(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Released. See this thread for more info:


In this case I think it's better to be mainstream. Many users would be confused. I mean, there is people out there never heard of BBCode or whatever and think the [b] tags etc. are standards and take that for granted. Chances are that most users would end up using a BBCode mod instead.



(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Connorhd wrote:

i think he was telling rod why you used wierd browsers wink

Oh, yes of course ^^;


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

gezz wrote:


in-game browser


you know like ares, kazaa, and gamespy arcade?

What does that has to do with EVE-Online's IGB? o_O


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

I posted this on punres.org earlier today, but I thought I might aswell post it here too.

I've recently started playing EVE-Online and (of course) our corp forum is running PunBB wink

However, i soon discovered that it didn't look very pretty in the in-game browser (barely worked at all). So I started working on a mod that will make it compatible.

Here is a screenshot of index.php:

I'm having major problems with this mod. It doesn't upload any files. The problem lies in that $_FILES['attached_file'] is empty. I've never had any problems uploading files with this php setup in the past and I have not pasted the mod wrong since I've done that 3 times and tried with your modified post.php.

Edit: Nvm, seems like there was just max_file_size that were missconfigured.


(36 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

The *_cs.css stylesheets are not hard to understand at all so I don't see why you would want the colors in php variables in the first place.

Tobi wrote:

Your link doesn't work.

Hm ok.. Just search for "config.php security" then


Here are some threads about it.

It's fixed now smile


(27 replies, posted in General discussion)

Fire Fusion wrote:

I think you mean have looked a million times better and still do.

Yeah, something like that ^^


(27 replies, posted in General discussion)

It sure looks good, for windows.. Graphical environments for linux and mac have looked just as good for a long time now. And, can somebody tell me what must-have features Longhorn have?


(9 replies, posted in Archive)

Ok. Jag var visst lite ute och cyklade. Men här är pluginet som fixar nyhterna:

News Generator

Created by Rickard Andersson. This plugin generates static markup based on topics in a specific forum. The plugin can be used to display news postings on the news page of a website running PunBB. PunBB.org uses this plugin.

Detta är samma script som används på www.punbb.org. Vet dock inte hur det fungerar tongue


(9 replies, posted in Archive)

Ja, men av säkerhetsskäl brukar man inte tillåta MySQL anslutningar utifrån.


(9 replies, posted in Archive)

Polo wrote:

Så PunBB funkar på IIS Server (Loopia Windowspaket och Unix Paket med MySQL eller?)?

PunBB fungerar oberoende av plattform och webserver sålänge PHP och MySQL fungerar smärtfritt.

Polo wrote:

Förklara lite mer om det där systemet med posta nyheter/kommentera nyheter och sånt där. Det låter intressant!

Det är väldigt enkelt. Du postar helt enkelt trådar i ett forum och varje tråd visas som en nyhet. Posterna i tråden visas som kommentarer. Sedan inkluderar du bara extern.php där du vill visa nyheterna.


(9 replies, posted in Archive)

Polo wrote:

Funkar PunBB på Loopia och Windows Server om jag beställer MySQL som extra tjänst? (Kan även använda UNIX på subdomäner gratis sa dem). Frågar eftersom jag såg att Rikard rekomenderar Loopia och jag har Loopia.

Det bör fungera utmärkt.

Polo wrote:

Vad är det för system som www.worldofwar.se använder på sitt PunBB? De kan på nåt sätt posta news via PunBB och även låta andra kommentera. Vore jättebra om jag fick veta vilket system de använde eftersom de kan vara bra att använda på min sida.

Inbyggd funktion genom filen extern.php. Se kommentarerna i filen för mer info.

Polo wrote:

Varför ska man använda PunBB? Vad är framtidsplanerna? Förutom att fixa buggar och sånt förstås?
Vet ju att PunBB är litet och snyggt, men vad mer?.

Det är snabbt och enkelt att använda.

Polo wrote:

Dessutom verkar det som om Poll inte ingår. Varför inte? Så mycket kan det inte ta. Vet att det finns en mod men den är inte så jätte snygg på forumet direkt..


Polo wrote:

Om jag i efterhand väljer PunBB hur fixar man så att nya länkar öppnas i ett nytt fönster i stället för att bara komma till länken från PunBB Forumet?


Hoppas du väljer PunBB! smile

Rickard wrote:

I'm just afraid adding a big ol' template system would make PunBB less of what it is now and more of what every other bulletin board is.

I agree. PunBB wasn't made to be versatile. It was made to be simple and fast. I love it that you can just download PunBB, put it on your server, run the install script and get it running in seconds. If you need extreme functionality, there is options. The price you pay is slower development (PunBB only have one developer and still bugs are fixed relly fast) and a slower software.

I don't see why a template system would help you with updates to the php source code. On phpBB for example, you have all kind of functions you'll possibly need so there is a big chance that you'll only "remove" some functions with the templates. Then it's easy to just apply the updates to the php source code. But in PunBB? There is a bigger chance that you will add a couple of features instead, and that would be both in the php source and the templates. So then the update problem isn't solved by a template engine.


