Another bug in IE 6 - 8: after clicking "Quick quote" link, user is redirected to reply page.

New bug: "\n" symbols in quoted text.

Slavok wrote:

I think it will be better to modify the function "ParseMessage". It will be:\n

\nfunction ParseMessage(string)\n{\n     var search_arr = new Array(/&amp;/g, /"/g, /'/g, /</g, />/g);\n     var replace_arr = new Array('&', '"', '\'', '<', '>');\n     for (var replace_num = 0; replace_num < search_arr.length; replace_num++)\n         string = string.replace(search_arr[replace_num], replace_arr[replace_num]);\n     string = string.replace(/\[hide=?\].*\[\/hide\]/g, '');\n     return string;\n}\n

\nReport about results of this changes, please.

If any post is ended by backslash, pun_quote's javascript code will be corrupted on whole page. For example: :\

Please add new variables to the language file smile

Thanks a lot!

I think, the best way for me is to delete moved posts and to insert them again in the destination topic smile


(154 replies, posted in Supported extensions)

Sorry, the code in the previous post was incorrect. This is actual code:

    elseif ($forum_config['p_message_all_caps'] == '0' && utf8_strtoupper($body) == $body && !$forum_page['is_admmod'])


(154 replies, posted in Supported extensions)

Bug: PHP generating an "undefined index" error at line 383 in file functions.php:

    elseif ($forum_config['p_message_all_caps'] == '0' && utf8_strtoupper($body) == $body && !$forum_user['is_admmod'])

$forum_page['is_admmod'] must be $forum_user['is_admmod'], I think

Did you write about it in the russian PunBB forum?


(35 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Found bug.
Option "Enable email alerts to be sent when you get a PM" works incorrectly: if i uncheck this option, I'll receive emails, but my recipients will not get emails.


(154 replies, posted in Supported extensions)

Can you add a possibility to enable or disable PM for different user groups, as it realized in pun_poll?


(154 replies, posted in Supported extensions)

In Opera 10.10 I can't select any username from usernames list near "To" field.
Also, "check all" doesn't work in my Opera.

Thank you!

If username is like [CoolTeam]_CollDude, quotes are wrong:

[quote='[CoolTeam]_CollDude']Welcome to our team![/quote]
[CoolTeam]_CollDude wrote:

Welcome to our team!


(151 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

What about a hook in the pun_bbcode's bar.php file, directly after this loop:

    foreach (array_unique($smilies) as $smile_text => $smile_file)

It will give a possibility to put some smileys (i.e. when $pun_bbcode_tabindex > 15) into invisible div, which can be shown by javascript.


(115 replies, posted in Supported extensions)

I mean a button that shows results without voting, and after click on this button, user can't vote in this poll.


(115 replies, posted in Supported extensions)

Bug: If the field 'votes count' had a value, and I change it's value to empty string, I get an error.

Also, it will be good to allow null votes.

Some comments/wishes smile

1. If I move post to topic where first post's date is later than date of moved post, this moved post becomes first post of destination topic. I don't think it's always good smile. Could you add feature to ignore dates when moving posts to new topic? (for example, date/time of moved posts becomes actual moving time)
2. Destination topic selection is uncomfortable when forum have a lot of topics. Can you sort topics by date descending, or do something else for easing of destination topic search?
3. First post of topic is unmovable. Why? smile Sometimes moving all posts from one topic to other is needed...

Do you have any progress with this extention?