Changed them both to 50 and *zing* the messages appear again. Thanks SO MUCH for the help. Doesn't explain how those values got reset, but I'll take it.
1 2006-10-28 13:22
Re: Where is forum info data stored? (8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
2 2006-10-28 12:54
Re: Where is forum info data stored? (8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
3 2006-10-28 12:52
Re: Where is forum info data stored? (8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Cache cleared of everything. No change.
I haven't made any changes to the source, or replaced any files. I checked config.php against a backed up copy of the same file, and they're identical.
I poked around in the MySQL db using phpmyadmin, and the pbb_config table containts all the default settings for conf_value. The other tables for "categories" and "forums" contain the correct data. It just doesn't appear that the two are connecting.
To test whether it was the database or the install, I uploaded a new copy of PunBB, replaced it's config file with the one from my other install, and the forums behaved exactly the same.
Any other ideas? Thanks.
4 2006-10-28 12:29
Topic: Where is forum info data stored? (8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Hey - I'm having a weird problem with my forums. They've been working fine for weeks, then all of a sudden my Options data reset to the default settings ("My PunBB forum") and when I go to a forum I get a "Forum is empty" message, plus an error at the top stating "Warning: Division by zero in /forums/viewforum.php on line 70"
I've checked the database and the messages all appear to still be there. I have backups, I'm just not sure where to look.
5 2005-03-08 03:19
Topic: Double-publish news in MovableType and PunBB? (1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
Is there a way to post entries in MovableType, and have that data somehow be duped over to PunBB automatically as a new post in an admin-only "News and Announcements" forum? It would save me a lot of time if I could do that.
6 2005-03-03 02:00
Re: Two sets of "Post New Topic" (4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Geez. Sorry everyone. I didn't remember that posts would appear in-between those two "Post a new topic" spaces. Now that a few entries are appearing it looks normal. Thanks for taking the time for such a silly topic.
7 2005-03-03 01:49
Topic: Two sets of "Post New Topic" (4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Hi everyone -
Just set up PunBB (it rocks!) and am seeing one thing a little off -- when you click on a Forum in the index (I have one category with 7 forums), the next page looks like the attached image. There appears to be duplicate data that shouldn't be there. Any ideas?