please can somone reply!
3 2011-07-05 12:16
Re: Fancy Stop SPAM (115 replies, posted in Supported extensions)
Selected on to everything and still getting hit by Spam... what next? See:
4 2011-07-01 11:48
Re: What to do against junk registrations (7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)
What does timezone option do please?
5 2011-06-30 18:24
Re: What to do against junk registrations (7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)
6 2011-06-29 18:27
Re: What to do against junk registrations (7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)
Thanks KeyDog, still getting loads of sign ups and Spam with (downloaded the top link), and this Fancy Spam. Any other pointers? Think I'll just have to delete the forum Is there anyone I could email the log-in details to see if they can make any better tweaks?
7 2011-06-25 15:05
Re: Fancy Stop SPAM (115 replies, posted in Supported extensions)
Please can someone advise, getting more and more junk here...:
Please see above question
8 2011-06-22 13:11
Re: Fancy Stop SPAM (115 replies, posted in Supported extensions)
Turn on Enable timezone protection (UTC−12:00) and Check submit value. What does that do please? What do you mean Check submit value? What about the Log In form bit?
Also do you know how do download and reupload the user list? THANK U
9 2011-06-22 11:48
Re: Fancy Stop SPAM (115 replies, posted in Supported extensions)
Yes thanks that works. But still getting spam and bogus registrations, what have I selected wrong?
Register form
Enable honeypot protection YES
Enable timeout protection YES
Enable timezone protection (UTC−12:00) NO
Login form
Enable honeypot protection NO
Post form
Enable honeypot protection YES
Other methods
Check identical posts YES
Check signature time NO
Check submit value NO
Links in 1st messageMax allowed links in first message. 0 - disable checking. 2
Links in 1st guest messageMax allowed links in message. 0 - disable checking. 1
ALSO, where can I download and upload a modified user list, want to get rid of the 4000+ spam registrations of memebers.
Thank you
10 2011-06-16 19:41
Re: Fancy Stop SPAM (115 replies, posted in Supported extensions)
I've downloaded the top file which is the only one that seems to provide all the directories. I've saved to desktop, uploaded to the forums folder, and nothing is showing in the extensions of 1.3.5 and nothing's changed to the registration process... what could I have done wrong?
Thanks appreciate you do this for no money!
11 2011-06-15 15:12
Topic: ANTI-SPAM CAPTCHA not working (8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)
I've tried installing the Antispam System from the admin section of the forum (I'm running 1.3.4 anti-spam installation, but using 1.3.5 version board) - it keeps saying I need to download the PHP GD Library, I think I've downloaded it (PHP 5.3.6), but don't know where to upload it in the forums directories.
Can someone advise if this is the right file and if not where the file is I need to download, and where to upload it.
Really appreciate your time.
12 2011-06-14 11:47
Topic: CAPTCHA feature not working (0 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)
I've tried installing the Antispam System from the admin section of the forum (I'm running 1.3.4 anti-spam installation, but using 1.3.5 version board) - it keeps saying I need to download the PHP GD Library, I think I've downloaded it (PHP 5.3.6), but don't know where to upload it in the forums directories.
Can someone advise if this is the right file and if not where the file is I need to download, and where to upload it.
Really appreciate your time.
13 2010-03-24 14:53
Re: Users can't register - email error (7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)
My mail sending issues are now resolved, by changing the mail settings. Thanks
14 2010-03-23 15:00
Re: Users can't register - email error (7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)
Also how do I stop the blocking of me registerring from with the same IP within the hour? Making it hard to test. Many thanks
15 2010-03-23 14:59
Re: Users can't register - email error (7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)
Have tried empty and with friends email details, getting this message:
An error was encountered
Couldn't get mail server response codes. Please contact the forum administrator.
Note: For detailed error information (necessary for troubleshooting), enable "DEBUG mode". To enable "DEBUG mode", open up the file config.php in a text editor, add a line that looks like "define('FORUM_DEBUG', 1);" (without the quotation marks), and re-upload the file. Once you've solved the problem, it is recommended that "DEBUG mode" be turned off again (just remove the line from the file and re-upload it).
An error was encountered
Could not connect to smtp host "" () ().
Note: For detailed error information (necessary for troubleshooting), enable "DEBUG mode". To enable "DEBUG mode", open up the file config.php in a text editor, add a line that looks like "define('FORUM_DEBUG', 1);" (without the quotation marks), and re-upload the file. Once you've solved the problem, it is recommended that "DEBUG mode" be turned off again (just remove the line from the file and re-upload it).
16 2010-03-23 13:04
Re: Users can't register - email error (7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)
I don't know how to check for error messages....
Anything I can change in the set-up?
17 2010-03-22 23:12
Topic: Users can't register - email error (7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)
I've uploaded a forum to our website (which has MYSQL enabled) - forum address is, I can sign up members with an domain, but when I put in anyother email domain like it shows this message:
Warning: mail() [function.mail]: SMTP server response: 551 Bad Recipient in D:\home\Default\\htdocs\forums\include\email.php on line 105
Myself and my developer can't seem to get our heads round this. Can anyone provide a solution?
Many thanks, Simon