(6 replies, posted in Feature requests)

I make an user group for women, but user's group can't have title modified with postcount.

Hurmf, there's no similar for 1.2.x ? smile

line 255 extern.php

echo '<li><a href="'.$pun_config['o_base_url'].'/'.pun_link($pun_url['topic_new_posts'], $cur_topic['id']).'" title="'.pun_htmlspecialchars($cur_topic['subject']).'">'.$subject_truncated.'</a></li>'."\n";

Replace by

echo '<li><a href="'.$pun_config['o_base_url'].'/'.pun_link($pun_url['topic'], $cur_topic['id']).'" title="'.pun_htmlspecialchars($cur_topic['subject']).'">'.$subject_truncated.'</a></li>'."\n";

I'm using this :
error_reporting( ~E_ALL);
And work perfectly. (the php error reporting is because when it's slow there's an php error)


(55 replies, posted in Feature requests)

It's an old message. neutral


(19 replies, posted in Feature requests)

That depend realy of the community. wink


(19 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Put an option in admin panel to force people to use at least width setting in [img] tag and set the width also in panel admin.
(and a have 525px with Mozilla. tongue)


(19 replies, posted in Feature requests)

My answer was for the first post.

Why not make a tag like [img h=100px w=200px][/img] and the images larger than 640px will be styled with css width:100%; ?


(19 replies, posted in Feature requests)

What's the problem? set 100% width for images and width the padding of the post it's all ok no?
No resize little images.


(16 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

I've tried to do it on my style but there's too much bug, the table tag seems to be not my freind again.
So, for the moment it's give : http://ckkoshi.free.fr/punbb/

The left scroll bar is an original idee. bookmarks

I did your change and got :

Mail sent from PunBB wrote:

Subject : test é à æ?

opirh gferonzugj _ç(ut

And it's give :

On Mozilla wrote:

Subject : test é à æ?

opirh gferonzugj _ç(ut

? ? ? didn't work.

I have only a problem with special caracter like æ and ? in the title subject with Mozilla in UTF-8.
All the other is ok, é à ê è Ç etc etc.


(4 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Ouch sorry, Mozilla's view selection source didn't show it.

Thanks you.


(4 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Something like :
<a href="closed_topic_id" class="closed">Closed_Topic_Name</a>

With a style like :
.closed {text-decoration: line-through}

By default, the closed topic are not show as closed.


(20 replies, posted in Programming)

Do you have an url to show?

The zengarden designer are cheater, they are good with xhtml/css and they are to with photoshop!
I'll try to do an original skin but easy to use for my punbb. (the actual is realy bad)


(0 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

When there's no topic to read (like after an « mark all topic as read »)
I've this PHP error on :

Notice: Undefined variable: pun_url in /.../punbb/header.php on line 176

Notice: Undefined variable: pun_url in /.../punbb/header.php on line 176


(38 replies, posted in News)

And for 1.3? (I'm using it) how can I downgrade from 1.3 to 1.2.4?

Thanks, my search had given nothing..

Hi, is it possible to hide/encrypt the smtp login/password for security reason?
If there's several admin, and the e-mail is private, it's a litle probleme.



(15 replies, posted in News)

What about the 1.3?
No update? No probleme?


(2 replies, posted in Archive)

Sympa le « inutile » pour les autres forums. neutral

It works for me, all the links are good.
Only the "Jump To" send not clean URL.

I've update 1.2.2 to 1.3 with svn.

// edit:

I've modified the .htaccess at line 54
#RewriteRule ^users/([0-9\-]+)/([a-z_]+)/([a-zA-Z]+)/(.*?)/page/([0-9]+)/?$ userlist.php?show_group=$1&sort_by=$2&sort_dir=$3&username=$4&p=$5 [L,NC]

It generate 500 error. (on apache 1.3.27)


(15 replies, posted in Archive)

Ici : http://punbb.org/download/hdiff/


(15 replies, posted in Archive)

Tuf wrote:

rester a la version 1.1.5, ne pose pas de problème de sécurité, hein ?

Vaut mieux se mettre à jours.
Surtout que la 1.2.2 est bien foutu.