ok ... an update report, just to tease you all wink

The rules seems to be functional, done tests with all different users for different scenarious (who that may down or upload attachments on what forum, divided in the large groups: guests, registered, moderators, admins).

The upload seems to be working just fine...  smile

I'm working on the viewtopic.php and will make the file that downloads it now ... and then it's 'only' the admin part to do smile

(did a stupid mistake though ... only added the enctype in the new thread, and not on replies ... adn I had one thread to test in ... and I just couldn't get the files to be transferred ... lol ... so now I know that I _need_ to look for more than one place to define stuff in... hehehe ... documentations would be handy smile)


(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

Might have been reported (although I didn't see anything about a typo in common.php)

on the line 132 there is a <html> ... that really should be a </html>


(7 replies, posted in Archive)

låter trevligt, ha det så bra där nere nu, hälsa från mig wink
(själv så kliver man upp 0400 för att börja jobba inuti en stekhet industrilokal, hur kul är det wink)

Thanks, will then dig into the php files smile


(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

Found another one (if it hasn't been found already)

When going into "Edit subscribers" and press Update the form then will redirect you to moderate and not moderate.php

np, want this forum working as nice as possible (as I want to use it ... hehe) smile

Just found a bug in RC2 BBCode parser ... an example

Here's a pic taken a few days ago

that is written like:

[url=http://stingray.campus.luth.se/dual/Proj/accobra/cobrastate-030607.jpg]Here's a pic taken a few days ago[/url]


(10 replies, posted in Archive)

joo ... men som min gamle teknologilärare hade som ordspråk "En bra ingenjör är en lat ingenjör" wink

Ok, I'm back from England now and ready to fix this attachment mod ... I do have two small questions:

*Is it long before Version 1.0 is released? (no need to specify date, but within a week, month, 3 months etc. ... just so I know my priorities)

*Does the files differ alot from RC2? (so I know if it's worth fiddling within all the php files before 1.0 is released)

So far I have written down the tables needed and have planned where and how it should be included ... now it's 'only' to write the mod wink

(If someone have something they reeeeeally want in the mod, speak now or forever be silent wink )


(8 replies, posted in Archive)

Dem kanske kör något kit med en stable version av en hel del i ett enda paket, samt det paketet är inte uppgraderat ännu till en ny stable version, men kanske betor?  ... då är det inte alls konstigt om några versioner hamnar på efterkälken, samt tidsplaner kan ju vara svårt då om man inte har någon aning om när det kommer en ny stable version ...

för vissa kör nog hellre en stable som inte krachar än att köra med o/smått testade versioner ... helst om dem vill ha mycket uptime på deras server ...

Själv så fick jag väldans problem när jag gick till apache2 för tidigt ... innan php kom med buggfixen ... fick lov att göra många små hack för att kunna använda saker och ting ....

summa sumarum ... saker är inte alltid självklara, även om det kan verka så ...


(25 replies, posted in Archive)

Jag har en lösning på problemet .... kör target="_top" ... så finns inga frames kvar i det fönstret längre (har för mig att det var top iaf) wink


(10 replies, posted in Archive)

Jag brukar fuska med en 1x1 pixel genomskinlig gif som jag skalar upp till den marginal jag vill ha ... funkar oftast hyffsat. Läggs iblan i en table när det strular för vissa browsers...

Well I was planning on writing this mod during the summer, but if someone already have started, then I'll rather wait smile (I have a feeling that I read somewhere that someone was going to do this, or is it only in my imagination?)

But if noone has started this I'll start it at the middle of next month (will go away 11days, with no contact to the computer).

Ok it's progressing nicely


26th july
* Attachment rules is functional. If you're allowed to post an attachment, the attach and browse button is showed.

* Rules is as of now 'hardcoded' in the forum, and admin page will be added to handle this in the future.

* Both uploads and downloads is functional. Images is viewed in browser.

10th aug
*Improved the visibility on the page, now shows filesize, and number of downloads.

*Fixed so that png files is viewed in the browser instead of downloaded.

11th aug
*Have fiddeled with the admin part, it now lists all the attachments, and links back to posts etc. so it's easy to alter.

*Admin Edit attachment now works (need to be an admin to have the ability to alter the info in the attachment)

12th aug
* Fixed so it's possible to delete attachments, only from the admin menu at the moment.

