(22 replies, posted in General discussion)

KTottE wrote:

By releasing the information, Microsoft are allowing more 'script-kiddies' to exploit the security holes thus making life harder on Internet Explorer users.

I understand what you're trying so say here. But if you think that the security holes are unknown to crackers and virus-makers just because MS hasn't gone public about them knowing about it, you're naive.
How do you think MS learns about the problem? thats right.. cause someone has exploited it!
Even after the problem is known (because it's been used!) MS still keeps it a secret for 6-12 months, full well knowing that more people will have a problem with it.

Just because the public doesn't know about the problem, does mean its not known to the people exploiting it!
Firefox on the other hand lets people know so that people can take pre-caution the few days it takes to fix the problem.

So like someone said here, ignorace is strenght.


(20 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Is this dead? The suggested modifications didn't work on my forum, has anyone else tried?

Any suggestions?


(22 replies, posted in General discussion)

It's an interesting topic, but I think it's based on lack of knowledge.

IE is ridden with security-holes, and has been forever. Firefox has much less flaws, but the difference is that Firefox actually FIXES the mistakes.
Also, Firefox developers is open about the problem, unlike MS who prefers to hide the problem for 2 years while they work on a patch (in the meantime, 10 new critical errors have suraced).

So the way I see it, Firefox being open about the errors the encounter, makes some people scared. SO they would rather live ignorant and feeling "safe" with IE because MS does not inform about their problems as quickly as FF does.

(written without any hard evidence.. it's just the impression I have as an avid net-addict wink )


(26 replies, posted in General discussion)

shinko_metsuo wrote:

Endre that girl must not be too smart if she went on another computer instead of using proxies.

I had some guy asked to be a mod (I think it was a 10 year old kid) I said no and he kept asking so then I told him to define mod. He did not respond but he posted a message say he was not welcomed. WTF is with that?

lol, I've also run into people who keeps asking/expection to be mods. Quite often I'm more likely to ban them than making them mods. Some people just have no social skills at all.
I've also had a few people who join, and ONLY use the PM-system to send junk and insults to others. What kind of lives do these people have?!


(26 replies, posted in General discussion)

I don't know if there is a similar thread here already, forgive me if there is.

I thought it would be fun to exchange some experiences from our forums.  I'm sure we all have experienced some crazy people, or other things worth a laugh smile

I had a new member join a couple of days ago, she's bloody insane. She used her first 15 posts to argue with all of my mods, and when banned, she started sending offensive emails to me! lol

Here is one mail: "I'm gonna keep signing onto different computers and tell people what a piece of shit that you are. So expect that people will hear all about your twisted, distorted objectivity...There are millions of computers at my disposal so expect to be hit and hit like a mother fucker you peice of shit..........."

She continued the next day with this lovely mail:
"Like I said yesterday all this means is that i am going to continue to hammer you with my access to many computers..you coulda responded maturely but you don't have the balls or the decency so expect to get hammered and get hammered mercilessly....YOU FAG"

!!! Have any of you encountered any such lunatics? lol


(5 replies, posted in Archive)



(20 replies, posted in Feature requests)

lol, maybe obvious for you!
I'm not very skilled with this. I can edit some things, but not long queries..

I'll try this and report back

... tried it, and it seems like the exact same results as last time.

Why cant it just ask for the same search as regular search, when searching for user and posts. That gets the exact result we want.


(20 replies, posted in Feature requests)

There are 5 instances of "group by" in the code, one of which is under "search for id-code". But exactly which part should I remove?


(20 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Rickard wrote:

Endre: Are you sure that's a fresh copy of search.php?

Yes smile
I even downloaded a fresh copy to make sure.

Smartys wrote:

OK, just remove the GROUP BY statement to make it actually display all the posts.

I don't understand what you mean by this. There is no Group By in the code you edited.


(20 replies, posted in Feature requests)

hmm.. when I click on the "view all posts" after the edit above, I get a list of posts, not topics.. but it's a bit messed up. It's not limited to the correct user, and the dates are messed up.
Like this: http://www.princefams.com/forum/search. … ;user_id=2
That's the link on my own profile, Endre. But as you see the results are for other users.

