Thanks to snapsolutions, we're now at $327!
Edit: Which he already pointed out
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PunBB Forums → Posts by Rickard
Thanks to snapsolutions, we're now at $327!
Edit: Which he already pointed out
Looks great. However, I'm running the 1.5 beta and it doesn't work with that version yet.
Or you can just do your own:
$text = str_replace("\n", "<br />\n", $text);
Gå in i tråden och titta längst ner till vänster på sidan.
It is quite easy to figure out and we really only use inches, feet, yards, and miles. I measure weight in pounds, and volume in ounces.
Yes, it's easy to figure out, but that's the problem. You shouldn't have to "figure out" a measurement system. It should be trivial.
As for time I think that 1:00 PM and 1:00 AM make way more sense, since our clocks only have twelve figures. Unless you want to try and divide that into 24 numbers, which will be impossible to read and mess up with the way we read clocks now.
Clocks? I haven't looked at a clock for ages
US dates aren't hard to figure out. I usually write out dates (e.g. September 27, 2005), which some go short (9/27/05). The short one is a bit harder to understand, but just remember how confusing it is to see 27/9/05. I never knew there were 29 months!
No one ever said they were hard to figure out. It's just that you insist on using them when no one else in the world does.
And after you have managed to convert \n to <br /> this may be of use to you
So that's what it was for!
You've implemented a PHP script interpreter in Javascript? Amazing! But why?
Thanks guys! We're at $317!
This is just a heads up on a new feature that will be introduced in the next release of PunBB (whenever that may come).
Starting with the next release of PunBB, a mechanism that unregisters globals will be included. What this means is that even though your server might be running with register_globals enabled, PunBB will unregister any variables found in the global scope, forcing the use of the superglobals ($_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE etc). I.e. if your plugin/mod requires register_globals, it will NOT work with the next version of PunBB, regardless of server settings.
This is just a heads up on a new feature that will be introduced in the next release of PunBB (whenever that may come).
Starting with the next release of PunBB, a mechanism that unregisters globals will be included. What this means is that even though your server might be running with register_globals enabled, PunBB will unregister any variables found in the global scope, forcing the use of the superglobals ($_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE etc). I.e. if your mod/plugin requires register_globals, it will NOT work with the next version of PunBB, regardless of server settings.
This topic has strayed off a bit too much. Also, I'm not that fond of a topic called "HACKED BY ALTAN" appearing on the front page all the time. Ergo sum, I'm closing it. Feel free to start a new topic if you want to discuss implementing extra security measures into PunBB.
Google for the error message. It appears to be a common problem.
"Administrator" is the title of the user group. You can edit it in admin_groups.php.
We could add it to 1.3. A print stylesheet and maybe a print.tpl?
Try re-uploading the files. Maybe one of them is corrupt.
Something like this should do the job:
$text = preg_replace('#<br />\s*?<br />(?!\s*<br />)#i', "</p>\n<p>", $text);
Does it really output indexphp? Not index.php?
It would appear your PHP environment does not include the PHP_SELF variable. That's quite odd.
Nice to hear you solved it.
I'll investigate.
Most likely, yes. I'll put it on the list.
$297 thanks to Ray Barber!
PunBB Forums → Posts by Rickard
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