(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)


A message from a developer to PunBB developers. Nothing personal, it's just my programming point of view okay ? wink

The first time I saw PunBB (a long time ago) it looked very promising (and it still does I think).

I needed to hack PunBB (I'm still hacking it) and I have been very disappointed to what I've seen.

The code is a real mess. Functions and variables everywhere in file and among files. There is no inner logic visible at the first look. No OOP visible.

Although I tend to use OOP for every medium-sized projects, I have nothing against procedural programming as long as it stays procedural... PunBB code makes me think of the "GOTO" programming ages... Absolute nightmare.

PHP5 has a better OOP support making it worth the try. There is also the ZendFramework that has cool code that you can (re)use.

I do think (but that is my own personal opinion of mine of course) that OOP can make PunBB more developer-friendly and "web2.0"-ready. (if you know what I mean).

My 2 cents... Thanks for reading smile

Current hack : integrating CMS and PunBB logging system. PunBB database tables synchronisation. Profiles options locking.

thanks! smile

same "question/problem" for me smile

i've my own login system and i would like to improve it in order to automatically create their forum accounts for my members.

there is the description of the `users` table at http://punbb.org/docs/dev.html#dbtables (hope it's still up to date)

my idea is simply to send a sql insert query when someone register ? what do you think ?

now what about the features like :
- Newest registered user
- Total number of registered users

is there a script i've to run to update these values ?

thank you


(30 replies, posted in Archive)

analogue wrote:

Bah, on est pas bien ici ?
Eclater la communaute ne va pas l'aider AMHA.

tout à fait d'accord.


(1 replies, posted in Archive)

Salut à tous,

J'ai découvert punBB aujourd'hui même sur le site de Framasoft (http://framasoft.net/article2945.html) et la première impression que j'en ai est excellente ! J'aime beaucoup l'esprit dans lequel il est développé. C'est exactement le genre de forum que je cherchais et que je ne trouvais pas. Jusqu'à ce jour smile (j'allais me rabattre sur phorum)

Donc, pour en revenir au titre :
Moi c'est Gre3n, j'habite Bruxelles et je compte utiliser punBB dès que mon hébergeur recevra le virement (dès que les banques daigneront procéder au transfert... mad)

J'aimerai aussi intégrer les utilisateurs enregistrés de mon site a punBB. Je ne sais pas si c'est faisable, mais je compte bien essayer.
Je ne sais pas encore quand, mais je vous tiendrai au courant.

S'il est possible de mettre ce post en 'sticky' ?
Que chaque utilisateur du forum francophone se présente sur ce thread. Ce sera plus sympa comme ca.

@++ et longue vie a punBB

ps : j'ai vu l'annonce sur freenews et ca fait plaisir wink