That's not what I'm talking about, I'm talking about the variables in the PHP settings I've mentioned in the documentation. There's 3 variables that will affect how large files you can send to PHP, and you need to send a file to PHP when reading the dump ...

There's three things that will affect how large files you may allow, everything are PHP settings (the php.ini file).

The most important PHP setting is called "upload_max_filesize" and is default "2M". This value can either be per directory or per system. While you're in the php.ini file, make sure "file_uploads" is "1".

To further complicate things, there's two more things in the php.ini file that needs consideration (and that may not be per folder, so it's global). The settings "post_max_size" must be greater than "upload_max_filesize", and "memory_limit" should be larger than "post_max_size". So it's not just to up one value to handle large files.

check those three settings that I've made bold.

were you trying to upload a file larger than what's allowed to upload?

(in the phpinfo page, check the variables I've mention in the docs for the attachment mod, chapter 1.6, so the uploaded file isn't too large)

perhaps the cache in your browser, I can see all the replies (4 pages of replies)

hmm, have you tried to 'backup' your changed files and uploading untouched files?
(should give a better idea where it might be something interfeering with the code)


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

There's many topics about it smile

The email form does the job satisfactory, and for those that still want pm's, there's a mod at punres to add that functionality smile

Well, when I added the CSS hack on the background pics the pre and post logo graphics dissapeared (the <span id="prelogotypegfx"></span> and <span id="postlogotypegfx"></span>, I couldn't manage to get them back onto their position as showed on index2.html, couldn't get them to show at all as a matter of fact tongue).

Also the javascript hack mess up the CSS placement of the transparent logotype when using xhtml. (It either put it on the top of the #logotypearea, or scale it to the top of it, it doesn't like the padding it seems like ...).

If I cannot get it to work I think I'll scrap this 'everything transparent' idea, and go with some classic opaque style instead where one can overwrite previous graphics by just placing stuff above ...

(I actually have been experiencing some Firefox issues aswell, but I haven't figured out how to repeat them... The pre and post gfx sometimes gets darker (just like the image is rendered ontop of itself, no matter how many refreshes I make it won't go back until I close and restart the browser ... haven't figured out what triggers it though tongue)

Edit: index3.html has this issue ... no pre or post gfx as you can see tongue

Edit2: wink ... the darker gfx could be some gamma correction thingie I guess, as I haven't run through the pngcleaner to strip off all that info ... but as it works ok sometimes I'm not entirely sure though...

158 views and no other input ... I suppose the way to go is with 4.01 and tables then sad

the punla people seems to have gone awall ... at least their site is dead ...

I managed to get it to work by using:

* HTML 4.01 Transitional
* Tables
* CSS hack to get png's to have alphas on background images
* Java hack to get png's to have alphas on images

But ... 4.01 Transitional + tables doesn't feel like the right way to go tongue

that page uses a javascript to fix the png alpha transparency

You'll find this in the file ...

// png alpha transparency fixes
function fixalpha() {

that one doesn't work on background images set in CSS ... only on img tags on the page ...

they have alpha in Firefox tongue

I'm stuck! wink

I made a layout in the gfx program and exported a bunch of transparent png's to use in div/span elements and a logo that also is transparent ... and no matter what I do I cannot get it to work in IE, I've used the CSS filter hack to get background pics in CSS to have alpha, and I've used the javahack to get the png's in img tags to have transparency ... but the CSS hack removed the left and right pre logo gfx, and the javascript hack only works on img tags.. (and moves the image, or scales it)

So is it possible to do what I want in IE (as it looks in Firefox 1.5), or must I either skip the layout I'm planning on doing tongue

the test can be found here ...

AARGH ... I reallly need some help, so pleeeeease say something about it so I won't throw this <piiiiiiiiip> computer out through the window big_smile

(Edit: only the toplogo + background is made sofar, the rest to come later, if the logo is possible to get to work on IE tongue)


(2 replies, posted in Feature requests)

IIRC there were some talk about vcards a while back, but I think it was something about vcards not beeing 'forum'adapted that was the prime reason why it's not added (at this time) ...

but it's lways possible to release a mod, as so many other features that's useful for some but not other wink

nice, hmm... but it seems one need to put it on the text/password fields

applies to the text, password, select, textarea, date-related, time-related, numeric, email, and uri  controls

How many browsers support that attribute?


(11 replies, posted in Archive)

PTS sida ang cookies

Enligt lagen om elektronisk kommunikation, som trädde i kraft den 25 juli 2003, ska alla som besöker en webbplats med cookies få information om:
? att webbplatsen innehåller cookies,
? vad dessa cookies används till och
? hur cookies kan undvikas.

PUL är lite jobbigare att hitta bra text om ... men detta är väl en hyffsad sammanfattning

PuL -samtycke
Innebär att du, eller någon annan, lämnar sitt samtycke till att vissa uppgifter som kan knytas till er, t ex ett foto eller er personliga e-postadress eller telefonnummer får publiceras på Internet, t ex av din arbetsgivare eller din högskola. Samtycket kan vara både muntligt eller skriftligt, men det ska vara frivilligt.

