
(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

1. Add <mega_tags> somewhere in the head tag of your template.

2. Add the following right before the line "// START SUBST - <pun_main>" in header.php:

if (basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) == 'index.php')
    $meta_tags = '
    <meta name="abstract" content="Blaha blaha." />
    <meta name="keywords" content="blaha, bla, ha" />
    $meta_tags = '';

$tpl_main = str_replace('<meta_tags>', $meta_tags, $tpl_main);

Not tested, but it should work.


(40 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

Connorhd wrote:
Rickard wrote:

1.3 will have proper "mark as read" functionality. Yes, I give up smile

So from this we can understand if we bug you enough you will add anything? wink

Either that or pay me a lot of money smile


(124 replies, posted in News)

Henry: millionUSdollar, give me a break smile I thank you for the offer, but I've already stated what my position on all these knockoffs is. If any of the million(.*?)homepage sites are getting the money, it's milliondollarhomepage.


(40 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

1.3 will have proper "mark as read" functionality. Yes, I give up smile

beatle wrote:

Shouldn't we go to the single post we clicked directly?

Yes, we probably should. I think someone reported this earlier, but I must have forgotten. I'll put it on the list.

Just remove <pun_title> from your template.

Your search.php is corrupt somewow. Try replacing it with a fresh copy.


(5 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Yeah, maybe. I just want to make sure it's positioned where it makes sence.


(20 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)



(45 replies, posted in News)

Jérémie wrote:

Arcane way of doing things. One really needs plugins.

Huh? Plugins won't do you any good if the source needs to be updated.

And by the way, don't worry. 1.3 will have proper plugin support.


(5 replies, posted in Feature requests)

True. I have no idea where to put it though.


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

What you need to do is to add a new replacement variable, e.g. <meta_tags> and then replace that tag with your actual data in header.php. Have a look in header.php to see how to do that.


(45 replies, posted in News)

creaturecorp wrote:

What if we've modded our punbb to death so it's hardly recognizable as punbb? It would be wiser to update manually, correct?

Yes, use the hdiff or patch it using the diff.


(45 replies, posted in News)

fpouget: We'd have to see the code to see what's wrong with it. Maybe you should start out by reading a bit about register_globals.


(45 replies, posted in News)

CodeDuck wrote:

How about changing the Announcement box to reflect the new version of PunBB?

I was just about to dammit smile


(15 replies, posted in News)

I haven't sent it out yet. The reason for this is that I am still looking for a free bulk e-mail application. I have so far found one, QIOS Pelican, but for some very, very odd reason, it can only send out HTML e-mail (and we all know how evil that is). I can't believe there isn't a single free mass mailer out there.


(45 replies, posted in News)

IdleFire wrote:

there's nothing left after 1.2.9 except 1.3 wink

What about 1.2.10 then? smile


(10 replies, posted in General discussion)



(45 replies, posted in News)

Just a quick note this time. This release is a very small update that fixes an SQL injection vulnerability in search.php that is exploitable in PHP environments with register_globals enabled. Beginning with 1.2.9, PunBB also implements a method for reversing the effects of register_globals (thanks Stefan Esser!). What this means is that register_globals should no longer be a problem. If a variable is instantiated as a result of register_globals being enabled, it will be unset by PunBB. Yay! Something to note about this new mechanism is that if you have integrated your PunBB install with other code, for example by including PHP code in your templates, that code must be able to function properly with register_globals disabled. If it does not, you will have to temporarily disable the call to unregister_globals() in include/common.php until you can update your code.

Thanks a lot to "Devil_box of KAPDA" for posting an advisory on the SQL injection without even notifying me of it. Much appreciated! sad Proper thanks go out to Paolo Gabrielli for telling me about the advisory. Someone else posted a topic in the forums about the advisory, but I deleted it. Please e-mail security related information to security @ this domain.


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

The new extern.php will not work with 1.2.*. If you want to test it, you have to install the current 1.3 development code. Some info.


(10 replies, posted in General discussion)

Why in the world would the users see the IP address of another user?


(7 replies, posted in Feature requests)

pwt58 wrote:

provide the option to turn this feature off

When an admin edits a post, he or she can set whether the edit should be "silent" or not. That is the option. There would be no point in adding an option in the admin interface because well, the admin is the admin.

One thing we could do is the change the default from on to off. That way, the scenario you mentioned won't happen as easily.


(4 replies, posted in News)

Well, the topic is from 2003.

Nah, I don't think that was me. I don't know what quickCart is big_smile

I just haven't thought of it. Here's a quick fix (for functions.php):

if (!preg_match('#^'.preg_quote(str_replace(array('www.', 'https://'), array('', 'http://'), $pun_config['o_base_url']).'/'.$script, '#').'#i', str_replace(array('www.', 'https://'), array('', 'http://'), (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : ''))))

Not tested, but it should work.