(13 replies, posted in Archive)

? ???? ???? ?? ???.??. ?? ? ?? ???? ?? ???? ??????? ?????. ? ???? ??? ?????? ????????? ???????? ???????!!!

?.?. ? ???? ??? ???? ???? install.php, ????? ?? ???? ????????? ???????? ???? "??????? ? ????????"....?.?. ?? ??? ?????????? ??????????? ? ??????? ????????? ????? ????????? ?? ????...!!!((( ??? ??? ?????????...? ??? ???? ????????? ? "you domain"? ...???????? ????!


(13 replies, posted in Archive)

ok, thanks!

P.S. ? ???? ??? ???? ???? install.php, ????? ?? ???? ????????? ???????? ???? "??????? ? ????????"....?.?. ?? ??? ?????????? ??????????? ? ??????? ????????? ????? ????????? ?? ????...!!!((( ??? ??? ?????????...? ??? ???? ????????? ? "you domain"? ...???????? ????!


(13 replies, posted in Archive)

GoldCrab wrote:

Teper' OK? wink

?? ???! smile

?????? ????? ?? ??????? ???????? ???. ??????? ???? ????????? ? ??????? ?? ??? ????????!


(13 replies, posted in Archive)

GoldCrab wrote:
Xan wrote:

Ïðèâåäèòå ïîæàëóéñòà âàøè ïðèìåðû, ïàðàìåòðû êîòîðûå âû âïèñûâàëè ïðè ñîçäàíèè ôîðóìîâ.

Ïðè óñòàíîâêå ôîðóìà ÷åðåç èíñòàë http://your_domain/forum/install.php - â êîíöå ïðîöåäóðû òåáå âûâåäóò òî÷íûé ëèñòèíã êîíôèãóðàöèîííîãî  ôàéëà. Ñîçäàåøü ñàì ôàéë config.php è òóäà âñòàâëÿåøü òî, ÷òî òåáå âûâåëà èíñòàëêà. Íîâîñîçäàííûé ôàéë ñ êîäàìè ñëèâàåøü â ïàïêó http://your_domain/forum/
È... âóàëÿ, ôîðóì ðàáîòàåò!

Ïðèìåð òàêîé:

$db_type = 'mysql';
$db_host = 'localhost';
$db_name = 'test';
$db_username = 'test';
$db_password = 'test';
$db_prefix = '';
$p_connect = false;
$cookie_name = 'punbb_cookie';
$cookie_domain = '';
$cookie_path = '/';
$cookie_secure = 0;
$cookie_seed = '3ec5c809';
define('PUN', 1);

Íà îñòàëüíûå âîïðîñû ÿ íå ñìîãó îòâåòèòü... Íó íå âïûñûâàëè ìû íè÷åãî... hmm

??.....? ?? ?????? ???????? ???. ???????, ? ?? ??? ?????????? ???????!!! sad(((


(13 replies, posted in Archive)

Dantes, ? ?? ?????? ???? ?????? ?????? ?? ?????, ??? ? ????? ?????? ?? ???? ?????????? ????????


(13 replies, posted in Archive)

? ??? ???? ?????? ?? ??? ????????


(13 replies, posted in Archive)

? ???? ????????? ? ?? ???? ????????? ????????? ???? config.inc.php.

?????????? ?? ????? ??????? ??? ???? ????????? ???????? ? ???????:


Your phpMyAdmin url
* Complete the variable below with the full url ie
*    http://www.your_web.net/path_to_your_ph … directory/

??? ?????? ??????? ? "http://www.your_web.net/path_to_your_ph … directory/"

2)????? ?????????? ???????? ??????? ??????? ? ???????? "$cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] = '';"

3)??? ?????? ???? ??????? ? ?????? "$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host']          = 'localhost'; // MySQL hostname or IP address" ? ???? "host"? ???????? localhost ??? ?? ???-?? ??????.

4)????? ???????? ???? ????????? ? ?????? "Open the file <www.your-host.com>/<your-install-dir>/index.php "

? ?????? ? ???? "www.your-host.com>/<your-install-dir>" ?
????????? ?????????? ???? ???????, ????????? ??????? ?? ????????? ??? ???????? ???????.

????? ?? ???? ??????????? ? ????.((((((

??????? ??????? ?? ?????????? ??????!!!


(1 replies, posted in Archive)

??? ???? ????? ?????? ?? ????? ????????

?? ?????? ?? ?? ??? ??? ???? ????? ???????? ?? ?????? ????????? ???????


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Quote from file config.inc.php with my edit and paste my url. Please, look and tell me if it's wrong (wrong - i mean, wrong url or wrong address of patch to phpmyadmin dir)

* Your phpmyAdmin url
* Complete the variable below with the full url ie
*    http://www.weaving.forum.ru c:/program files/Forum/phpMyAdmin/


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

How can i install phpmyadmin? Where need to a edit in file config.ins.php and where need to paste a url of my homepage?


(1 replies, posted in General discussion)

Please, questions to Rickard...


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Ok! Thanks!
But where can i download "phpmyadmin"? Please, can you get my the links to download of this application? smile


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)


How can i create a base for Forum PunBB v1.0.1

All programms (Apache, MySQL, PHP) already exist, but the base is not, and how do it i don't know!
Please help....(

? ??? ????? ????????? ???? ???? ???????? ??????? ???? ???? ? ??????? sad

??????? ???????, nyuk!!!

nyuk wrote:
Xan wrote:

Nyuk, ?? ??? ?????????? ?????? ?????? ????? ?? ???? ???????? ???????????? Apache, PHP , MySQL or PostgreSQL?


? ??? ???? MySQL ???? ??????? ?????? MySQL Server 4.1 ??? ?????????? ??? ????? ?? ?????? ???? ??? ?? ?????? ?????? ?????? 4.1?

?????? ??????.

??????????? ?? ??????? PostgreSQL ??? MySQL ????? ???????????(? ??? ???? ????????? ?????? ?????? 1.0.1)

??? PostgreSQL ??? MySQL. ???? ?? ????. ??? ????????? ?????, ?? ???????? ? ??????? ????? ?????? ????.

???? ??? ????????? ???  PHP Accelerator, ??? ???? ?????

?? ???????????. ? ??? ?????? ?? ?????????.

???????? ??????? ?? ????????????!!!!!
????????? ????????? ?????????: ?????? ???? ?????? ?????? ?? ?????????? ?????? Apache? smile wink
? ????? ?????????? ????????????? ????? (? ????? ? ????)

Nyuk, ?? ??? ?????????? ?????? ?????? ????? ?? ???? ???????? ???????????? Apache, PHP , MySQL or PostgreSQL? ? ??? ???? MySQL ???? ??????? ?????? MySQL Server 4.1 ??? ?????????? ??? ????? ?? ?????? ???? ??? ?? ?????? ?????? ?????? 4.1? ??????????? ?? ??????? PostgreSQL ??? MySQL ????? ???????????(? ??? ???? ????????? ?????? ?????? 1.0.1)
??????? ???????!!!!!

?.?. ???? ??? ????????? ???  PHP Accelerator, ??? ???? ?????

?.?.? ?????? ?? ??????? ????????, ?????? ? ??? ??????? ? ????! wink smile