
(9 replies, posted in Archive)

Hmm, jag förstår vad du vill, men jag förstår inte riktigt vad du vill :)

Förresten, http://punbb.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=2466


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Nice! It's quick too :P

Does that mean that you want me to show you or are you just happy that I will make it easier in 1.1? :)

Doing what I think you want to do is actually a bit tricky in 1.0. I've noticed this and doing it in the next version of PunBB will be much easier. If you really want to though, I could show you how.


(4 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Ah, there you have it!


(3 replies, posted in Archive)

Hehe, jo, det kanske jag skulle gjort. Jag avvaktar nog ett tag dock.


(3 replies, posted in Archive)

Jo, jag planerar att göra det så småningom. Jag vill dock inte gå för fort framåt. Idealet hade varit att PunBB fick sakta med säkert mer och mer publicitet.

Sedan jag postade PunBB på HotScripts och PHP Resource Index så har ändå besökarantalet ökat femfaldigt :P

Förresten, http://punbb.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=2466 :P


(1 replies, posted in General discussion)

Why, thank you :)


(4 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Currently no. The forum access code in PunBB is quite primitive and doesn't support allowing just admins (and not moderators) access to a specific forum. The access code WILL be overhauled in an upcoming version though. That's all I can say for now.

However, whipping up a small modification to suit your specific needs won't be a problem. Post a request in the mod forum and hopefully someone will help you out. If not, I guess I could spare a few minutes :)


(0 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

- Rebuilding the search index doesn't work in Internet Explorer if more than one page of topic-ID's is displayed during the indexing. It's a problem with the JavaScript redirect and HTTP_REFERER. Easy fix.

I guess there will be a 1.0.1 after all :P


(1 replies, posted in Archive)

Öppna upp viewtopic.php och sök efter 185px. Det finns med på ett par ställen där.


This mod is for 1.0 Release Candidate 1 though, so I don't know if it will work wieh 1.0 right out of the box.


(3 replies, posted in Archive)

liste wrote:

Kalassnabb hjälp! :)
Det löste sig när jag knäppte ner brandväggen. Detta gäller ENDAST admin och moderatorer, eller hur?


Jag tror nog du kan köra med din brandvägg igång. Du får bara se till att den inte pillar med HTTP_REFERER. Det borde gå att ställa in.


(3 replies, posted in Archive)


Här står lite mer om problemet: http://punbb.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=2295

Hojta igen om detta inte hjälper dig.

Tack för de fina orden :-)


(87 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)


I add stuff to the above file wheneven I change anything in the code that is to become 1.1. Some things that are on the TODO-list are:

