The plugin packager allows you to easily import and export plugins, styles and languages.

Export plugins, styles and/or languages in a single clicks. Two formats are possible: .tar.gz file and .pkg.gz package

If you want to import, you only have to know the URL of a .pkg.gz package, to copy/paste it in the plugin field and to click on "import". The plugin does everything else. Then you can install plugins, styles and languages in a single click.

However if you wish it can also import a .tar.gz file which was previously downloaded on your machine.

In short, you can import all the plugins, styles and languages which are exported with the Packager plugin.

This plugin requires ZLIB librarie and the rights to read/write on the various files of plugins, styles and languages.

To install the packager, download, decompress, and place the files by respecting the tree structure of the files.

Download 0.9 test release

in /*puntal*/install/fetch/install_urls.php comment this :

require PUN_ROOT.'include/common.php';

like this :

//require PUN_ROOT.'include/common.php';


(3 replies, posted in Feature requests)

no with date() locales are not used

for exemple

setlocale(LC_TIME, 'fr_FR');
echo date('l d F Y');


Sunday 23 April 2006


setlocale(LC_TIME, 'fr_FR');
echo strftime('%A %e %B %Y');


samedi 23 avril 2006

locales must be installed on system


(3 replies, posted in Feature requests)

use of the strftime() function instead of the date() function so we could localize date format with setlocale(LC_TIME, $locale); (lang/*language*/common.php)

what is "the formers" ? sorry but i don't understand

you add many lines because you can choose wich button you want to display on each form
for exemple if you don't want acronyms buton on quick post form you simply have to remove this lines from viewtopic.php :

            '<?php echo str_replace("'","\'",$lang_common['btAcronym']); ?>',
            '<?php echo str_replace("'","\'",$lang_common['btAcronymMsg']); ?>',
            '<?php echo str_replace("'","\'",$lang_common['btAcronymAcr']); ?>'

if you don't want smilies you can remove this :

        tb.btSmilies('<?php echo str_replace("'","\'",$lang_common['btSmilies']); ?>');


so I don't think i'll put all code in one file, but if you use all butons on the 3 form you can make 1 file

No CSS is better than space, because with CSS we can adjust space between image (0.2em or 0.4em or what you want)

with CSS, somethings like this :

#smilies img { padding: 0 0.2em; }

gregb wrote:

Can we make a link on the image's name, in order to don't have to copy the name of the image files ?

no you can't, you have to copy the image name

thank you CodeXP ; so i've release 1.1.1 ; and added things in help.php for new tags

yes you're right, thanks you for reports CodeXP ; i'll look at that tomorrow smile

minis wrote:

doesn't work...

for you ...

minis wrote:

after changing my post.php i get errors

what is the errors messages ?

project removed ; you can delete this topic

new release 1.2

because other doesn't fit to my needs ; so i've made mine

try it, compares it and takes that which is appropriate you

project removed ; you can delete this topic


(3 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Smartys wrote:

And I think Rickard was considering it for 1.3

That would be a great thing smile

oh yes ! great ! smile

merci wink

I tried to install it on but no texts from lang.php appear, however $lang['encoding ' ] is correctly used in header

strange neutral

see it here :


(6 replies, posted in Archive)

Ah oui, désolé, habitude quand tu nous tiens ... tous les fichiers sont maintenant en .zip


(6 replies, posted in Archive)

Bonjour à tous,

Les équipes de et de fusionnent et cela donne

Depuis quelques jours déjà une version tout en français de punBB y est disponible.

Tout en français cela signifie que le script d'installation comme clui de mise à jour sont en français, la partie administration est également traduite, nous avons commencé à traduire la documentation etc.  et nous allons continuer sur cette lancée en traduisant d'autres choses biensûr.

Nous invitons toutes les bonnes volontés à nous rejoindres pour que la communauté des utilisateurs francophones prenne vie comme il se doit.

Je tiens à préciser que sur il n'y aura pas de pub, la démarche est bénévole et sans interessement particuliers, nous souhaitons simplement fournir aux "anglophobes" ce formidable outil qu'est punBB.

J'ai vu des message disant que "scinder la communauté" ne serait pas bon. Ce n'est pas ce que nous voulons faire, nous voulons travailler en partennariat avec Rickard et les sites anglophones.
Si tous le monde est OK Rickard pourrait faire un lien de redirection vers comme cela est actuellement fait pour et que vive PunBB !