Excellent -- thanks.

Can I set up a MySQL user with "select, insert, update, delete, index, alter, create, drop" rights while installing PunBB -- and then revoke some of them ("alter, create, drop", I guess) once installation is complete?



(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

Fantastic -- thanks. That makes a lot of sense.


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

Rob25 wrote:

A related problem. With the members mentioned above, the moderator checkboxes appear immediately below the 'Delete user' options.

Hm. Not this time. In this case -- like all other mods -- the checkboxes appear way off the bottom of the page. Wonder if it is a css issue? Anybody else have this problem?


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

Rob25 wrote:

With a handful of the new registrations, though, they do not show up in the 'new registrants' group. (I'm getting an email with each new registration, so I know who they are.) When I go to their profile to change the user group, they appear to be in 'new registrants', but the checkboxes allowing moderator rights are visible.

It turns out that the new user is assigned '32000' as their group, not '5', which happens to be my 'new registrants' group.


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

A related problem. With the members mentioned above, the moderator checkboxes appear immediately below the 'Delete user' options. With regular moderators, however, there is a vast amount of blank space between the "Administrators always have full permissions in all forums" text and the checkboxes themselves. Next time one of these bizarre new registrations occurs, I'll look at the xhtml and css and see if I can figure out exactly what the difference is, but I wondered if you already knew about it.

Something odd going on. I created a user group called 'new registrants'. When somebody joins the forum, they are placed in this user group by default. I then manually switch them to the 'members' user group to approve their membership, thus keeping the entire forum private.

So far, so good. I can go to the user list, search the group of 'new registrants', and get a list of all the new members that I need to approve.

With a handful of the new registrations, though, they do not show up in the 'new registrants' group. (I'm getting an email with each new registration, so I know who they are.) When I go to their profile to change the user group, they appear to be in 'new registrants', but the checkboxes allowing moderator rights are visible.

It's very peculiar. It only happens sometimes, without any kind of pattern.

Sorry if already addressed.


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Thanks -- that works. But it produces an error (i.e., a blank page) if I turn Quick Post back on... I've double-checked and don't seem to have copied any of the code incorrectly.

Aaaah, I see. I understood that to mean "Once you have logged in with your new randomly-generated password, you can change it to something more memorable by clicking here."

I think I might change the text -- can you tell me which script it is stored in, please?

Again, I'm really delighted with this release. PunBB now does everything I want it to.

This function successfully sends an email with a replacement password... but it doesn't appear to change it in the database. The new password produces a 'wrong username/password' message; the old password works fine.


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

I have the same problem: I've turned off Quick Post, but the form continues to appear -- even for users who are not moderators or administrator. I switched it off in Administration/Options; is there somewhere else I should make a change? I couldn't find a place to disable it for specific user groups.

Incidentally, this is a wonderful release. Great job.