(1,382 replies, posted in General discussion)



(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

Update: Now you can be more players running around smile


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

I've started working on a web based MMORPG engine. It's based on PHP and javascript. No damn flash! ^^

So far, there is only one character moving around a little map. However, everybody controls that character at the same time wink

Features so far:
* Movement
* Collision detection
* Chat
* Ability to have you own character and control that one in the same world as the other

* Ability to move character with your mouse
* New GUI XD
* Battle system (NPC, PvP)
* Ability to team up with other players
* Equip you character

And lots of other stuff I haven't com up with yet wink

Try it out:


(4 replies, posted in Archive)

Nej. Det ligger nu mera i databasen. I config tabellen, ändra o_default_lang till Swedish. Du kan också gå in och kolla din enskilda användare. Ändra language för din användare till Swedish.


(4 replies, posted in Archive)

Har du kollat detta: http://punbb.org/docs/faq.html#faq1_1 ?

Och kommer du direkt tillbaka till login.php eller är det en 'redirect' sida mellan?

BenWilson wrote:

My point was I have clients who do not want moderators to have their names listed, or to have IP addresses listed--even if their display is limited to administrators. And, I would like a tool that is flexible enough to allow me to toggle off a feature rather than require me to muck through the code to weed it out.

Yes, that would be really great. But would such system slow down? I don't know, please tell me. However, doing such small things to the code only takes about 5-10 minutes if you are fairly used to the code. And if your not, I bet someone here on the forum will help out.

This is how you remove the moderator list:

Find line ~132, index.php:

<?php echo $forum_field."\n".$moderators ?>

Change it to

<?php echo $forum_field ?>

Simple as that.

To remove the IP for everybody:

Open viewtopic.php and comment out these lines:

Line ~249:
$user_info[] = '<dd>IP: <a href="moderate.php?get_host='.$cur_post['id'].'">'.$cur_post['poster_ip'].'</a>';

Line ~261-262
if ($pun_user['g_id'] < PUN_GUEST)
            $user_info[] = '<dd>IP: <a href="moderate.php?get_host='.$cur_post['id'].'">'.$cur_post['poster_ip'].'</a>';

BenWilson wrote:

What I'm generally seeking is system that allows for upgrades that require little effort--and that won't clobber local configurations.

A system like that is currently being developed, by me, for PunRes.org. Read this thread for more info: http://punbb.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=4974

BenWilson wrote:

Second, it would be nice to have a template system where somebody non-conversant with PunBB code, but familiar with HTML could go in and quickly put together a template. I've not had the luxury of time (lately) to figure out PunBB's approach, so I apologize if the system is easier than I'm making it out to be.

PunBB is, as you may have noticed, free of tables. Atleast for designing purpose. This means, that the CSS currently controls most of the design. And what I've understand, will control even more in 1.3. Thats why, a better template system isn't really needed, as it will only make the forum less fast, which is the sole purpose of PunBB.

BenWilson wrote:

An example of this would be the ability to turn off display of such things as IP and forum moderators. In PmWiki they use variables such as $EnableIPDisplay or $EnableModeratorsDisplay, which are set to true by default. however, by making the variable false in a configuration file, it immediately deactivates that feature. Conversely, in PunBB, to do each of these I've had to remove a variable from a file or two. So, I suppose I'm suggesting adding a few more configuration variables that allow toggling of more-or-less optional features.

The IP is not shown to members as default (only admin/mods). And I'm quite sure that this is possible to change in the admin. You don't even have to change a variable. I don't know what you mean with moderators. You mean under the forums? That list is not showed if no moderators are added to the forum. And if there is no users in the moderator group. Im quite sure you won't notice that group either.

BenWilson wrote:

How PmWiki preserves this is that it expects all local configuration to be in a /local directory--and it never writes files in that directory. A sample-config.php is dropped in the application root directory, which then may either be deleted or line-by-line incorporated.

There is an example_config.php in the extras/ directory in the PunBB package. And that only contains db connection information. All other configuration is done via the admin, except the debug constant which is declared in common.php.

BenWilson wrote:

Additional modules are added in a "cookbook" directory, which also is never written into by an installation/upgrade. These modules are called recipes.

PmWiki also expects that administrators won't muck with its core software. It does this by allowing methods and functions to be replaced by recipes. The underlying mechanics, I believe, is by assigning the PmWiki-default function to a variable that the local configuration can change to the local function.

Since you've been in the business for quite some time, I'm sure you've heard of Object Oriented Programming. And I'm quite sure that's what this wiki system uses. This means that you can't get this kind of functionality in PunBB if you're not to rewrite the whole thing from scratch. Here are some comments from Rickard about PHP and OOP: http://punbb.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=7206

I hope that answered some of your questions smile