
(24 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Have a look at the files in include/templates/


(14 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Write it down and ask your teacher. I'm confident he or she will tell you it's correct :-)


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)


I will not post it here. I will however release a bugfix version of PunBB (1.0.1) later today (if nothing interferes that is).


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

Ah, you are correct! I will look into it right away.

Kriptonic wrote:

1. I rewrote the code COMPLETELY, why would I name it 1.0.1 meaning I gave it a different build? It's a totally different version.

Ok, ok. I just figured you would want to stay at version 1 since nobody ever had the opportunity to download the actual version 1.0. Well, it was here for a few hours, but that's it.

Kriptonic wrote:

2. I will RERUN it, but THAT is EXACTLY what came out.. ;)

I just ran it and this is the result

##        Mod title:  Anti-Guest Profile
##      Mod version:  2.0
##   Works on PunBB:  1.0
##     Release date:  2003-08-20
##           Author:  Andrew West A.K.A. Kriptonic
##      Description:  This mod gives guest the error message "You do not have
##                    permission to access this page." when trying to view
##                    profiles.
##   Affected files:  lang/en/en_common.php
##                    profile.php
##       Affects DB:  No
##            Notes:  This mod has been completely rewritten due to a
##                    suggestion made by Kennel and works the same.
##                    Generated with ModGenerator (http://modgen.cactuz.nu/)
##                    on: 2003-08-19 11:45:11
##       DISCLAIMER:  Please note that modifications are not officially
##                    supported by PunBB. Installation of this modification
##                    is
##                    done at your own risk. Backup your forum database and
##                    any and all applicable files before proceeding.

#---------[ 1. OPEN ]---------------------------------------------------------


#---------[ 2. FIND (line: 27) ]----------------------------------------------

require 'include/common.php';

#---------[ 3. AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------------------------------

// Begin Anti Guest Profiles Mod
if ($cookie['is_guest'])
        message($lang_common['No Guests Reading'].' <a href="login.php">'.$lang_common['Login'].'</a> '.$lang_common['or'].' <a href="register.php">'.$lang_common['register'].'</a>.');
// Begin Anti Guest Profiles Mod

#---------[ 4. OPEN ]---------------------------------------------------------


#---------[ 5. FIND (line: 8) ]-----------------------------------------------

'lang_encoding'            => 'iso-8859-1',

#---------[ 6. AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------------------------------

'No Guests Reading'             =>      'Only logged in users are allowed to read profiles.',

#---------[ 7. SAVE/UPLOAD ]--------------------------------------------------

I've changed the disclaimer a bit and sent it to Cactuz. Hopefully, he will update ModGen today. Perhaps he will then fix the small bug with the wordwrapping in the disclaimer text :-)


(7 replies, posted in Programming)

Well, the fundamental difference, which I see you discovered yourself, is that constants store constant values and variables store variable values :P


(14 replies, posted in Feature requests)

T.J. and Thijs wrote:

DONE!! Kennel do you want to place the Dutch version on your website with our names with it:

Link: http://www.sqix.com/punbb/viewtopic.php?pid=2
Name 1: Thijs Wijnmaalen
Name 2: Theis-Jan Goudswaard (T.J.)

Sweet! I will update the website in a few minutes.

T.J. and Thijs wrote:

The sentence "You can tell..." has to be changed in "You can see..".

No, "tell" is correct. It's not tell as in "tell her I'm coming over", but tell as in "you can tell he's been drinking".

T.J. and Thijs wrote:

yet another English mistake in the source code: "en_register.php": "You must enter a valid e-mail address as your password will be sent to that address"... "as" has to be "because"

No, the current translation is actually correct here as well. As Frank H pointed out, "as" is just another way of saying "because".


(0 replies, posted in News)

I just received word that Thijs Wijnmaalen and Theis-Jan Goudswaard finished the Dutch translation of PunBB 1.0. Nice work guys! You can download the language pack from the download page.

Well, you could just ignore any filetype restrictions if the uploading user is an admin/mod. That shouldn't be any problems.


(87 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)


First of all I would like to say this: I am very picky. If I release a version of PunBB and I find that I have a typo in a comment or an unnessecary tab in one of the scripts, I go crazy. That's how picky I am :-)

I love the fact that you guys want to help out the PunBB community (or what is to become the PunBB community), so don't get man when I barge in and complain over some tiny little detail.

I have two comments on your mod:

1. You jumped to 2.0 fairly quickly I must say. Actually, it doesn't feel like changing one if statement is reason enough to bump up the version number to 2.0. I would call this version 1.0.1.

2. Cactuz and I worked together on ModGen (he did all the coding) to make sure that anything it spits out looks exactly the way we want it. No extra spaces there and no lowercase characters there. The readme.txt you have included above does not look like something that ModGen has generated. Could you perhaps run it through ModGen again so that it conforms to "the standard"?

