And thanks to CodeXP's donation, we're up to $247!
1,477 2005-09-23 15:26
Re: PunBB needs your money! (124 replies, posted in News)
Thanks to Jérémie's $2 and Bert's $25, we're now at $227!
1,478 2005-09-23 12:42
Re: PunBB needs your money! (124 replies, posted in News)
Sorry I'm really short right now, only $2.
That's still infinitely more than nothing!
1,479 2005-09-23 10:20
Re: PunBB needs your money! (124 replies, posted in News)
1,480 2005-09-23 07:30
Re: PunBB needs your money! (124 replies, posted in News)
Come on people! $10? $5? $2? $1? No contribution is too small.
I haven't been able to check my Paypal account today, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
1,481 2005-09-23 07:23
Re: PunBB 1.2.8 (67 replies, posted in News)
It's difficult to ignore e-mails from e.g. Stefan Esser:
Stefan Esser is an independent Security Consultant, that is well known in the security community for his advisories about popular Open Source Software packages like Linux, NetBSD, Samba, Cyrus IMAPD, Gaim, Ethereal, CVS, Subversion, MySQL and PHP.
He is also known as the first who completely broke the DRM of the Microsoft XBOX with software only exploits.Stefan contributes to the source code of PHP for 5 years and is a founding member of's Security Response Team. Because of his indepth knowledge of the PHP source code, he is an excellent auditor for PHP web applications, with a background knowledge that is unique in the PHP community.
He knows what he's doing.
1,482 2005-09-22 20:38
Re: PunBB needs your money! (124 replies, posted in News)
And what better way to spend your hard-earned dollars than on beer for someone else!
1,483 2005-09-22 20:29
Re: PunBB needs your money! (124 replies, posted in News)
That sounds like a cool way to drive traffic, but does this guy really need a Million dollars for an education?
Probably not, but he's worth it just for coming up with the idea
1,484 2005-09-22 20:21
Re: PunBB needs your money! (124 replies, posted in News)
It's so pretty!
1,485 2005-09-22 20:06
Re: PunBB needs your money! (124 replies, posted in News)
And we're up to $200 thanks to Connorhd!
1,486 2005-09-22 19:58
Topic: PunBB needs your money! (124 replies, posted in News)
It's time to put PunBB on! If you have no idea what I'm talking about, here's the "What is the idea?" entry from the FAQ:
The idea is simple: to try and make $1m (US) by selling 1,000,000 pixels for $1 each. Hence, 'The Million Dollar Homepage". The main motivation for doing this is to pay for my degree studies, because I don't like the idea of graduating with a huge student debt. I know people who are paying off student loans 15-20 years after they graduated. Not a nice thought!
So, everyone is welcome to buy my pixels, which are available in 100-pixel 'blocks' (each measuring 10x10 pixels). You will see the homepage is divided into 10,000 of these 100-pixel blocks (hence there are 1,000,000 pixels in total). The reason for selling them in 100-pixel blocks is because anything smaller would be too small to display anything meaningful.
You can buy as many pixels as you like, as long as there are some available (see the live stats in the top right corner of the page). When you buy some pixels, you can then display an image/ad/logo of your choice in the space you have purchased. You can also have the image click through to your own website. However, no obscene or offensive images are allowed.
The pixels you buy will be displayed on the homepage permanently. The homepage will not change. Using some of the money I make from the site, I guarantee to keep it online for at least 5 years, but hopefully much longer. I want it to become a kind of internet time capsule. So, in the long run, I believe the pixels will offer good value. You will have a piece of internet history!
Now, I guess I could just cough up $100 myself and buy a 10x10 pixel area, but that would be silly. I think we need at least 30x30 pixels. That means we need $900. So, please, if you have a few bucks that you don't intend to waste on things like food and housing, hit the "Donate" button on the front page. I'll post the initial $100.
Edit: If the "Donate" button doesn't work, wait a few seconds and try again. Paypal has been giving me headaches these last few days.
1,488 2005-09-22 18:06
Re: I've even got that "noob" smell - basic questions (I searched :( ) (32 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
sportsguy: If enabling write access to the cache folder didn't help, e-mail your host and tell them to do it for you. Tell them that you have a PHP script that needs to be able to save files to that folder.
1,489 2005-09-22 18:04
Re: PunBB 1.2.8 (67 replies, posted in News)
Just did an upgrade with no problem, thanks.
My question is : did you send a "newsletter" email ? (I didn't get it but maybe it's a problem on my side ?)
That's odd. I did send it out to all users on the list.
1,490 2005-09-22 18:03
Re: sendmail: Custom Return-path (8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Ask your host to check the logs instead of guessing why the e-mails aren't getting though.
1,491 2005-09-22 18:00
Re: group-id 32000 (5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
Just reset the user's password and he/she should be able to login.
1,492 2005-09-22 12:07
Re: I've even got that "noob" smell - basic questions (I searched :( ) (32 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
1,493 2005-09-22 10:56
Re: PunBB 1.2.8 (67 replies, posted in News)
I doubt it would make a difference. Also, PunBB is open source and I'd like to keep it as "open" as possible.
1,494 2005-09-22 08:03
Re: PunBB 1.2.8 (67 replies, posted in News)
Done. See the first post in this topic.
1,495 2005-09-22 07:46
Re: PunBB 1.2.8 (67 replies, posted in News)
I'm such a moron! Give me 15 minutes and I'll have it fixed.
1,496 2005-09-21 23:21
Topic: PunBB 1.2.8 (67 replies, posted in News)
It's that time again. I'm pleased to announce the release of PunBB 1.2.8, a small bug and vulnerability fix. As usual, the changelog is your friend.
Once again, the heroes of the day are PHP security guru Stefan Esser of the Hardened-PHP Project and the ever present bug hunter Smartys. Thank you both for reporting the vulnerabilities and for being nice guys in general
Edit: I'm really sorry about this, but I must have been really tired when I slapped together this release last night. A bad fix that prevented anyone from submitting the essentials profile page when there is only one language pack installed was introduced. I've just fixed it and I recommend that everyone either re-download 1.2.8 and update their profile.php or apply the fix manually.
1,497 2005-09-21 22:50
Re: sendmail: Custom Return-path (8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Whoops. I forgot about that feature
I suggest you report that to your host. It is most likely not a PunBB problem since you seem to be the only one who is experiencing it.
1,498 2005-09-21 20:55
Re: sendmail: Custom Return-path (8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
I'm not sure when you get e-mails and when you don't.
"I do get a mail that a new member registered"
1,499 2005-09-21 20:50
Re: VALIGNMENT... On forum titles, categorys... (17 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Looking at that picture I would say your problem (apart from an inability to move a mouse in straight line) ...
1,500 2005-09-21 20:49
Re: We could use the cache here... (4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)
Use the cache for what? Do you mean displaying the admin page? I generated those based on the database because it's less code. If the cache is somehow not working, the admin page wouldn't either, so I'd have to check if the cache was valid and if it wasn't, fetch it from the database anyway.