(4 replies, posted in General discussion)

smile thnx rickard. Also, you know the way you have to make your own config.php  files ? will that be auto-done in the new version ?
//Write config_file
    $fp = fopen("config.php", "w") or die("Error writing to config file");
    fwrite($fp, $config);
I've found putting that at the end of install.php does and auto-install of the config.php file. Guess linux users would have chmod probs though. I'll be sure to get the latest version smile


(4 replies, posted in General discussion)

Hey guys,
   After a while of using punbb I fell in love with it and would like to help with the project smile I was wondering if any help is wanted in creating and updating PunBB at all other than writing mods and checking the system for security smile I've been doing php mysql for about a year now and think I could help smile Also I've developed forums before smile
  thanks for reading,