Enable DEBUG. Try it again and paste the error message here.


(10 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Have a look in this topic: http://punbb.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=2494


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

ps21: IE5.* is no problem. I've also tried the most popular browsers for MacOS X (Safari, IE and Mozilla) and although it looks a bit different (specifically when it comes to fonts), there are no "issues" worth noting.


(11 replies, posted in General discussion)

True, it can't. I could however sell the rights to PunBB and then the new owner of the copyright can do whatever he/she wants. That ever happening is very unlikely though :)


(11 replies, posted in General discussion)

Don't you mean: Go PunBB! :D

Yes, but then how will you know what is a quote?


(11 replies, posted in General discussion)

It's not a hoax. It's 100% true. If you read the topic I linked to, you will see. Someone started a topic about it in InvisionBoards forums, but it was deleted.

I fail to see how it could possibly be a good thing though. How is competition from one of the largest actors on the BB market a good thing for PunBB?


(11 replies, posted in General discussion)

According to an e-mail conversation posted in the forums at foruminsider.com, Invision Power Services (the company behind InvisionBoard) is interested in buying the rights to phpBB.

Hello James, 
This is Charles Warner from Invision Power Services, Inc. I understand 
that you own the license rights to phpBB and we are interested in 
opening talks about acquiring the rights to phpBB to add it to our 
products and services. 
We are actively looking to acquire products to add to our line and have 
investment dollars to spend on these transactions. Your interest is 
Charles Warner 
Invision Power Services, Inc. - President 
Phone: +1 434 352-9311 


Thanks, but no thanks. 
We're not interested in selling phpBB in any way. The whole team is 
committed to keeping phpBB 100% Free Software. The goals of the phpBB 
project and goals of IPS are in not compatible. We write forum software 
because we love it, we're not in this for any sort of material gain 
whereas you clearly are. 
Sorry, but I'll always do everything in my power to make sure that phpBB 
remains Free. 
- James 'theFinn' Atkinson 
Founder & Project Manager, phpBB


I assumed you would say as much but I thought I would express our
interest anyway. Good luck in your worthy endeavor.
Just so you know, we may be porting phpBB to a sort of "lite" message
board offering with fewer features and abilities. We had thought to
write one ourselves but there is no real need to reinvent anything when
we can utilize your proven base coding with just a little bit of
removal of extra features to make it that lite version we are looking
for. I thought I would tell you now so you were not surprised later.
Thank you for your time.

Man, I love a good story :)

Read more:

http://forums.foruminsider.com/index.ph … 8&st=0


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

Wooty: I thought you were talking about cookies. Oh well, the moderator who is having problems will simply have to use another proxy then. One that doesn't mess with HTTP_REFERER. An ISP would never use a proxy that interferes with normal web usage, so he must be using some kind of anonymous proxy or web filtering software.

RNilsson: Well, disabling the referer check would be a huge security whole. A malicious user could just fool an administrator into visiting a page that submits a form that could i.e. make the malicious user into an admin. I'm afraid having the option to turn it off will just result in people turning it off because they are lazy or because they don't understand why they are getting "Bad referer".


(15 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Wooty wrote:

I still think that Remote Avatar is better then uploaded one... Rik, please connect to the ICQ becuase i need to talk to u about the Hebrew PunBB Site, and I don't know how to recieve or send files via IRC.

I'll be on this weekend.

If you need to talk to me, you can find me on IRC. Connect to Quakenet and join the channel #punbb.

The stopwords file contains words that are "too common" and shouldn't be indexed in the search engine. Words that don't actually mean anything, but help us humans communicate. Classic examples of stopwords in english are "the", "was" and "that". Try googling for "the car" and you will get a message stating:

"the" is a very common word and was not included in your search.

I don't speak italian, but a few examples of italian stopwords are "era", "che", "vostro". Does that make any sense?

Edit: Only words that are three characters or longer need to be in the stopwords list. Shorter words are not indexed at all.


(6 replies, posted in Feature requests)

I've edited the main template file to get the link back to the front page. Check out the source of this file:



(15 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Yeah, don't we all :)


(15 replies, posted in Feature requests)

That may be, but then again, you don't have 25000 members in your forum. When you have, 24 MB of space will not be an issue. Trust me :)

Sounds like a good idea. I can't seem to find the source psd file though. Maybe you could just create one from one of the png files?


(15 replies, posted in Feature requests)

To put things in perspective, I just checked the avatar directory at www.sweclockers.com (where I'm a moderator). It contains 4464 avatars (the board has 25000 members) and they take up a total of 24 MB of space. If you have 25000 users and 4464 avatars, the least of your problems is harddrive space :)


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

I just searched around in the phpBB forums and people are having the exact same problem there so get your facts straight before you complain. As I said before, people will still be able to login in those forums (since they use sessions), but they will not "be remembered" the next time they visit the forum.

Some reading for you:

http://www.phpbb.com/phpBB/viewtopic.ph … 489#449489


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

You didn't answer my question.


(15 replies, posted in Feature requests)

How could it possibly be better than direct uploading? If you wanted to use a remote avatar, you would first have to upload that image to a server and then link to it.

Jim wrote:

it works... perhaps iso... I Shut up and sorry to you ;)

No need to apologize :)

Jim wrote:

Well, I wait to 2features of mail notification: 1)only one mail to unred topic when is more replies 2)admin/user can choose between a)link in mail notification (now form) b)reply text included in mail (my wish:)

Then I make Czech lang...

1. It's already on the todo list.
2. Ok, I'll think about it. There are some issues with BBCode if the post text is to be included in the mail. Post text in a plaintext e-mail will be ugly with BBCode tags in it.

Jim wrote:

P.S.: I cannot edit topic title (I am topic starter..?)...Can You edit title: ADD - solved or something?

Users aren't allowed to edit topic subjects.


(15 replies, posted in Feature requests)

It never ends.


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

Wooty wrote:

PunBB - I like! :D. But - How come it can't be like phpBB and IB?

Well, you must like PunBB for all the wrong reasons then. PunBB exists only to be different from phpBB/IPB/vBulletin. It is the very essense of the PunBB.

Wooty wrote:

I mean - they support all kinds of cookies, I don't have to change my explorer settings..

Are you sure it works correctly with phpBB/IPB? You should be able to login with those forums (since they use sessions), but it won't remember you the next time you visit the forum. You have to tell the difference between a session and a cookie.

Does it work for you if you post in the forums at http://www.invisionboard.com/demo/ ?

Try setting your lang_encoding to iso-8859-2 if you haven't already. It's in lang/<lang>/<lang>_common.php.


ps21: I uploaded your guide to the punbb.org server. The download link can be found on the download page. I also took the liberty of renaming the file a little. I hope you don't mind :)

Once again, great work!

Note to self: Add this cool thing to the download page.