The conversion probably handle all of that.  Its not going to rename the tables, just take them from one format and convert them into another.  If you are refering to taking another board that uses Access and converting it to punbb which uses MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite, than your first step would be to get it converted from access to one of the three that punBB suports.  After that, someone would have to create, or add onto the existing migration tool that will take the data in the other board database and migrate it to punBB schema.  The two key terms are Convertions and Migration. 

Migration = move table data from one MySQL database to another table structure using MySQL (Migrate from phpBB to punBB)
Convertion = change from one database language to another database language. (convert MS Access to MySQL)

I was wondering what the setting for this site was.  It may be that I am taking more than ten minutes when I reply while at work.  damn phones. wink

When I come back to this forum after a previous visit,  I use the "shows new post since last visit" link to view all the new posts.  Once I view one of th new post, and post a reply, etc.  then go back to "Show new posts since last visit"  All the new posts are gone, and the only new post is the one I just replied to.  Is this the way things are intended to be?  If so,  it does not seem right.  I would like to be able to go through the new posts one at a time during my visit.  I dont remember 1.1.5 acting like this. In fact I used to have to click on the "mark all posts as read" link to get rid of the new posts notification.

divs.  MM Dreamweaver called them layers.  Back in DW version 3.0  they used to have a table to layers button and vice versa.  Never worked well.  As far as the doctype, I am aware of this, and the test upgrade has the doctype corrected. the 1.1.5 version is inside a table row, and worked fine because that version was done with tables & nested tables.  I know (correct me if I amway off base here) that tables can exist and work fine within Divs, but do not work so well or at all when they are outside of divs.  It there a way that I can totally get rid of the tables outside of punBB. (the banner & nav button area as well as the rounded boarder edges.)  Paul, I am going to be completely honest and say that I am new to tableless designs.  I think they are a great idea because it not only makes code/markup easier to read, but also reduces file sizes.  In the past I primarily used style sheets to set text look and feel for the whole site.  I am just starting to use it for layout.


(8 replies, posted in Archive)

whoa that was quick

I am sorry, I posted this in the wrong area, can a mod or an admin please move this to "troubleshooting"

thanks hmm


I have a board that is up here:

Its all in tables.  I have been testing a 1.2 upgrade and I can't seem to work out how to convert the tables to layers.  The border is an image set from a style sheet.  I know I can do the banner and menu, its the rest of the page border that has me stumped.

Any ideas to shed some light would be greatly appreciated.


(22 replies, posted in Feature requests)

What rob has described is what PHP developers seems to be heading towards.  OOP & Keeping a seperation between design & application.  I sometimes work with another developer.  this is how we colaborate.  I can mess with markup all I want and never have to worry about the application breaking because I mistakenly deleted a . or a ; or a ", etc..  the only thing I have to worry about it making sure my building blocks of design include the calls to the right objects.  Main.tpl is an example of how we colaborate.  Of course there is some markup in the PHP that  outputs the data/information, but I let him worry about that, and I just supply the div's or tables to wrap around them.  It seems to work well for us since we do most of our colaboration on-line. 

On that note.  I hate mixing markup with PHP expressions.  I never know when I need to put a  . or ' or " or () , etc..  I always seem to break stuff big_smile  If some one could point me to a tutorial or a site that explains all different ways to mix the two, that would be great.  I have seen it done so many ways.  Where I really get screwed up is where you build links from arrays that are queried from a database, and you mix mark up with php. the whole quotes thing really messes me up.  Iknow that if you do

$username = "Johnny";
echo 'Username is $username';

will display: Username is $username


$username = "Johnny";
echo "Username is $username";

will display:  Username is Johnny

I get mixed up when you mix and row from an array with mark up, and also when you are using variables in Query statements.

ok, I am wondering if I could get some pointers on how to update this 1.1.5 site to 1.2


(11 replies, posted in Programming)

lol. in other words, thanks but no thanks?

Is there such a beast?  for instance a table showing the way things where done in 1.1.5, and how they are done now in 1.2.

BODY { background-color: #FFFFFF }

in 1.2

/* 1.1 Default background colour and text colour */

.pun {COLOR: #333}, .pun BLOCKQUOTE, DIV.codebox, #adminconsole FIELDSET TH, .rowodd, .roweven {BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFFFF}
#adminconsole TD, #adminconsole TH {BORDER-COLOR: #F1F1F1}

Of course it would look better in tabular format wink


(43 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Rickard: I see your point.  Keeping the data separate is not the issue, its how to insert the bits of code into the existing layout to give it a seamless appearance.  My experiences with installing mods on other forums and cmss (is that a word? smile ) has been toughest when it comes to an upgrade of the core app.  Sometime I actually had to print out the original files that get modified by the mod install, and check line by line against the new version of the same file to find where I needed to insert and/or tweak the code to work with the new version.  That?s not a task for any novice to want to go through.  Some of the better mods, used mod specific variables and commented sections of code that where updated so they stood out against the core logic.  Others made their own DB tables to keep data separate.  The biggest thing I wanted from other mods was not to break the rest of the site if something went amiss during the upgrade.  When looking through the code of punBB I see its mostly procedural code with some sprinkles of OOP.  To be honest, I still am one of those persons who like to look at procedural code.  I am an engineer by day, and thats how my brain is trained to think.  So I like to look at the punbb code because I can understand it. (Most of it that is).  Where I am going with this is that a module system seems like it would be best suited to be applied with an OOP approach.

