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Hi Smartys,
OK, by adding
if ($pun_user['is_guest'])
message($lang_common['No permission']);
Just before the page should be displayed, it works fine including of course if the user has lost his password.
Just add it line 884 just after // view or edit?
Yes, i see..... ok will try to sort it out.
Pas de conversion, c'est une nouvelle install mais le pb a été résolu (voir forum troubleshhoting)
Thanks Smartys, it works fine.
The problem i had is that i forgot to modify profile.php, furthermore, i have no problem with emeil verification.
Hi to all,
I know, the following question has been asked and asked but i did not read any positive reply.
To use PunBB, i absolutely need the option "hide user list to guests" with the not permitted message.
This option exists, but don't work:(
In functions.php it is even clear that this link shouldn't be removed ????
I tried few things but unfortunately i have not been successful, i can hide it of course but for members too:-).
Do i have to forget PunBB?
Good night,
Question déjà posée mais pas de réponse adéquate qui resoud le pb.
Dans admin, on peut interdire l'accès à la liste des utilisateurs aux invités, mais en réalité, ça ne fait rien.
Y a t'il une solution, sinon je suis obligé d'oublier ce joli forum:(
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