I thought it worked fine last nite.. I must be losing my mind.


(20 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Sorry.. my bad..
I edited in Dreamweaver, and it changed some links automatically.

I fixed it and it works great, thanks!

(I deleted my posts, then saw your reply afterwards)


(20 replies, posted in Feature requests)

But there must be somewhere I can edit the code, surely, to make this small change?

I see the "view all posts" is just a link to search.php
So I reckon if I find the place in the code for this link, it can be changed so that it shows posts instead of topics.

But I can't find it hmm Help anyone?


(20 replies, posted in Feature requests)

"view all topics" is not very usefull in an active forum. In my forum people tend to reply to virtually every topic there is, so clicking the link pretty much lists all topics I have.

It's especially little usefull if the member whose post I want to locate, hasn't posted in a while. Cause the list of topics has no link to that persons post. The list of topics does not single out that members last post, so I have to go through the thread to find his last post anyway.


(20 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Maybe there could be an option in "admin" so each forum-admin can choose which is best suited for his forum?


(20 replies, posted in Feature requests)

I think it's really handy to look at a users last posts, all in one place. I normally do this by searching for a user, but display the results as "posts" not topics. Then you get a list of their posts lined up.
Is it's possible to make a shortcut to this search-result somehow? The "view all posts" in a users profile should be like this, instead of just showing topics.

Is it possible to make the view all posts show posts instead of threads/topics?

Sometimes a user has crazy avatars or signatures, and I want to stop them from doing this.
It would be nice if the admins/mods could change the settings for specific users so that they have limited options.

Especially it would be usefull to deny a user the chance to post images.

Thanks Richard. This code conflicted with the mod ConnorHD made to truncate the news-output earlier. So i edited it a little, in case anyone but would like both modifications at the same time.
The other mod I'm talking about is this:

$replace = array('<a href="'.$pun_config['o_base_url'].'/viewtopic.php?id='.$cur_topic['id'].'">'.pun_htmlspecialchars($cur_topic['subject']).'</a>', date('Y-m-d H:i', $cur_post['posted']), pun_htmlspecialchars($cur_post['poster']), parse_message(prune_para($cur_post['message']), $cur_post['hide_smilies']), '<a href="'.$pun_config['o_base_url'].'/viewtopic.php?id='.$cur_topic['id'].'">Comments</a>');

I think it would be good if the topic or headline in the news generator output is clickable, and creates a link to the forum thread.
It's how most internet newspapers work, and people are used to clicking on headlines to go to the story in question.
Can this be fixed easily with a small edit in the code?

True. I think I'll just disable post count for all users. It just leads to spam and mindless chit-chat.

Yeah, I know that. thanks for the reply tho smile

Is there any way I can remove the post count and/or rank for specific users?
Some people are rank-hunting, and I want to "punish" them by removing post-count, so they stop spamming the forum.

Any ideas how I can do this?


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

I was aware of that bug, and I fixed the other one.
This one I didn't do, because I didn't think it affected me, since guests cant post in my forum.

can the threads be ammened?

Edit: To answer my own question. When I edited the viewforum.php according to the link posted above, the forum went back to normal. Thankfully smile

http://www.princefams.com/forum/viewtop … 7&p=33

I deleted this user called "crystalc", on her request.
When I deleted the account, I removed the mark for "delete messages and threads", cause I wanted the threads to remain intact.
Afterwards I get this chaos (check link). How can I fix this, and what's gone wrong?
I'm using 1.2.5. and only registered members are allowed to posts (I mention this cause the deleted user now appears as Guest).

Many of the repeated posts were posts by others, but the content was replaced with the repeated posts from crystalc.
All the posts in that name were made before the account was deleted.

Any help would be appreciated


I've received a couple of messages from members of my forum who say they've received weird PM's from other members, and they suspect that their accounts are hijacked. I assume that it's just someone being careless and not logging out on a public computer or something like that.
Still, has anyone else heard questions like this? Is it possible to log into another users account?


there is a script there called "migration tool" that does the transfer for you. It's easy to set up and works fast.