Conner: I took a look at that post, and it seems like PunMod is a step in the right direction.  Anyway you slice it.  its a fine line to tread when you have to code an application and have the foresight to think about how mods should interact with the core app.  I guess if I were to code a PM system, I would try to be as unobtrusive as possible to the core files, and take the minimalist approach towards the scope of the application.  For instance, when a user logs in put an icon next to his name where it says ?logged in as username? indicating that user has a private message.  Click on that link, and have it bring you to the module itself , etc..

Evil-E  I took your poll thats on the main page of your site and got this error.  Just thought you should know.

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/ in /home/ on line 21

Let me talk to my client, and I will see what I can do.  This theme/style is based on the default Oxygen CSS file, and a modified main.tpl for 1.1.5, and has not been tested on 1.2 yet.  I plan on doing an upgrade test on my dev server in the near future (next couple of days).  Since my client has paid me for their design and overall look of their site, it would really be up to them to decide if I can release this theme to the public.  If you are just looking for the forum style w/o all the other graphics (banner, menu buttons, etc).  I don't see a problem with releasing it to the public since its just a punbb revised style.  Basically, let me see what I can come up with.  Thats all I can promise.


(43 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)


I think the main reason people can be leery of mods is the fact that they are not done by the PunBB authors, and when a punbb update is released, they feel the need to wait until the mods they have installed are either tested & approved, or updated to work with the new version before they update their forum.  Maybe they way mods get installed can be handled differently to help ease the pain upgrading? I know when I worked with other packages in the past, handling mods after patches and upgrades was a daunting task.  You have to also remember that not everyone knows PHP & MySQL...  So the easier you make a system to install and work with the better.  How this is done, I don't know.  I like how the plugin feature works by dropping a file with the proper name in the folder and its added to the admin section "Brilliant".  maybe something like that could be done for mods except on a folder basis rather than file.  I am sure most mods encompass more than one file.  I believe this is how systems like post-nuke and such work.

I am relativly new to the punbb world, and I am not exactly sure how current mods are installed and handled, but I feel they should be handled as Add-Ons, and not Mods (Modifications). If a Mod has to change any of the core files or database tables to work, than IMO its not a mod in the sense of module, but rather a modification.  Modules/Add-ons could be made to install their own tables, have their own functions/classes/methods if needed, and use existing functions from the core files.  When looking for mods on other systems, as soon as I see that it will be modifing core files or database tables, I move on.  Just my opinion.  Like I said I have not had to chance to look at the MDK for mod dev guidlines so I may be all wrong in my thinking. 

If the mission statement of PunBB is the embody the K.I.S.S. method, then a PM system or Poll System should not be added to the core functionality of the app itself.  They can be handled as plugins - addons - modules, whatever you like to call them.  I think there will be a need in the future for offical and non-offical modules.  I'd feel safer installing a mod knowing that it has the blessing of Rickard.

Again, this is just my thoughts and opinions.

If you are talking about my theme, I would love to, but I don't think my client would be to keen about it.


(99 replies, posted in Programming)

I have tried a lot of different editors. 

Here is a pretty descent free one.


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

Ahh, I can see clearly now .... you sing the rest. smile



(9 replies, posted in General discussion)

4. Fullproof.  Disconnect your internet connection wink

Is it true that MS will be charging for this service?


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

Ok. thanks.  Not that I am looking for bugs.  But it does help to understand the "nuts and bolts"


(142 replies, posted in News)

deusiah, You are correct it is a matter of opinion. smile  Didn't me to sound bigoted.


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

I was viewing different posts today, and stumbled on this.  Take a look at this thread and the # of post that Benny has.  His orgianal post says he has 75 posts, and his second post says he has 75 posts.  Shouldn't his second post say 76 posts?


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

If you wanted everything with the color #0066B9 to be changed, you could always open the CSS file and Ctrl+F for #0066B9 and replace it with #004A80. I am not a css aficionado, but thats easy enough to do.


(142 replies, posted in News)

Connorhd wrote:

although his native language is Swedish tongue

yeah that too wink