them. This helps stop people from bumping topics that are old. I really just took the prune feature and modded it to close topics.

Temperary link untill Rickard uploads it (if he does).


Edit: Already a fix.. Added the if (!defined('PUN')) { exit; }

Rickard: Please ignore the one I emailed you and instead use this one.


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

Oh crap..

I deleted that a while back, with the upgrade to 1.2 beta..

Ill make one fast (maybe out by tomorrow, or even tonight?)

Looks like I still have it, just need to make sure it works with 1.2.1

Edit Again:


(124 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

I see no point for it hmm
But some people want it, and you made a bit of a mod for it, so now they might be happy smile

Good job Rickard!

Yeah, no problem, but the styles arent loading for your forum anymore...

Okay, FTP into your site.

Right click on the folder named 'cache'.
Find an option called Properties or CHMOD.
In that menu, type 777 in the permissions (or check all of the boxes)



First mod installed for me.

Go Rickard!


(200 replies, posted in General discussion)

Ahh, I wanted to waste an invite wink

Anyone else? Join now, before its open to everyone (not like no one doesnt already have it...)!

Okay, this isnt for PunBB, but Ill explain it like it is.

I have some members in one group, and I want to have a checklist so I can check the members I want to move over to another group.
The problem is that its not that simple. The number of members moving could be anywhere from 1-999999999999999. And there is a certain amount of members that can be moved at max (Depending on how many members are in the other group, and how many members that group can hold)

So I can make the checklist and all, but im stuck at when its submit. I think a foreach would work for this, but the submit button is part of the form, and I dont know how to use foreach.

So I need to check and see how many members the group can hold, comapre that to how many your moving, and somehow move all of the checked users.

If someone could post a bit of code, I would really appreciate it smile


(200 replies, posted in General discussion)

Yup, i have 49 invites left. If anyone wants one, just email me (Gary13579(at)gmail[dot]com) or post your email address here


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

SOLIJA wrote:

k, you know of a free webhosting place that supports them both...im not rich sad

Short domain (http://dhost.info/your_name)
DNS (upon request)
MySQL (1 database)
100mb space
300gb bandwidth

Thats all you ever need wink

Edit: If that host didnt provide PHP, how could MySQL report an error? It must have php..

Its alright, ive grown attached to the normal way anyway smile
Whats happening is just like whats happened before. Someone new posts a topic, but the indicator stays blank...

I would just make it lighter, maybe remove all of these comments people always like putting in..


(24 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Looks good smile
I just dont like the new size.. I have my screen at the smallest it can get for a reason. But its an easy mod to do

Im just shooting out an idea here..

What if someone made a portal that you need to pay for, and someone makes a mod that installs PunBB forums for it? That wouldnt be in violation with the GPL, as the forum itself was free. Right?

I would really think about making this portal GPL. I would never pay for a website. Maybe its because I can code, but even if I forgot everything I know, I would still go with a free one such as PHP-Nuke

Maybe I dont understand..
What does this do?

Did you acctually *edit* the files, or did you just run the file installer?