This issue has been resolved and a fix will be included in the next version of PunBB.
6,577 2004-01-24 15:13
Re: Insert photo (8 replies, posted in Feature requests)
Have you tested the attachment mod?
6,578 2004-01-24 00:14
Re: PunPoll v1.2.3 (188 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
Try chmodding the files to 777 or something. I believe I have had the blank screen problem when some of the scripts have odd permission settings.
6,579 2004-01-23 17:46
Re: No more Kennel (42 replies, posted in General discussion)
Actually, the first female I say here was a guest names Susan :D
6,580 2004-01-22 19:33
Re: Attention !!! (26 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
Since they don't seem to be distributing "Professed Snake", I really don't care. Let them have their fun.
6,581 2004-01-22 12:02
Re: Attention !!! (26 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
I could probably find something I don't like about the average Latvian, though, if you like :p
Nah, I think we'll leave something for the imagination.
6,582 2004-01-21 23:37
Topic: A bit of rearranging (0 replies, posted in News)
As you might have noticed in the forums, I've created a seperate category for discussions on mods, styles and other customizations. Chacmool and I have I moved around a lot of topics to accommodate the change, but I'm sure we've missed one or two (not only in the mod forums). If you see a topic that isn't where it is supposed to be, please use the report feature to inform us about it.
6,583 2004-01-21 23:20
Re: Attention !!! (26 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
rhetorical question... :rolleyes:
I realize that. I was just wondering what you were trying to imply in your posts. It almost sounds as if you have something against latvians.
6,584 2004-01-21 18:18
Re: Attention !!! (26 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
heheh, how many people read Latvian anyways? :p
I'd say about 2.5 million people.
6,585 2004-01-21 14:37
Re: No more Kennel (42 replies, posted in General discussion)
Oh, thats what a kennel is...
Haha, I didn't mean to be condescending or anything :D
6,586 2004-01-21 12:00
Re: No more Kennel (42 replies, posted in General discussion)
Kennel means kennel in swedish just as in english. It's also spelled and pronounced (almost) identically. defines it as:
1. A shelter for a dog.
2. A pack of dogs, especially hounds. See Synonyms at flock1.
3. An establishment where dogs are bred, trained, or boarded.
4. The lair of a wild animal, such as a fox.
Why I used it as a nickname is another question :)
6,587 2004-01-20 21:30
Re: Attention !!! (26 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
You are probably right :D
Edit: I moved the topic to this forum instead. I moved it without leaving a redirect topic in the announcement forum since I want to try and keep that forum as clean as possible.
6,588 2004-01-20 21:28
Re: !!***!!!! (18 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)
Actually, it's e107.
6,589 2004-01-20 21:25
Re: Mark just one forum read instead of all of them (3 replies, posted in Feature requests)
Implementing that isn't something you do in a few hours. It will take quite a bit of coding. We'll see :)
6,590 2004-01-20 21:22
Re: Attention !!! (26 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
Well, PunBB is released under the GPL and according to this, what they have done is in fact allowed. That doesn't mean I like it, but still.
6,591 2004-01-20 20:16
Re: No more Kennel (42 replies, posted in General discussion)
There you go. You probably had to re-login now. Am I right?
6,592 2004-01-20 20:16
Re: a question about html in posts (2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
To allow HTML in posts, remove the call to pun_htmlspecialchars() in the function parse_message(). The function is defined in include/parser.php.
[topic moved]
6,593 2004-01-20 15:02
Re: !!***!!!! (18 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)
Where do you see his forums? I see some forums on Http:// but it's not PunBB.
6,594 2004-01-20 14:25
Re: Search for users in the userlist (3 replies, posted in Feature requests)
Yeah. Soon :)
6,595 2004-01-20 13:35
Re: Search for users in the userlist (3 replies, posted in Feature requests)
It's already on the todo list :)
6,596 2004-01-20 02:13
Re: No more Kennel (42 replies, posted in General discussion)
If you build it, they will come...
6,597 2004-01-20 01:44
Topic: No more Kennel (42 replies, posted in General discussion)
As you can see, I've changed my username from Kennel to Rickard. I guess I'm too old for 1337 Internet nicknames :)
6,598 2004-01-20 01:28
Re: Posting all messages when sibscribed on topic (not first only) (9 replies, posted in Feature requests)
Sorry for my bad english :(...
No need to apologize :)
I want - one new reply per topic => one email to subscriber.
Now is - all new reply per topic = > only one email to subscriber.
Might I ask why? If someone has replied to a topic you are subscribed to, you will most likely read it right? Why would you otherwise be subscribed. In my world, it's easier to just click the link in the e-mail and read all the new posts than to open up one e-mail for every new post.
6,599 2004-01-20 01:11
Topic: The Forum Insider (0 replies, posted in News)
For a while now, I've been hanging out at a site called The Forum Insider. TFI, as I've started calling it, is a bulletin board about bulletin board software. Developers, modders and skinners from a large number of bulletin boards frequent the forums. I've been having such a nice time there that I felt I should let the rest of you know about it as well. So, if you are interested in discussing the various aspects of bulletin board systems, please pay them a visit.
Currently, only the forums are operational, but I believe the rest of the site will come up any day now.
6,600 2004-01-19 23:58
Re: Posting all messages when sibscribed on topic (not first only) (9 replies, posted in Feature requests)
I don't get it.