Ett PuL-samtycke är ?varje slag av frivillig, särskild och otvetydig viljeyttring genom vilken den registrerade, efter att ha fått information, godtar behandling av personuppgifter som rör honom eller henne?. Innan samtycke ges måste den registrerade ha fått sådan information som gör det möjligt för honom/henne att bedöma för- och nackdelarna och det får inte råda någon tvekan om att ett frivilligt samtycke verkligen föreligger. Samtycket måste också vara särskilt, vilket innebär att det måste gälla en viss behandling som rör den registrerade och som utförs av en viss registeransvarig för vissa ändamål.

Edit: personuppgift tror jag innefattar allt som kan knytas till en fysisk person, så email, ipnummer etc. (därav anmälan av antipiratbyrån, vilket resulterade att de säkte tillstånd för att få lagra den informationen)


(11 replies, posted in Archive)

Tror hur som helst att man måste enligt svensk lag berätta om att man använder cookies, vad de används till, samt hur man slipper dem... (pga all tracing som pågick/pågår)
Tror även att man är tvingad att få folks tillåtelse att lagra all personlig data i databas (PUL) ...

Jobbiga lagändringar, men rätt många bryter mot dem, och jag vet inte om något har dragits upp för rätta ... känns som ett rätt meningslöst tillägg på  den lag som redan fanns tongue


(11 replies, posted in Archive)

Jag hade en notis i mina regler som de måste acceptera för att kunna regga sig ...

# Detta forum använder cookies för att hålla inloggninginformationen åt dig, för att hålla reda på när du var inne sist (så att poster som postats efter, kan markeras). Om du inte vill använda cookies, så kan du inte använda forumet. Så genom att fortsätta registreringen godtar du att cookies lagras på din dator.
# Du godtar även att det du matar in lagras i en databas (mail, namn, icq etc.). Det finns inget intresse att använda dessa uppgifter vidare till 3:e person, utan det är bara information för forumet. Det går att gömma emailadressen, så att bara moderatorer och administratörer kan se den, eller att tillåta att email skickas genom forumet till användaren, då kan inte personen som skickar mailet se adressen, men ändå kontakta dig.

Dessa två är endast där pga de 'dumma' lagändringarna ... wink

what browser are you using?
(I need to hit "enter" after selecting another forum to be sent there, I'm on Firefox


(2 replies, posted in Archive)

den kod jag använder i Attachment modden för att få scrollbars på stora bilder är:

<div class="imgbox"><div class="scrollbox"><img src="attachment.php?item=10&download=1" alt="filename.jpg" /></div></div>

Ursprunget tror jag kommer från 1.2.3 eller liknande, innan Paul fixade till skalningen, så jag antar att det gäller att ändra i parser.php i funktionen som heter handle_img_tag, osäker om man måste ta bort befintliga klassen i själva img taggen eller inte, men att addera de två div's som jag har i min kod ovan kanske fixar det?

(Edit: Tror imgbox och scrollbox finns kvar i CSS, eftersom det fungerar fint för min mod oavsett skin)


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

I solve things easier over mail (as I access them from most places), so you can mail to me using the form on the left. (plus 'sensitive' info won't get eternalized on the internet wink)

Some things to easy my hunting onto what's wrong, please check through these things and send to me smile

* What PunBB version are you using?
* Do you have attachment language files for all languages you're using?
* Did the install_mod.php finish without errors?
* Do your database look like in the documentation textfile found in the zipfile? (use myphpadmin or similar)
* If you delete the cachefiles, and then view a thread on the forum, do the newly generated (common) cachefile contain any attachment variables?

Well that should make for a start, and should give me a pointer of where to look.

not without adding a bunch of javascript, which I won't add

(And I'm still not certain how well it would work)

What I mean is something like this:

- some folder
    +- WWW
    |    |
    |    +- Forum
    +- Secret
         +- Attachments
         +- Configurations

So that PHP fetches the attachmenst from a directory outside of where the html and php files are located.
Some place where you cannot reach if you type an url in your browser.

But if you run an apache server, then the .htaccess files should take care of any unwanted access, as it will deny all get, post & put on those directories. But then the .htaccess will make sure the directory doesn't allow browsers, sort of smile
for servers not using .htaccess there's still an index.html that will make an empty page, but those servers can be bruteforced to fetch the attachments, so it's most important on those to make sure it's not in the same place as the usual webfiles.

If you get the cache in the same name I suppose a chmod 700 could work (needs testing so that you know you can up/download), if you and php is in the same group a 770 would probably be enough. Either way, in future versions (when I remake it to fit 1.3) I'll make so that you can change the chmod on newly created directories much more easy (I'll put something in the admin interface).

This is the error message:

An error was encountered
Error: Unable to update user last visit data.