You see? Now you're thinking: What's wrong with this guy? Is he a 73 year old lady or what? :-)


(10 replies, posted in Feature requests)

I've fixed the named anchors. It will be included in 1.0.1.

I've also fiddled with the help script and it now generates the smiley set automatically. I moved the smiley arrays to the top of parser.php and added the following code to help.php:

// Display the smiley set
require $pun_root.'include/parser.php';

$num_smilies = count($smiley_text);
for ($i = 0; $i < $num_smilies; $i++)
    // Is there a smiley at the current index?
    if (!isset($smiley_text[$i]))

    print "\t\t\t\t".'    '.$smiley_text[$i];

    // Save the current text and image
    $cur_img = $smiley_img[$i];
    $cur_text = $smiley_text[$i];

    // Loop through the rest of the array and see if there are any duplicate images
    // (more than one text representation for one image)
    for ($next = $i + 1; $next < $num_smilies; $next++)
        // Did we find a dupe?
        if ($smiley_img[$i] == $smiley_img[$next])
            print ' '.$lang_common['and'].' '.$smiley_text[$next];

            // Remove the dupe so we won't display it twice
    print ' '.$lang_help['produces'].' <img src="img/smilies/'.$cur_img.'" width="15" height="15" alt="'.$cur_text.'"><br>'."\n";

It doesn't even require that the smilies with identical images are in sequence in the array. I doubt I will add these changes to 1.0.1 though. They feel more like an added feature than a bugfix.


(11 replies, posted in General discussion)

Exactly. That's the biggest problem, finding the time :)


(11 replies, posted in General discussion)

I used to play a little, but I haven't in a long time. I play a little DoD now and again, but not a lot.

I definately think that a general ruleset would be sufficient. I can't even think of a situation where you would want to allow specific filetypes in different forums :-)


(4 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Yes, I'm looking into it. Not sure how I will do it though.


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

I must say you have made an excellent choice! :P


(10 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Ah, of course. I had forgotten the fact that some smileys have double text representations. I will have a look at this later tonight.


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Yes, very nice.


(14 replies, posted in Feature requests)

A "sticked topic" always stays at the top of the forum index. Look at this forum. The topic "HOWTO: Add more smilies" is "sticked".

Edit: You could say it's a "Glued topic".

Edit2: Hey, you have an avatar! :P


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

A good way to add stuff like banner code is to add your own replacement variable (like pun_title, pun_navlinks etc.) to the template files and then just add code to header.php (or whatever scripts suits you best) to replace that string with the banner stuff. Just take a look at header.php to see how it's done. That way you can easily move the banners and stuff around without messing with the source code.


(14 replies, posted in Feature requests)


Very cool! Of course I will post it on the front page :-) Just e-mail it to me and I will take care of it as fast as possible.

See the copyright FAQ about moving the copyright info: http://punbb.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=2165


(10 replies, posted in Feature requests)

First, I agree with everything you say. Linking directly to a named anchor in the help file is something I will fix immediately.

The thing with avatars in the help file is bit trickier. I agree that the list of currently installed avatars should be auto generated. However, doing that will involve moving the avatar arrays in do_smilies() out of that function and positioning their declaration somewhere else. Where that would be, I have no idea.

Frank H wrote:

And if people write them in the order so that they write all different smilie codes that uses the same image grouped together, it's easy to get the ' AND ' text between multiple smilie codes ...

I don't quite understand what you mean by this.


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Well, actually not. The closest thing to overall_header.tpl and overall_footer.tpl would be main.tpl. The following is what happens when a page is displayed in PunBB:

1. header.php is executed. In this script the main.tpl template is loaded into memory. The replacement variables pun_content_direction, pun_char_encoding, pun_head, pun_body, pun_title, pun_desc, pun_navlinks and pun_status are replaced with real content.

2. Next, the script that we are actually calling is executed (i.e. viewtopic.php). This script replaces pun_main in the main template with real content.

3. Finally, footer.php is executed. This script replaces pun_footer with real content. At the end of footer.php the contents of the main template (that we have been "filling out" with content in all three scripts) is outputted.

Thus, if you wanted to add a logo to your forum pages, you would just edit main.tpl and put the HTML code for the image somewhere. If you, however, wanted to run some of your own PHP code, you would have to hack header.php, footer.php or any other script that the code would be suited for.


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Leader wrote:

Insert a logo in header ?

Look at the file include/templates/main.tpl

Leader wrote:

change the color of templates ?

Create a new style. Look in the the directory style/

Leader wrote:

change charset ?

This you have to edit the language files for. You will find the character encoding at the top of the file lang/****/****_common.php where "****" is your disired language.