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PunBB Forums → Posts by vnpenguin
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vpnpenguin : can you tell me how you implemented this ? I would need it for my soccer forum
1. Write a parser script to get the page from and output to HTML files (group_a.html, group_b.html,...)
2. Modify parser.php :
a. Add some special tag for example :WC2006GroupA: :WC2006GroupB:
b. Add a new function "do_wc2006" to check tag and include HTML corresponding file at step 1.
3. Run cron job on script 1. to update automatically
That's all
Resultats (update real time) for each group on our punbb forum too
Technically, you need define UTF-8 support fonts in your CSS file too.
i have an domain name. i want a host free of php. where is fint it?
Google will give you a lot ...
This is NOT bug, so you posted in wrong forum (which is named "Bug reports")
Hi all,
It's very sad to tell you that our forum (with latest release of PunBB) was hacked last week
Our backup server is compromised. We lossed db with md5 hashed-password. I dont know how they can login into our forum with admin control panel.
Anyone here could confirm me : MD5 hash is hackable ? Admin password in this case is 10 char length with letter + number + special char,...
If you tell me that MD5 hash is not hackable, so where is the cause of our accident ?
Thank you,
I usually just do the changes manually so I don't loose precious mod code .
I do the same. I have not so many mod in fact, but I have a lot of modifications. So I do always manual update, file by file
One hour is too long, all my user come in my country are behind one proxy, that make a problem so 1 minute is good i will change it by my hand 3600 -> 60, but i prefer put it in Config.php as variable
I used 900 (=15') here
- and what's the alternative chmod code to get it working properly?
If your web (apache) server runs under "apache" user and you have root access, not need to chmod 0777 at all.
# chown -R apache cache avatar
# chmod 0755 cache avatar
A simple php script can do the job Pay attention to password encryption method if you like to import them from CSV to use with punbb.
I think this is a SQL compatibility problem. Check version of SQL servers.
It's possible right now. Set the charset to utf-8, encode the locale strings into utf-8, for the most part it works. A full support of utf-8 would be nice though, and even more nicer to set utf-8 as the default charset (it would solve most of the non-english issues).
Yes, agree with you (t'as raison).
It's ok now. I could "convert" punbb into full-utf8-support forum with MySQL 5.0.18
Yes, you're right. But I think it's the time to think about a full-utf8-support PunBB
Until now, after many days play with punBB & MySQL UTF8, I think it's possible
More more info: viewtopic.php does not work It seems that the following query returns nothing !:
require PUN_ROOT.'include/parser.php';
$bg_switch = true; // Used for switching background color in posts
$post_count = 0; // Keep track of post numbers
// Retrieve the posts (and their respective poster/online status)
$result = $db->query('SELECT, u.title, u.url, u.location, u.use_avatar, ....
So in page viewtopic I loss all topics
Any ideas ?
More info: word field in table punbb_search_words was changed to varbinary(20).
Hi all,
I'm trying 1.2.10 with UTF8 charset in MYSQL 5.0.17 :
1. All punbb tables are defined with "DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8" and "Collation = utf8_general_ci"
2. Added $db->query("SET NAMES 'UTF8'"); at end of include/dblayer/common_db.php (proposed by someone in this forum)
3. All data was saved as UTF8 charset and under phpMyAdmin I can view all data correctly.
1. All forums are lossed. My board is empty. But in Control panel they are there, showed in UTF8 correctly.
2. I can not rebuild index (Forum Maintenance). When I click button nothing is displayed in browser and the tables are empty.
Any ideas about this ?
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PunBB BBCode IMG Tag Script Injection Vulnerability
---------------------------------------------------------------------------Author: y3dips
Date: August, 20th 2005
Location: Indonesia, Jakarta
Affected software description:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Version: 1.2.6 and most likely below
url :
Author: Rickard Andersson
Description:PunBB is a fast and lightweight PHP powered discussion board. It is released
under the GNU Public License. Its primary goal is to be a faster, smaller
and less graphic alternative to otherwise excellent discussion boards
such as phpBB, Invision Power Board or vBulletin. PunBB has fewer features
than many other discussion boards, but is generally faster and outputs
smaller pages.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~According to the issue that affect PHPBB discovered by easyex recently
at , so it also affected in
another bulletin board or forum that allow BBcode such as PunBB.The issue is due to a failure of the application to properly sanitize
user-supplied input in bbcode '[IMG]' tags included in a message or
user signature (if allowed , default is off) .Successful exploitation of this vulnerability could permit the injection
of arbitrary HTML or script code into the browser of an unsuspecting user
in the context of the affected site.Exploit:
~~~~~~~~No Exploit exposed , maybe soon
The fix:
~~~~~~~~Vendor will be info with details
~~~~~~~~ m0by, the_day, comex, z3r0byt3, K-159, c-a-s-e, S`to, lirva32, anonymous
~ waraxe , LINUX, Heintz , slimjim100 , lunix, easyex all member of waraxe
~ ,
~ #e-c-h-o & #aikmel @DALNET--------------------------------------------------------------------------
~~~~~~~~y3dips || echo|staff || y3dips[at]gmail[dot]com
Homepage: [ EOF ] ----------------------------------
Is this serious ?
punBB show exactly Vietnamese form file lang.
My problem is when i try to to post a topic and punBB save it to Mysql.
There're an error appears:
"An error was encountered
Error: Unable to fetch search index words."
but the topic is posted with wrong character.I think the reason is MySQL 4.1.
Hmm, i don't think so. VnOSS forum runs with MySQL 4.1.10 without any problem. No special configuration of MySQL was made in our server.
minh khong tim thay van de nay tren trang cua ban.
Ban co the giup minh ko, minh moi dung PunBB.
Yes, I could help you. Just post your question/error at VnOSS forum.
"vietnamese unicode utf-8"? I thought the whole idea of Unicode was to prevent localized character sets
You're right. But the notion Unicode is too big So "Vietnamese Unicode" means that's a subset of Unicode for vietnamese language Of course there is no sense with HTML header, but it's important to know with the fonts.
It would be nice if there is possibility to keep a log of all admin & mod's activities.
So one could know who do what, when,....
just my 0.02 euro
Yeah, 1.15, thanks!
No, there is no 1.15 It's 1.1.5
I have problem with some utf 8 charater in punBB.
when I try to post "?i?n", it become "?i?n", or "h?c" -> "H?c"...
I can't read in phpMyadmin, because all like "C�ng hoà xã h�i"I got the same error with my post-page when save to mysql.
However I fixed it by add "mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'", $Sql);"
after select mydatabase://
$Sql = mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or die ("error");
mysql_select_db("xyz",$Sql) or die ("error");
mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'", $Sql);
//My post-page works fine, and in phpMyadmin all nice.
So, anyone help me about this.
Apologies for my bad english.
It looks like you use vietnamese unicode utf-8, right ?
If yes, firstly have a look at HTML headers (reply of Rickard). And then do a visit at our forum (url found in my signature).
After that, if you have any problem with vietnamese & punbb, just post your question here or at VnOSS forum.
Thank you, Smartys!
PunBB Forums → Posts by vnpenguin
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