I modify viewtopic (i put newest posts to be displayed first), work perfect but there is error with posting comment with multipage. After i submit my post, forum redirect me on page 3 (etc) but on page 3 are old comments. So what to modify to redirect me on first page when i post a new comment...
Anybody know?

P.S. on admin panel in section forums is set "Sort topics by - Topic start" ...
(sorry about my bad English)

forward to friend ...


(8 replies, posted in Feature requests)

there is Attachment mod by Frank H.


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

check ... ranks or ... image adwards ...

Dunno man, the problem is bbcode ... Ask pokemon_jojo for help ... You have unique error neutral

snoogly wrote:

Sorry faax, I just don't get it.

wink this above is translate jojo's mod's on Bosnian language.

snoogly you need to check what is on line 41 in parser.php ...
Do u have read a readme.txt file about modification ?

there is language

for gallery


// Language definitions used in gallery.php
$lang_gallery = array(

'Page_title'                =>  'Galerija fotografija',
'Gallery'                =>  'Galerija',
'Pictures'                =>  'Slike',
'Last post'                =>  'Zadnja slika',
'Empty gallery'            =>    'Galerija je prazna.',

'Post img'    =>    'Dodaj novu sliku',
'Index'    =>    'Po?etak galerije',
'Picture'                =>  'Pogledaj',
'Views'                =>  'Pregledano',
'Date post'                =>  'Datum postavljanja',
'Write message legend'    =>    'Dodajte Va? naslov, opis, i po?alji prijatelju',
'Title'    =>    'Naslov',
'Message'    =>    'Poruka',
'E-mail'    =>    'E-mail',
'Submit'    =>    'Potvrdi',
'Post img redirect'    =>    'Va?a slika je uspje?no postavljena. Preusmjeravam …',
'Announcement'    =>    'Annonce',
'Announcement_text'    =>    'The form below enables you to send an image in the gallery of the site. The image must be with format GIF or JPG, with a maximum size of <MAX_SIZE>. Do not forget to add a title and a small description of the image.<br /><br />The team of the site reserves the right to remove your image without notice. All images against the terms of use of the site will be removed. Any abuse will be immediately sanctioned.',

'Modo link'    =>    'Podesi slike',
'Modo Select'    =>    'Ozna?i',
'Modo Del'    =>    'Obri?i',
'Modo Move'    =>    'Pomjeri',
'Modo No select'    =>    'Morate ozna?iti sliku.',
'Modo Move legend'    =>    'Ozna?ite mjesto za pomjeranje',
'Modo Del legend'    =>    'Potvrdite brisanje',
'Modo Del confirm'    =>    'Da li ste sigurni da ?elite obrisati slike?',
'Modo Move to'    =>    'Pomjeri u',
'Modo Move redirect'    =>    'Slike pomjerene. Preusmjeravam …',
'Modo Del redirect'    =>    'Slike obrisane. Preusmjeravam …',

'Error Annonce'            =>    'Gre?ka :',
'Error No subject'            =>    'Niste upisali naslov.',
'Error Too long subject'        =>    'Naslov nemo?e biti du?i od 70 znakova.',
'Error No message'            =>    'Morate upisati poruku.',
'Error Too long message'        =>    'POruka nemo?e biti du?a od 70 znakova.',
'Error Too large ini'                =>    'Fajl je prevelik.  The server refuses its remote loading.',
'Error Too large'                =>    'The size of the file exceeds the authorized maximum.',
'Error Partial upload'                =>    'Partially downloaded file.',
'Error No file'                =>    'You did not select a file to be downloaded.',
'Error No tmp directory'                =>    'PHP could not safeguard the file sent in a temporary repertory.',
'Error Move failed'                =>    'The server could not record the downloaded file. Contact the administrator',
'Error Unknown failure'                =>    'Nepoznata gre?ka.',
'Error No Img View'                =>    'Nema slike.',