* Made the attachment administration menu avaible, (only for admins, as it's more admin stuff there, moderators will have the delete option in each post-edit)

14th aug
* Altering forum attachment rights now functional. So now all admins can alter what the max uploadsize is, and who can ul/dl the files.

* If you delete the post the attachment will also be deleted, This will not work for Threads, so if the post is the first in the thread, all posts will get deleted, but the attachments will remain, so it's possible to have attachments saved if something would be deleted by mistake (it's bad enough if someone deletes a post, and might loose 1 file, but loosing hundreds isn't as fun) ... these will be possible to delete by using the 'list/delete orphans in the admin interface'.

* In the post edit you now have the option to delete the attachment. Moderators can delete posts here.

15th aug
* Fixed a bug in delete.php where I only could delete posts with attachments, this was due to using the wrong variablename. (I did try the delete only on posts with attachments big_smile)

16th aug
* Listing orphans now work, one has the option to either edit it (so one can link it to a new post), delete it, or just let it lay there unused.

* Fixed a bug where the listing of all attachments had pages for more attachments than listed when orphans existed.

* Added the possibility to optimize the attachment tables, to be used if one has deleted alot of messages.

17th aug
* Refined the attachment admin menu, looks better with a menu with buttons instead of ordinary links.

* Clear all orphans now working.

* Other small fixes

18th aug
*Displays an icon next to the attachment when viewing a thread, icon is dependent on the mimecode for that document. The icons need further work though wink

21th aug
* Been fiddling with filetypes, how to allow and disallow them (that's what have taken so long!), isn't as easy as it might be at a first glance, but I think I've come up with a working solution.
   First there's an array within a php file with a list of extrentions that's always disallowed, BIG security risk if you allow all files for everyone! (but is ignored for admins, hey, if they're admins, you do trust them, right? wink). Furthermore you can for every forum specify the files you want to allow, and then only those will be allowed(not overriding the always deny list). If you leave the files field empty, it will allow all files(except those always denied of course). Puh ... it was truly a hard thing to write... and I still have a few lines of admin pages to do for it also wink

* Admin interface now updated to handle the file allows, and it works like a charm big_smile

* The icons next to the attachment is now dependent on if you want to see images or not. So it's possible not to have them. smile
21th aug
* Fixed a small bug where it was only possible to delete one orphan at a time.
25th aug
* Edit posts now allows you to replace the attachment you already have there, or to add a new attachment if there wasn't one there in the first place.
7th sept
* Added alot of new stuff throughout the time since I last updated this changelog, alot was small fixes and stuff, have now made new screenshots, showing how the 1.0 release will look like.
7th nov
* After a very busy period, I managed to wrap it out for an official release! Click here to go to release thread.

And here are a few pics how it looks atm.

The posts: (there will be more than one icontype avaible + a template)
http://stingray.campus.luth.se/attachme … wtopic.png

Admin menu:
http://stingray.campus.luth.se/attachme … h_menu.png

Admin menu, list all attachments:
http://stingray.campus.luth.se/attachme … h_list.png

Admin menu, edit an attachment:
http://stingray.campus.luth.se/attachme … h_edit.png

Admin menu, edit forums:
http://stingray.campus.luth.se/attachme … forums.png

Admin menu, alter attachment rules for  forum:
http://stingray.campus.luth.se/attachme … _rules.png

Post a new reply:
http://stingray.campus.luth.se/attachme … s/post.png

Edit a message without attachment, but attachments allowed:
http://stingray.campus.luth.se/attachme … it_new.png

Edit a message with attachment, attachments allowed:
http://stingray.campus.luth.se/attachme … t_with.png

When viewing images, it's popped up in a PunBB page(was a blank page before)
http://stingray.campus.luth.se/attachme … geview.png


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

I now went to PHP 4.3.2 Stable, and my problem with pages getting cached when they weren't supposed to has dissapeared. So now I can use punbb without hazzle with Apache 2. smile

I added mine in the header.php, where the if statement of Apache 2 is, where the other meta tags are placed.

Unfortunately these metatags isn't 100% ... but it is most probably an Apache2 issue, so I'll do some expire stuff within Apache conf files on the directory also, might help... unfortunately I haven't any time until the weekend, or perhaps busy even after that also sad

nice smile
I know that the features are 'locked' until after 1.0... but as long as it's planned smile

now I'll sit down to look in the header.php again ... smile

btw ... a nice feature I miss is 'preview post'  ... I usually try to read through what I've written (when I have the time) to look so I have written everything like I meant ... and then everything like pictures, smilies etc. looks like they should.

