Talk to your host. Error 28 means: "No space left on device".
726 2006-05-23 16:52
Re: Unable to fetch category/forum list :: How can i fix it? (5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
727 2006-05-23 16:51
Re: New PunBB logo proposal (76 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
728 2006-05-23 16:50
Re: Login with IE (8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
We need a link to your forums (and preferably a login) to help out.
729 2006-05-23 16:49
Re: Kan inte logga in i Internet Explorer (4 replies, posted in Archive)
Vad är cookie_domain inställt på i config.php? Prova sätta den till (ja, med en punkt i början).
731 2006-05-22 07:42
Re: no index (5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Problem with that is that there are scripts that link to viewforum.php. I would suggest a header redirect at the top of index.php.
732 2006-05-21 23:21
Re: Persian PunBB langauge Pack (14 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
I'm not kidding, but I believe I've received no less than 5 e-mails from different people regarding them working on a Persian language pack. Each one claiming to be better than the other. How am I supposed to know which is better? I had a quick look and uploaded the one that at least came with a working link.
733 2006-05-21 20:13
Re: PunBB 1.2.12 (69 replies, posted in News)
Wrong, because the data is still in the database as 1.2.11: you also have to update the database
He said "modify the value of o_cur_version in the database"
734 2006-05-21 20:12
Re: Login w/Email address? & Customize forums seen by user? (4 replies, posted in General discussion)
1. Currently no. However, if you wanted to mod it, it should just be a line or two in the login script.
2. PunBB does not have any built-in support for sharing users between multiple forum installs, but I'm sure someone else has hacked together something.
735 2006-05-21 14:44
Re: Bad HTTP Referer (4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Start by clearing your cookies. Then try disabling Zone Alarm.
736 2006-05-21 12:46
Re: Please Add Support For Absolute URLs (14 replies, posted in Feature requests)
No, you can't use it with 1.2.* and yes, you will be able to update rather easily. You will probably lose any mods you've applied though.
737 2006-05-21 12:42
Re: Small fault in Norwegian translation (1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)
Updated. Thanks.
738 2006-05-21 12:41
Re: Bad HTTP Referer (4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Have you altered your Internet Explorer settings in any way? Perhaps installed some "security" software?
739 2006-05-21 12:40
Re: Output in Utf-8 for extern.php and News Generator ? (4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
Look for:
while ($cur_topic = $db->fetch_assoc($result))
And then, after the curly bracket, add:
$cur_topic = array_map(utf8_encode, $cur_topic);
Should be around line 247. This will convert the output for the last active topics into UTF-8. I haven't tested this, but I think it should work.
No need for any paypal transfers or gmail invites
740 2006-05-20 17:27
Re: PunBB 1.2.12 (69 replies, posted in News)
Yes, I understand a lot of you are looking forward to 1.3. The only thing I can say about that right now is that it is in active development. Don't take my word for it, have a look for yourself:
741 2006-05-20 17:22
Topic: PunBB 1.2.12 (69 replies, posted in News)
Just a quick note to announce 1.2.12. This release fixes two XSS vulnerabilities and one minor bug. Due to the security updates, I recommend that everyone update. As usual, you'll find the download on the downloads page.
Thanks to the people who alerted me via e-mail about the vulnerabilities. I'm sorry for the somewhat slow response this time.
Edit: I won't be able to announce this via the newsletter today because it turns out my ISP isn't that fond of me sending out mass e-mail. I'll write a script and run it on the server, but it'll have to wait until tomorrow.
742 2006-05-20 14:25
Re: IDRS Forum problem (3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
You will have to ask the administrators of the IDRS forums. There are lots of things that can be wrong on their end.
743 2006-05-20 14:22
Re: Help remove few tags of PunBB (7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
This will be easier in 1.3 where all the sections you mentioned will have their own tag in the templates.
744 2006-05-20 14:16
Re: extremely slow search query (3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
That's odd. It appears MySQL joins the tables in a different order. I will look into this for 1.3. Thanks for the debug info
745 2006-05-20 14:11
Re: Join Date mis-match (1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)
Not for me.
746 2006-05-16 12:14
Re: Vad behöver webbhotellet stödja? (2 replies, posted in Archive)
PHP och MySQL.
747 2006-05-16 12:14
Re: MD5 hash password is hackable ? (19 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
But PunBB uses SHA1 hashes?
748 2006-05-16 12:03
Re: thumbs up to Rickard! (3 replies, posted in General discussion)
Not really. It was just an annoyance of mine that I wanted to resolve.
Personally, I find that I have more use for this one:
749 2006-05-16 11:59
Re: "Hidden" PHP errors (3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)
That's probably a good idea. I'll put it on the list.
750 2006-05-16 11:58
Re: Skillad på Punbb och Punbbig? (2 replies, posted in Archive)
PunBB är forumprogramvaran, PunBBig är en site som listar stora PunBB-forum ute på den stora väven.