Hi, all...

If it helps to have this information, I have the URL Rewriting Mod installed on my site and it is working well.  I have also installed the site map plugin and submitted a site map to google and yahoo (The sitemap uses the rewritten URLS - I don't remember if it worked that way out of the box or I tweaked it to do so).

My ultimate long-term goal is to have search engines index only:

Links to Forums
Links to Topics only using the main topic link (not any "Last Post" or "View New" links) to get there.

That's going to take a lot of modification though.  The main pressing problem that I want to take care of right away is (because they are on the front page) Search Engines picking up the "Last Post" links and indexing those as the main links to topics.  As a result, when users find my links in Google  they are being taken to...


...which is a specific post in a thread rather than...


...which is the main (and correct for SEO purposes) link to the topic.

All of this is a very long way to ask about using rel="nofollow" in the "Last Post" links on the front page and forum pages.

I **think** the way it will work is to not let Google see that the "Last Post" links are a way to get into the topic, forcing Google to drill down from the front page to the Forum pages and then to the individual topics.

Does anyone have any idea if this is the correct way nofollow will work.  I don't want to cut off access to the topics all together.  I just want to cut off the "Last Post" links as a way of search engines getting there.

jz32300 wrote:

Or maybe it should say "Punres - just another forum"?

I'm getting too confused with PunBB - you need to reorganize guys. Cut out the hidden, secret links to mods (which I still can't find) and stop sending people to the oposition...


If you're having such difficulty finding the clearly marked mods, good luck admin'ing PhpBB!

BTW, the link to punres is in the sticky post entitled "Read before posting mods or questions about mods" at the top of this very forum.


(101 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

It just seemed to be doing a lot more than the previous code did.  I know nothing on JS at all.  I'm assuming it played some sounds.  Does the script seem to be sending data somewhere when it runs?  That was my concern.


(101 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

I saw the "Maintenance Mode" code earlier in the thread.  What the hacker put into my "Maintenance Mode" page seems much more malicious. Anyone with Javascript experience have and idea what this would have done had a user visited the site while it was on main't mode?

<TITLE>Hacked by ALTANs - System Fucker</TITLE>
<META NAME="description" CONTENT="Bizim Gerçek K?ld?klar?m?za Onlar hayalleriyle Eri?emedi">
<LINK REV="made" href="mailto:turkogluturk18@hotmail.com">
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1254">
<META content="MSHTML 6.00.2900.2722" name=GENERATOR></HEAD>
<BODY text=#000080 vLink=#000080 aLink=#000080 link=#000080 bgColor=#ffffff onload=init()>
<P align=center>
<DIV class=ttl1 id=ttl0>
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
var message="";
/////////////////////////////////// sa? tu? close 
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<SCRIPT language=JAVASCRIPT type=text/javascript>var layers=document.layers,style=document.all,both=layers||style,idme=908601;if(layers){layerRef='document.layers';styleRef='';}if(style){layerRef='document.all';styleRef='.style';}function writeOnText(obj,str){if(layers)with(document[obj]){document.open();document.write(str);document.close();}if(style)eval(obj+'.innerHTML= str');}var dispStr=new Array("<font color=008000><!--#include file="database.asp"--></font><br><font color=008000><!--#include file="Server-CreateObject.asp"--></font><br><br><font class=d><%</font></b><br><font color=000080>If <b>hacked</b>.eof <b>then</b><br><font color=000080>Response.Write (" This Web Page Hacked ") <br>Response.Write ("<font color=800080><b> Hacked by ALTANs </b></font>") </b><font color=000080><br>Response.Write (" RSA key fingerprint : 4f:b8:e8:83:h7:82:1g:t4:2e:49:72:41:f2:19:66:ea ")<br>Response.Write (" Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? ")<br>Response.Write (" yes ")<br>Response.Write (" Root: ALTANs  ")<br>Response.Write (" password: ******* ")<br>Response.Write (" Md5  : 3f3082fd88c694198de78162285940bf  ")<br>Response.Write (" Checksum : <b> --->> Game Ower :) </b>  ")<br><b>End If</b><br><font class=d>%></font><br><br><br><br><center><b> www.SanalDevrim.net <br> altan@sanaldevrim.net </center></p><br><br>"
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(101 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

BTW I got hit by the same hack from a different IP series:, so it may be worthwhile to add 85.100 to the above string.

Well, as there wouldn't be bandwidth or hosting without the ads, it looks like it's going to be one of those "live with it" things.  Another reason for folks to make the switch to Firefox.

If you think of anything that would totally break "New Posts" in IE but not Firefox, please let me know.  Thanks for your help.

I don't mean to open a can of worms, but this issue is kind of driving me a little nuts.  With the help of a kind member of my forum, I've gone through and made sure my coding to add in the ads is 100% validated at validator.w3.org.  This issue still occurs at times in IE where it will not jump down to the "new post" via the anchor.
this seems to indicate that anchors cannot start with numbers, but I haven't seen that anywhere else.  It does describe the problem.  I also read that if the browser cannot find an anchor it will not generate an error but will stay at the top of the page.  IE seems strict, Firefox does not.

Does anyone know if that is accurate that anchors cannot start with a number?

I don't use IE so I didn't notice it, but users are reporting (and I duplicated) that clicking "New Posts" in the "Show New Posts Since Last Visit" area does not bring them to the new posts in the thread but rather to the first post in the thread.  It works as intended in both Firefox and Mozilla, bringing you to the first new post in the thread as indicated.

Is there a quick fix workaround?  Looks like about 70% of my users are using IE (unfortunately for them) so it's a bit of a big issue.

I'm on version 1.2.1 with only the BBCode mod installed.