(101 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Now i have gotten paranoid and banned the ipseries 81.212-215.*.* in punbb.
Add this in bans should ban them all: "81.212 81.213 81.214 81.215" ?
Becouse my page is on swedish i dont think any of the other turks on the same ipseries mind..


(65 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

I have done like rickard but i can scroll in the adbox, anyone know how to fix it? Rickard seems to have fixed it by choosing 96px high instead of 90, it works but a white stripe is below the ad then and on my forum the background is not white hmm


(0 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Well, our newly released site also have punbb. smile

The newsscript is integrated so newstext also creates a post in the forum news (nyheter) so people can discuss them.

(site in swedish)

/Michael @  www.såfta.nu smile


(71 replies, posted in News)

Is it possible to know how to fix the 2 serious vulnerabilities? Iam in a situation where uppgrading from 1.2.5 isnt possible.


(15 replies, posted in Archive)

ni borde få varningar för spamm hela bunten smile


(28 replies, posted in Archive)



(5 replies, posted in Archive)

forumet kommer vara gratis som det stod i hans inlägg på swec

EDIT: kennel han före smile


(28 replies, posted in Archive)

jag tycker smilisarna e lite små fula...:p


(12 replies, posted in Archive)

asså man kan bara uploada avatarer...jag vill kunna länka till min på swec t ex.


(12 replies, posted in Archive)

man kan inte länka till sin avatar