'Error FTP connect'                =>    'Connection FTP failed. Start again later !',
'Error FTP upload_picture'                =>    'Image FTP loading failed. Start again later !',
'Error FTP upload_thumbs'                =>    'Image miniature FTP loading failed. Start again later !',


and for chatbox


// Language definitions used in chatbox.php
$lang_chatbox = array(

'Page_title'        =>    'Porukice',
'Chatbox'                =>    'Porukice',
'Posts'         =>    'Upisane porukice',
'Sending'                =>    'Slanje u toku...',

'No Read Permission'                =>    'Samo registrovani-prijavljeni ?lanovi mogu ?itati.',
'No Post Permission'                =>    'Samo registrovani-prijavljeni ?lanovi mogu pisati.',
'No Message'                =>    'Bez poruka.',

'Message'         =>    'Poruka',
'Btn Send'                =>    'Po?alji',
'Btn Refresh'            =>    'Osvje?i',

'Error No message'                =>    'Morate upisati poruku.',
'Error Too long message'  =>    'Va?a poruka je prevelika.',


There need charset windows-1250


(13 replies, posted in General discussion)

Happy Birthday Rickard

i put forward.php on my forum work perfect but one error is:

Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /home2/maglaj/public_html/forum/forward.php on line 73

on forward.php on this line is:

list($subject, $forum_id) = $db->fetch_row($result);

Anybody know where is problem?

you can see http://www.maglaj.net/forum/chatbox.php ...


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

there is module or plugin for WAP, Or any manual how to PunBB forum i can visit from my mobile phone?

Great job pokemon_jojo, work perfect.
How i can customize ChatBox scrollbar (change color, etc)?


(12 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

hcgtv wrote:

For updating software, when you've made mods, I recommend:

Windows: Beyond Compare
Linux: Krusader file manager, Kompare

try with this ...


(71 replies, posted in News)

Posible to pach (1.2.5 to 1.2.6) without shell access? Some files on my punbb forum are with modules ...

I see the attachment mod but it don't work ... I need only images to upload and show in the post ...

Are there option for upload only pictures form users computer and show with posted message?
Sorry about my bad English ... If don't understeand i'ill try to explain ...

ultime thanks alot for this modification

thanks alot ultime ... i put this modification on my punbb it's work perfect. There is some modifications here is sample for anyone who need this option
open index.php


$footer_style = 'index';
require PUN_ROOT.'footer.php';

replace with

<!--- "Top 20 most active users" Script by ultime (ultime@omgultime.com) created for PunBB --->
<div id="announce" class="block">
    <h2><span><b>Top 20 most active users</b></span></h2>
    <div class="box">
        <div class="inbox">

$result = $db->query('SELECT id, username, num_posts FROM '.$db->prefix.'users ORDER BY num_posts DESC LIMIT 20') or error('Unable to fetch user data', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());
while ($data = $db->fetch_assoc($result))
echo "\t\t\t\t\t\t".'<a href="profile.php?id='.$data['id'].'">'.pun_htmlspecialchars($data['username']).'</a>('.$data['num_posts'].') '."\n";

<!--- End for "Top 20 most active users" --->
$footer_style = 'index';
require PUN_ROOT.'footer.php';

i'ill put before footer ...

posible make it?

Can someone create module or plug-in for top 20 or 10 most active users to be showed before footer

Here is sample:


This is on Bosnian language but it's like SomeNick (number of posts), ...

Thanks ...


(21 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

it's my fault ... sorry to all


(21 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

it's edited now is

Bazirano na PunBB forumu © Rickard Andersson
Maglaj.Net ? forum

It's ok?


(21 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

please forgive me ... and sorry about my bad english if is bad wink


(21 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

i'm sorry ... Now i put Based on PunBB forums (but on Bosnian language - Bazirano na PunBB forumu)and put link to punbb site ...
Hope to forgive me ... Thanks