- [DONE] Make templates for the e-mails that are sent out by the forum. These templates will be much easier to translate and extend than the current applicable parts of the language files.
- [DONE] Fix the tabindex order problem in admin_forums.php.
- [DONE] Remove the ability to enable/disable HTML in posts and signatures.
- [DONE] Add a new field to the user profile for MSN Messenger.
- [DONE] Define constants for commonly used integer values (0 = PUN_USER, 1 = PUN_MOD etc).
- [DONE] Make help.php display the current smiley set automatically.
- [DONE] Add LOW_PRIORITY (for MySQL only) to the SQL UPDATE for topic views at the end of viewtopic.php.
- [DONE] Split up common.php into common.php/functions.php.
- [DONE] Redo the admin interface for bans. Add "ban message" and allow multiple IP/IP-ranges to be banned at once.
- [DONE] Make admins "unbannable".
- [DONE] Make it possible to add admins to the moderator list.
- [DONE] Fix timezone issue.
- [DONE] Add support for PHP versions as old as 4.1.0.
- [DONE] Move "Edited by" text into the message table cell. Add .punedited to the CSS files.
- [DONE] Add a new debug level, PUN_SHOW_QUERIES, that displays all executed queries and the time each query took.
- [DONE] Remove the alphabet quick links in user list. Add more sorting options.
- [DONE] Add check for upgrade feature to admin_index.php.
- [DONE] Mass move/delete/open/close topics.
- [DONE] Mass delete posts.
- [DONE] Add profile switch to show/hide avatars (http://punbb.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=2749).
- [DONE] Allow file inclusion in templates. E.g. <pun_include "somefile.php">
- [DONE] Transmit search data via GET instead of POST (http://punbb.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=2609).
- [DONE] Move last visit data to the database (http://punbb.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=2773).
- [DONE] Change quote syntax (see changelog for details).
- [DONE] Mail form. The ability to send e-mail to users through the forum. This will allow users to receive e-mail without having their e-mail address publicly viewable.
- [DONE] Rewrite topic subscription code. Only send one e-mail per new reply and allow inclusion of post in notification e-mail.
- [DONE] Switch from MD5 to SHA-1 password hashes for increased security (will apply to PHP 4.3.0 and later only).
- [DONE] Add some way of directly navigating to the first unread message in topics.
- [DONE] Add a variable to config.php for setting the name of the cookie.
- [DONE] Implement caching of parsed signatures in viewtopic.php.
- [DONE] Add global announcements (http://punbb.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=2867).
- [DONE] Translate the JavaScript popup messages in forms.
- [DONE] Implement some way of easier integrating the forum into a website (recent discussions, users online etc.).
- [DONE] Rewrite options/permissions handling.
- [DONE] Add CSS class for "spacer tables".
- [DONE] Test everything with latest PHP 5 beta and PHP 4.1.0 (phew!).
- [DONE] Test with a profiling tool (probably APD).
- [DONE] Update install.html.
- Create some kind of readme that includes info on how to use the templates (especially <pun_include "*">).


(37 replies, posted in General discussion)

Well, lets say your website is located at http://www.somesite.com/kanna and that you installed PunBB into a subdirectory called forums. Then your Base URL would be http://www.somesite.com/kanna/forums


(0 replies, posted in News)

As of now, posts made in Swedish will only be allowed in the forum named "Svenska" in the new category "International discussions". I have moved all swedish posts from the other forums into this forum. Posts made in Swedish in any other forum will be moved or deleted without notice. The show off forum is an exception to this rule. If you run a non-english website which uses PunBB you can post in your language in show off.

If you feel there is a need for more international forums, just give me a heads up and I'll fix it.


(0 replies, posted in Archive)

Som ni ser har jag flyttat alla inlägg på svenska till detta forum. Jag vill poängtera att jag helt klart föredrar att ni skriver era inlägg på engelska i de "rätta" forumen. Jag kommer troligtvis fimpa detta forum när folk väl vänjer sig vid att tala engelska här på punbb.org :)


(15 replies, posted in Archive)

Jo, iofs. En rejäl FAQ borde jag nog sätta mig och skriva ihop.


(11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

I'm closing this topic since 1.0 final is now released.


(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Looking good! :)

About user contributed styles. There is currently no way of showing off and sharing styles and other modifications. Help is on the way though. A website dedicated to just that is coming soon.

Moving single posts isn't possible in the current release of PunBB. "Mass move" and "mass delete" of posts and topics is a feature that has been requested quite a lot, so it will make it into the next major release of PunBB (1.1).

Have a look at this topic: http://punbb.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=2399


(10 replies, posted in Archive)

Detta står på TODO för 1.1. Jag hade tänkt att man skulle kunna:

- Massradera och massflytta inlägg.
- Massradera och massflytta trådar.

Det är dock jättebra om något slår till och gör en mod till 1.0.

Till personen som gör modden: Glöm inte att kolla referer när man väl submittar (kolla aldra admin/mod-funktioner). Glöm inte heller att uppdatera sökindexet.


(15 replies, posted in Archive)

Tony Bratt wrote:

Detta är den bästa supporten jag har varit med om!

Vänta bara tills (om) PunBB blir stort och det dyker upp support-frågor här dagarna i ända. Då kommer nog jag också tröttna och skriva avsnoppade svar :P


(15 replies, posted in Archive)

Hmm, konstigt. Kan man möjligtvis få ta en titt på ditt forum? Om du inte vill posta länken här så kan du kontakta mig över ICQ (6290764) eller på IRC (Kennel på Quakenet).