Connorhd, you shouldn't. There must be an alternative to easypoll, because it conceptually too far from perfection. There is no any possibility for easypoll to became clear-coded flexible-designed conceptualy-optimized. EP is defected from initiation.
And sorry for my rudeness if I hurt anyone. It's just an unprejudiced view.


(9 replies, posted in Programming)

just add (+) line into parser.php->do_clickable simple version of mail (without any special chars):

    $text = preg_replace('#([\s\(\)])(https?|ftp|news){1}://([\w\-]+\.([\w\-]+\.)*[\w]+(:[0-9]+)?(/[^"\s\(\)<\[]*)?)#ie', '\'$1\'.handle_url_tag(\'$2://$3\')', $text);
    $text = preg_replace('#([\s\(\)])(www|ftp)\.(([\w\-]+\.)*[\w]+(:[0-9]+)?(/[^"\s\(\)<\[]*)?)#ie', '\'$1\'.handle_url_tag(\'$2.$3\', \'$2.$3\')', $text);
+    $text = preg_replace('#((mailto:)?([\w\d][\w\d$.-]*[\w\d]@[\w\d][\w\d.-]*[\w\d]\.[a-z0-9]{2,5}))#ie', 'handle_email_tag(\'$3\')', $text);

after that all mail-like URLs will be hot-linked, and automaticly crypted by this method (handle_email_tag)


(32 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

MySQL 3.23.41
And I don't think it depends on version.


(32 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

This DISTINCT is not useless.. sometimes guests messages got doubled. I don't know the reason...
So, I've changed it back..


(32 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

there are situation in administration.
for example - querying of all posts users/ ips
there will be a lot of rows, because there will be a lot messages from one IP by one user.

there is a color codes
but hey, extensive using size of codes by some kind of users will make messages annoyable.


(32 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

What version of MySQL you have?


(26 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Actually there is no $member_id...
I thought $member_id as $group_id smile


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

        if (isset($temp[1])) $outside[] = $temp[1];

instead of

        $outside[] = $temp[1];

at line 242 of parser.php helped me.


(26 replies, posted in Feature requests)

it will have a sense if this "unique_site_code" won't be stored in DB.
and $member_id in hash - will make membership unchangeble.
maybe you mean $user_id ?

Can you point at least one site, using javascripted md5?
All mail servers i know using simple POST password.

????? ???? ???????, ????? ????????, ? ?????????? ??? ??? ????????.
? ????????????? ?????????? ??????? ???????????.

??? ????????????? ????? https?

sure. so I have two ways - 1) to write my own, from scratch. 2) to wait someone who already started to use my ideas.

i wasn't here.. and didn't even know about punbb at all:)
as usual, good idea comes afterwards smile


(2 replies, posted in Feature requests)

if you want to open in new window - click link with shift key down.

post#72 wrote:

In the same time you could be able to moderate polls in more flexible ways, i.e. to unlink polls from topic; to list polls (with links to topics); to search in poll's questions; to open/close poll (without influence on topic's open state); to clear poll state; to add poll to existed topic, etc.
It's not a secret, that "polling" idea come when topic with related subject is already created. Also "re-vote" ability will be important (or maybe revotable checkbox in poll options). For topic's author this "add poll" ability will be fascinating.

I insist on the word "the best vote/polls system".
I guess my suggestions about topic/polls hybrid php (one, common, not two different) with independently linked TOPICS TO POLLS, not vice-versa, as now, were ignored sad.
With this kind of link, you could make Polls without posts at all, and in the same time there will be ability to add a number of polls to existed topic. Does it sounds too bad for you?

Mediator, why do you use spaces instead of tabs?

Actually there is no special class for username link color.
But you may add to your *_cs.css in a bottom (to override)

.pun DL DT STRONG A:link, .pun DL DT STRONG A:visited{COLOR:#DD0000}
.pun DL DT STRONG A:hover {COLOR:#FF0000}

CREATE TABLE `forum_perms` (
  `group_id` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
  `forum_id` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
  `read_forum` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
  `post_replies` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
  `post_topics` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`forum_id`,`group_id`)

goes to

CREATE TABLE forum_perms(
    group_id int(10) NOT NULL,
    forum_id int(10) NOT NULL,
    read_forum tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
    post_replies tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
    post_topics tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL, 
    PRIMARY KEY (group_id)

where the hell is secondary key?

Basicly you have to take in account slightly modified punbb's.
As for me - I'm in deep doubt about using mod, that will force me to entirely rewrite it to fit all other integrated mods, and style remakes smile.
For example, I've changed styles a lot. Message formats also "slightly" changed. Basicly ALL php files have been updated.
It will be easier to have "change" instructions, instead of entirely new files. With this files I've gotta "fc" them and watch all modifications you've made, and after - reintegrate it into my version. It troubles me. smile

I've looked into install_mod.php, and noticed, that "question" field has been added to "topics" table. What for??
I think ID link to "polls" table will be fine. In the same time you could be able to moderate polls in more flexible ways, i.e. to unlink polls from topic; to list polls (with links to topics); to search in poll's questions; to open/close poll (without influence on topic's open state); to clear poll state; to add poll to existed topic, etc.
It's not a secret, that "polling" idea come when topic with related subject is already created. Also "re-vote" ability will be important (or maybe revotable checkbox in poll options). For topic's author this "add poll" ability will be fascinating.

As for bugs. I've noticed a lot of wrong links in forumview.php. Some of them points to viewpoll.php, some to topicview (in the same line).
I had not much time to examine all those bugs, because they appear swarming to me, so I startled, and fastly "undone" this mod smile

for me, there were much more changes, because I'd changed <div> scheme for topicview.php and some changes in post.php..
so you must notice, that this mod works fine only on pure, without any modifications punbb1.2.4..
but it still very buggy, even on pure punbb.
replacements  are preferable, then entirely new files. because of version and different modification collisions.

But you can make poll mod like peronal message mode (I mean less code changes, and all additions are external - through "required").
It will make mode more flexible, and easer to install, specially when you already have made some changes, and make mod more different versions friendly.
For example - there is no need to make a clone of topicview.php (pollview.php). You only need to insert there a couple of "required" and all poll code will be there. The same thing with send.php.
Also some cleaning-up of code won't be redundant smile

Where is WORKING, clearly coded, bugs-free, downloadable polling mod???


(26 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Connorhd wrote:

Also, is there any "restore forgotten password" possible? I think not. So, what about it?

huh? theres a forgotten password link to send you a new password

Oh I see that, but it generates a new password, not actually restores them.
Related to the topic - there must be "forced" password change to every user, to migrate on new hash generation algorythm.