
(8 replies, posted in Programming)

Nice to hear it worked out :)


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

bobamatics wrote:

In regards to the language packs not taking effect in the admin area, the fact that "most admins know English" isn't really a valid reason in my opinion. But at least I got an answer.

I agree that it is not a valid reason. However, I just don't consider the time it would take to translate the admin area worth it. That, and the fact that most people capable of downloading and installing PunBB do understand written english, makes me very hesistant to go ahead and translate it all. Believe it or not, but it is actually a quite boring and time consuming task :)


(27 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Nice to hear :)


(25 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Looking for the discussion on a non-table based layout for PunBB? Go here.


(27 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

I just found this:

The Windows versions of PHP earlier than PHP 4.3 did not support remote file accessing for the following functions: include(), include_once(), require(), require_once(), and the imagecreatefromXXX functions in the Reference XLI, Image functions extension.

Are you running a version of PHP prior to 4.3.0?


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

If you delete a post or a topic or prune posts from a forum, the postcount for users will not be decreased. The postcount for a user is the amount of posts that user has made, not how many posts are left in the database.


(27 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

The problem has nothing to do with extern.php. The problem is that, for some reason, PHP cannot find the URL from where you are including it.


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

I'm sure we could have solved the upgrade problem for you, but it's too late now isn't it? :)


(27 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Well, since what you are including is an URL, the include path is ignored. I really don't know what could be wrong. Check your php.info and see if allow_url_fopen is enabled.

I like it. However, I think you've made buttons of the things I like as regular links. I know it was only a test, but still. It would be nice to see how it would look if the "Post reply", "Post new topic", "Report", "Delete" etc. were buttons.

I prefer Lithium and Mercury.



(14 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

JoeWesthead wrote:
Kennel wrote:

Yes, we probably can. I'm not sure what we should do with that forum. Perhaps we should create one forum for release announcements and one for general mod discussions (requests, help etc.). How does that sound?

That sounds familiar - hint: read first post :D

Haha! I'm getting too comfortable with the "New posts" link :)


(14 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Yes, we probably can. I'm not sure what we should do with that forum. Perhaps we should create one forum for release announcements and one for general mod discussions (requests, help etc.). How does that sound?


(93 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

CSpotkill wrote:

Besides, just because the programmers at vBulletin couldn't get CSS right, doesn't mean you shouldn't use it. Look at Wired.com, ESPN.com, even Sprint uses CSS now. Seriously, CSS is exploding. Everyone's using it. Don't give up because some past attempts failed.

A valid point.

CSpotkill wrote:

As I'd mentioned above in other posts, I'm aiming for clarity over design. If I must make it look exactly as it is now, with the exact same padding and borders, it may need this IE-specific hack, but only to IE version 5.5. Since version 6, in strict mode, IE is wonderful. And if we don't have to match it down to the pixel in every browser,  we wouldn't need any hack.

I guess we could live with that. IE 5.5 is quite a rare browser anyway.

CSpotkill wrote:

Yes, I'm up for that challenge. It would be a piece of cake ;)

This should be interesting :)

CSpotkill wrote:

Actually, you don't want to use XHTML 1.0 Strict (and that wasn't what I was talking about). For one, you won't be able to use target="_blank" and frankly, I like having the links open in new windows, it saves me from pushing shift ;)

I've often wondered. Why the hell did they remove the target attribute and force people to use JavaScript? JS is TEH DEVIL!

CSpotkill wrote:

How about adding lists as an extra that you can enable in the admin panel, then? Or I'll just mod it in, manually, I guess ...

I'll consider it :)


(93 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

CSpotkill wrote:

Plus right now, small competitors offer standards compliance. While I cannot verify the claims, it would make sense to switch PunBB from tables-based to CSS-based layout, don't you agree?

Standard compliant? Have you even looked at the source?



(93 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)


I am quite aware of the fact that tables are meant to be used for tabular data. One of the reasons I am using tables instead of a div/css based layout is that there are still numerous cross browser display issues. Ask the folks over at vBulletin. They actually changed back to a table based layout for parts of their forum in the last release candidate because of the amount of display issues users were encountering. Also, if changing to a div/css based design forces PunBB to do browser specific output (and CSS hacks), I am very sceptical. Don't misunderstand me. I'm all for Internet standards and I'm positive towards the eradication of table based layouts in favor of new and better methods. However, as it is now, the change comes at a price that is simply too high.

Take a look at W3C's own front page. It looks different in the very latest versions of IE, Mozilla and Opera. I think that says something about how far we still have to go before we can drop tables for design/positioning.

Also, I'm a programmer. I hate having to deal with presentation issues. If someone could download this page (and maybe a few other pages in the forum) and convert it into a non-table based layout that looks identical (or almost identical) to the current look (and works in IE/Moz/Opera without a hitch), I will be hugely impressed. Is anyone up for the challenge?

CSpotkill wrote:

   1. Posts don't use Paragraph tags, they currently (improperly) use line breaks. (br tags)

True. However, realizing that in code isn't just replacing a <br /> with a <p> and a </p>.

CSpotkill wrote:

   2. Would you use [i.] and [b.] tags to create semantically correct <em> and <strong> HTML
   tags? And add [em] and [strong] for politically-correct BBcode? ;)

Yes, I will change to <em> and <strong>. However, I'm not sure I want to duplicate the behavior of two BBCode tags just to please the fanatics :)

CSpotkill wrote:

   3. Personally, I'd want to complete the XHTML transition by using CSS instead of tables.

Then we would use Strict and not Transitional. We are currently in the phase of transitioning into XML based output. I believe that's why we use the transitional DTD.

CSpotkill wrote:

   4. All the small semantic things, like having true lists, instead of using space characters
   and typing in numbers, like I have to do now ...

Once again, this is something that I have chosen not to implement because of the PunBB philosophy. I've noticed that forum users extremely seldom use the [list] tag that is provided in other forums. Based on that, I decided to not include it. Not having it also speeds up the forum because fewer regular expressions have to be evaluated/executed.

eelco's patch for XHTML 1.0 conformance in PunBB 1.1 can be found here: http://punbb.org/contrib/patches/


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Edward wrote:

Yes, I see. How did you do it? When I tried it puts ?

http://www.bulgaricus.com/forum/viewtop … id=476#476

Did you forget the ;?

"When it's done (tm)" :D


(93 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Nice! And yeah, we would love a mod :)

Edit: Forgot to answer the question. No, I will probably stick to using tables for now. At least for 1.2.


(8 replies, posted in Programming)

Well, I'm sorry, but I have never even heard of "Sambar Server", so I really can't help you :(


(8 replies, posted in Programming)

Might I ask what kind of setup you have?

PHP as CGI/PHP as module?

Yes and no. I've changed it so that one e-mail is sent per subscriber. There are issues with anti-spam software when using the blind carbon copy field.


(25 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

CSpotkill wrote:

I was just about to reply saying I'll just use my own custom [flash] and [ascii] tags, having thought about it further yesterday. I'll start working on it now. Maybe I'll try using the Flash Satay method of embedding Flash. Is PunBB Standards-compliant? (What are web standards and why should I use them?) I've already noticed it's using tables, but it's also using some CSS ...

PunBB 1.1 outputs valid HTML 4.01 Transitional. PunBB 1.2 will output valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional.


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

I just tried it in your forums and it works.

http://www.bulgaricus.com/forum/viewtop … id=474#474