That's not what I'm talking about, I'm talking about the variables in the PHP settings I've mentioned in the documentation. There's 3 variables that will affect how large files you can send to PHP, and you need to send a file to PHP when reading the dump ...
There's three things that will affect how large files you may allow, everything are PHP settings (the php.ini file).
The most important PHP setting is called "upload_max_filesize" and is default "2M". This value can either be per directory or per system. While you're in the php.ini file, make sure "file_uploads" is "1".
To further complicate things, there's two more things in the php.ini file that needs consideration (and that may not be per folder, so it's global). The settings "post_max_size" must be greater than "upload_max_filesize", and "memory_limit" should be larger than "post_max_size". So it's not just to up one value to handle large files.
check those three settings that I've made bold.