I guess it wouldn't be hard to do as a mod though... hmm... crap ... that word time is reappearing again, and I have none wink

did a very quick n dirty test now ... (just added an echo in the header.php) and it seems to work now smile

Will try to find the appropiate place to put it when I get back home (atm it's placed before the <!DOCTYPE> tag ... smile

Many thanks, will look on the headers I have on my competition later! big_smile

/Frank H

thanks will try it, or change to whatever my headers are in the competition of mine (those are also very strict, but doesn't help so much, have also been thinking of letting Apache override the headers using the headers module linked to specific directories, but so far I haven't tested it.)

well it's a problem for me, it might be misconfigured http.conf, but the configuration is very similar to what I used before I upgraded to Apache 2 and php4.

I use Version: 1.0 RC 1. Straight out of the box... smile

I have this problem with a competition site I have made (as I wrote up there), and these unique urls helps alot, as in a day the cache in the browser seems to expire, but while going through the pages, I need to add some junk behind each page to get it to 'refresh'. I've told some that is affected (not me, although I'm very affected when running this forum, on my computer, but not this forum)

I guess it's an Apache 2 issue, as it works fine here on your forum, and not at home, but Apache 2 has solved a few other things I have had problems in the past with, so I'd rather not change back.

I will check for updates on the package I use (Open SA with Darwin(including Perl)) ... as it can be something there too... but so far I haven't been able to fix it. Thus is why I suggest this to get at least an option perhaps, for those having problems. ( I guess if I would find time I would be able to solve it myself, and release a mod, but .. well .. that word 'time' isnt avaible at the moment) wink


(4 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Well perhaps not that easy, but probably not completely impossible.

Well for me it's not a problem, but I guess people should be aware of this possibility. And if they have the knowledge, to put their passwords somewhere safe. smile


(4 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Well there is a problem with having a config.php, that I know how to solve, but I guess I should tell everyone.

If you have a config.php with passwords for the sql database, the novice user may have an login to it that is accessible from the outside. (If you have, I suggesst you first fix this! smile)
If they have, and someone would like to make that persons life a bit miserably,  they just need to crash php, and look at the config.php, where all info is in clear text.

One way one can solve this by having a directory that php can access, but not the browser. (I have mine one step below where the page is, as an example). And in the config.php file add:
include "../secretdirectory/passwords.php";
and then move all the other stuff into that file instead. This way if someone crashes php, they still cannot get their hands on the mysql passwords, or other delicate info.

Another way is to have no read privilegies on files called .inc or something, and keep the file in the same directory, but instead of the include above, have this:
include "passwords.inc";
You can then store this file in the same directory as the punBB, but knowing that your password is safe.
You will need to add some stuff in your browser configurations to get this to work. I use Apache2 and thus writes:
<Files ~ "*.inc">
    Order allow,deny
    Deny from all
just below where they have the restrictions about .ht files. (easier to have everything in one place). And I use a couple of .inc files ...

Don't know if this really is an feature request, but perhaps one would have the option to place the info in a certain file, and move it to wherever one likes, and the config.php would just be a link to it?

/Frank H

One way to solve some of the caching issues (that I guess relates to Apache2 and php4) is to make an GET variable that's appended to all the urls(and that I don't use at all, except making unique urls). I guess it would be possible to make as an option.

This makes a page that wouldn't want to reaload in mozilla, to work without fuzz, and in IE I no longer need to press ctrl+F5 to get it to show the current page.

so I have adopted my code on my little competitions script to use
form method=\"POST\" action=\"$PHP_SELF$UnikID\"

or for normal links (this time with a variable bana also)
a href=\"$PHP_SELF$UnikID&bana=$TrackID\"

and then I generate the $unikid as
$UnikID = "?unikid=" . md5(time());

will make a new 32char id every second, but I guess it's possible to skip the md5 and just get the time directly, as it should defenetly not be the same at two different times, but I like the md5. smile

This replacement took a few minutes to do on my little competition engine I have made (somewhere over 50 files), but with the replace text tool it wasn't too bad. I guess that little extra string takes a ms to make, but it solved alot of my problems.

/Frank H