(28 replies, posted in Programming)

downliner wrote:

When an order is emailed to me, it isn't stating the shipping method the user selected. How can I change this?

Even though I typed in product codes for my items they are not being shown on form.php, order.php, or in the email sent to me confirming an order. How can I change this?

Thanks (again)

These questions may have been overlooked by people as I posted again quickly after to thank andrewteg. Anyone able to offer some insight? Thanks! big_smile


(28 replies, posted in Programming)

andrewteg wrote:

Can't use an encrypted button with PayPal because it encrypts the amount.

Make a button and put in a set price like 999. Choose non-encrypted you should get a line that is exactly the same as the grand total code line but has 999 for the value.

Thank you, makes sense now big_smile


(28 replies, posted in Programming)

When an order is emailed to me, it isn't stating the shipping method the user selected. How can I change this?

Even though I typed in product codes for my items they are not being shown on form.php, order.php, or in the email sent to me confirming an order. How can I change this?

Thanks (again)


(28 replies, posted in Programming)

<form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick">
<input type="image" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/x-click-but23.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!">
<img alt="" border="0" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_GB/i/scr/pixel.gif" width="1" height="1">

That is a button I created using PayPal. Where in the code do I put my grand total amount?

<input type="hidden" name="amount" value="<?php echo $grand_tot ?>">



(1 replies, posted in Programming)

I am a complete noob when it comes to phpmyadmin and mysql. I really have no idea what Im doing. Since I know you guys are awesome at php I hoped somebody might also understand mysql big_smile

I have been told in a mod file I need to:

INSERT INTO prefix_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('allow_multiple', '1');

I have PHPMyAdmin 2.6.3 and have managed to locate prefix_config.

I clicked on prefix_config, and saw two files (config_name, config_value) just like it said I would in the hack. The trouble is I dont know how to insert VALUES ('allow_multiple', '1').

Can somebody please give me a step by step guide on how to achieve this? Keep in mind I'm new to phpmyadmin/mysql big_smile



(28 replies, posted in Programming)

Cool to see some others are using the order form smile I do have a few more ideas for it so I hope I can come back here again in future to get a little bit more assisstance big_smile I just need to work out exactly how I need the form to operate.


(28 replies, posted in Programming)

Wow! Thanks for all the effort you put into this for me. I really appreciate it, the code works perfectly smile Now I just have to add about 50 products to the list lol. Thanks again Andrew


(28 replies, posted in Programming)

Hi guys,

I am working on a website and need to include a PHP Order Form for our existing customers. It is a much cleaner option than installing osCommerce or anything like that - they already know the products they will be buying so need a quick, easy ordering process.

Heres what it looks like at the minute:


I would now like to add two more features to the order form:

"Desired Delivery Date" : This can be a simple text box where customer enters date, or if someone is willing I think a drop down menu with the next 14 days dates included would be good (I will edit it each day to add the next day on...)

"Special Comments About Your Order" : This is just a large enough text box so that customers can say special requests - i.e. Please deliver between 2-3pm, or Bacon is to be frozen prior to delivery.

Here is a .zip file with the 5 files included, it is relatively straight forward cosing so far, i just dont know how to add extra bits in to it.


Thanks guys, any input would be appreciated,


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Connor, I really hate you lol. me and Orion spent a good hour crawling through the Punbb code trying to work out how to put the links in that black box! Please dont make him change his mind hehe... I would actually cry


(2 replies, posted in Programming)

Thank you very much big_smile I'm installing Gall2 right now, will report back my findings smile


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Wow I really like it smile The colour scheme looks just right in my opinion - keep up the good work smile


(2 replies, posted in Programming)

Hi guys,

I have been approached to design a new website for an established music photographer. I havent even started working on it yet and already Im stuck lol.

She needs "one that will be super easy to get around and allows folks to order prints - purchase use for editorial."

She attends gigs every day as a press photographer and as a result needs the site to be updated daily. I am doing this a favour for her; in exchange for rights to the use of her catalog of photos - therefore I would rather she updates the site herself as I dont want 100 photos in my inbox everyday.

I need to know, is their any CMS / Blogger out their that will suit our needs? I need it to be as simple as possible for her to update. If she isnt a whizkid on computers I cant ask her to hack away at the HTML code everyday lol.

Any ideas or suggestions that might suit our needs will be looked into. Thanks,

My message board users have been posting some cool downloads in the downloads section of my message board. Unfortunately their are some leechers that steal the links and then post them on every other related message board without credit.

Is their a way to stop new members entering the downloads section of my board? I only want users with a minimum post level of 50 posts to have access.


(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

You did select it from your Profile right?


(114 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

1.3 sounds good so far, looking forward to getting my grubby little amateur paws all over it and messing up my board lol.


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)


Just checked it in AOL and it works fine now smile Nice style tongue

/ downliner

If you make your post clear it might help us understand what you're after. What kind of tutorials are you looking for?

Installation? Editing The Template?

Can you provide a link to your site/forum so we can take a look? Might be easier to understand the problem smile


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

It does look good but I have the same problem as StevenBullen when using IE 6 or AOL 9.0:


It works fine in Firefox smile


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

I like it, it looks awesome :-) Except maybe you should change the Punbb logo to something of your own wink

Im not quite sure what use you can have from this feature sad

However can you not just make a new User Group based on Moderators. Just set permissions to however you need them. Set it so that only users within that user group can read the forum. It would be invisible to guests and people outside of that User Group. It can all be done through the admin panel and is the quickest option.

Maybe someone could create a small mod that automatically adds users to the special User Group when they reach a certain number of posts?

If you can make the above mod for me I would also be interested in a mod that automatically emails me to tell me when someone updates the new section of their profile smile Catch me on msn if you want and we can talk further: downliner05@hotmail.com

I need a mod that will allow me to easily add new sections/fields to profiles big_smile Interested? How much could you do it for?


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Very very nice design but same problem as 'Speechless'; I cant read your language sad

I was just curious about this and wanted to ask other punbb users. Whenever a new version is released I think about updating my version number but can hardly ever be bothered lol. It seems like every other week a new version is released. Usually I update every third release, so I did 1.2.1, 1.2.4, 1.2.7 and now I am waiting for 1.2.10

I know the new releases are put out for bug fixes and security measures but so far Ive never actually had any problems. Do you guys always install the latest version as and when they are released or are some of you lazy like me? big_smile