(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Its intresting that the Norweigians in Oslo understands my "kind of Stockholmska" better than they understand Danish and Skånska. Even that Norwegian and Danish is almost the same language. Strange strange... smile


Hej Frank,

Vet du om våra vänner i Textdrive stödjer Attachment modden? Har provat att installerat och konfigurera och det skapas ett nytt subkonto i mitt attachment bibliotek men det kommer inte upp några filer. Märker att det går allt för fort för att skapa posten så jag misstänker att det inte går att skicka upp filen. Beror det på Serverinställningar hos Textdrive tro?



(16 replies, posted in Archive)

Kan bara rekomendera www.textdrive.com.
Mycket proffesionellt skött ISP företag. Kan kanske vara problem med att få ett konto.


Händer det någonting med den här modden? smile Är också intressera av vad den kan klara av.


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

A friend of mine talked about a guy who is looking into writing an application aimed to transfer XMB 1.8 forums to PunBB. Sounds intreresting smile

Think I have to live with having all images in the file system instead of BLOBs in the DB. Never liked those BLOBs anyway.  Will write an report of HOWTO when I got hold of that application.

Best regards


(22 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

looking really nice! Can you write a step-trough how you did it? smile



(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

An early,  simple implementation of the PunBB software www.drillinggun.com/forum.

Will soon try to migrate my old forum (www.wanergard.com/forum) to PunBB. Someone that have experience with migrating from XMB to PunBB? Looks like PunBB don't blob images to the database?

Best regards
Bengt Wanergard, Sweden
