(22 replies, posted in General discussion)

Didn't you read my entire post? More specifically, this bit:

*) You can't do anything about the security hole, in most cases, so you do not benefit from knowing that it's there.

"You can't do anything about the security hole, in most cases".

The nature of most security holes in Internet Explorer means that you cannot avoid them with anything less than not using the browser.
By releasing the information, Microsoft are allowing more 'script-kiddies' to exploit the security holes thus making life harder on Internet Explorer users.

And, like I said, with Microsofts longer time between finding a security hole and releasing a patch I wouldn't want to have the knowledge about the security hole floating around out there on the world wide web.

But I guess it's too popular to bash Microsoft to care about that.


(22 replies, posted in General discussion)

I'm actually going to step up and defend Microsoft here.

Since Microsoft do take longer to release security fixes for IE, I think they shouldn't release information about the security holes in IE.

*) You can't do anything about the security hole, in most cases, so you do not benefit from knowing that it's there.
*) Malicious people gain knowledge about how to exploit the browser if the developers release information about the security hole.

With that in mind, would you rather Microsoft kept a lid on it and then later on down the line released a patch that removed the exploit, or would you have them release the information about the security hole and leave end users more exposed for a long period of time?

The Firefox devs can release information about security holes, as security fixes are only days away.


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

Indeed it is. We've got a very small userbase, and everything has been working, so we just didn't think to upgrade.


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

Up until about two weeks ago, http://moosesquadron.mine.nu/ was running PunBB Alpha 1 smile
We sort of forgot to update...



(21 replies, posted in General discussion)

<strike> was stricken (very punny of you, alicson) for the same reason that you should not use <b> and <i> anymore. It doesn't create semantic markup. That is, markup should describe what the content is, not how the content should appear.


(21 replies, posted in General discussion)

Paul wrote:
KTottE wrote:

PunBB BBCode provides the [ code ]-tag which is the equivalent of <code>.

No, it's the equivelant of the <pre> tag which is block level. The <code> tag is inline.

My bad.


(21 replies, posted in General discussion)

PunBB BBCode provides the [ code ]-tag which is the equivalent of <code>.

The good thing about esperanto is that it's created from scratch. Any language that starts off as something else, such as making a slight adjustment to the english language, will inherit all of the problems that the language in question has.

And james, I don't feel disadvantaged next to you. The only thing that people really get stumped on is cultural differences. If I start talking about swedish celebrities, politicians and TV-shows you'll be sitting there wondering what the heck I'm on about. And if you start talking about australian (you said you were from Australia, right?) celebrities and politicians, I'm equally stumped.

It doesn't matter if we're discussing said items in english, swedish or esperanto, we still won't know what the other one is on about smile

English is actually my second language smile

Hehe, I don't know about you but I equate "widespread" with how many that speak it smile
If a language has five people speaking it in Australia and five people speaking it in Canada doesn't mean it's widespread, eventhough there are people on both sides of the globe speaking it smile

With "hats", do you mean the ^-character? As far as I know it's an ASCII standard character and it can be represented using ASCII (latin alphabet), so that fits the bill of being standard.

I'm not arguing against esperanto, I'm arguing against non-ASCII/latin alphabets such as the cyrillic alphabet being used for international domain names. How in the heck are the rest of us supposed to enter them? And I know that, like someone said in the thread, there are programs that convert from one alphabet to another, but is that really a solution to it?

I don't have to speak a language to be able to enter an URL in it, as long as it uses the ASCII/latin alphabet.

When is 'j' ever pronounced like 'y' by the way? I've never encountered that, sounds weird smile

Also, esperanto will most likely develop regional dialects when it's usage reaches the levels that english has reached. Regional dialects are not a function of the language used, but by the mentality of people. And I don't think you will change that any time soon smile

I don't see how bi- (or multi-) lingualism ties in with international domain names.

I also support bi-lingualism, or rather multi-lingualism, but I think international domain names are a fundamentally flawed idea.
Now, I don't speak esperanto at all, so I'm not sure if it uses any non-english characters. If it does, then I think it's a pretty poor language to use as the one common language. The sweet thing about english (or any other language that uses only english characters) is that anybody can enter it using their keyboard, regardless of whether or not their language uses fancy characters.

As I said, I have no knowledge of esperanto at all, so it may suit the task (only english-alphabet characters).
But as far as I know, english is a more widespread language, especially among people who do not have english has their first language. In fact, a most people that I communicate with over the internet, in english, have english as their second or even third language, and it all works out pretty well.

I get what you're saying with esperanto being a sort of neutral middle-ground, but I don't see how esperanto would be different from english when you're learning a second language. In your example with the french person considering english to be a parasite language, what's to say they don't think the same of esperanto?

I'm guessing you'd get more e-mails if you told people what the MOD is...

I YaBB SE kallas funktionen för "split" smile


(7 replies, posted in Archive)

Låter som en bra idé.
Man kanske skulle ha någon slags utgångspunkt.
Typ, databaslistningen, d.v.s "Här är tabellerna och kolumnerna i databasen, och detta är vad de har hand om".
Den borde bli en relativt fast punkt i tillvaron.
Sen kan man börja se till de olika delarnas interaktion med databasen.


(7 replies, posted in Archive)

Kennel behöver naturligtvis inte skriva allting, men vissa delar skulle det vara trevligt om han fixar, typ the Inner Workings of PunBB.

Iaf, idén lyder som följer:

Varför inte sammanställa någon slags dokumentation för pun-moddare som vill skriva egna tillägg till PunBB.
Dels lista vilken information som hamnar vart i databasen, och vad den gör.
Dels lista vad alla filerna gör (vissa är ju s.k self-explanatory, men det skulle vara trevligt att ha en fin lista)
Sen delar där man berättar om alla delarna i PunBB.
T.ex. "Admin/Moderator systemet fungerar si, och kan påverkas i filerna så, och databas X håller reda på Y när det gäller admin/moderatorer".
Eller "Forumhanteringen fungerar si, och kategorier så, tillsammans med tabellen X och Y, och styrs av filerna Z"

Även för dem som (förutom Kennel) har satt sig in i hur PunBB fungerar så skulle detta vara en snabb och enkel referens när man vill/behöver ändra någonting.
Om man vet att man behöver ändra hur t.ex. profiler laddas så kan man läsa i den här referensen och ha all informationen där.

Så, finns det några (förutom jag) som skulle vilja se någonting dylikt, och finns det några (förutom jag) som är villiga att hjälpa till med detta?


(0 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)




(4 replies, posted in Archive)

Hmm, får nog sätta mig ner och komma på hur man ska göra't smile

Kanske blir en pun-mod av det hela.


(4 replies, posted in Archive)

Hur blir det med det här, har vi någon mer information om det?
För jag skulle gärna vilja se lite utökade funktioner för regler eller permissions, och även användargrupper.

Jag blev lite hastigt och lustigt ansvarig för forum osv på en klan-sida för Operation Flashpoint, och körde såklart på punBB för det, och passade på att göra ett eget tema/skin.
Här är det btw. http://www.ofproyalsilverfalcons.co.uk/punbb/

Alla medlemmar i klanen ska ha tillgång till de privata delarna av forumet, men de ska inte vara moderatorer hela högen, då skulle det vara trevligt att skapa en grupp "klanmedlemmar" el. dylikt där alla medlemmar i klanen hamnar, och den gruppen har tillgång till vissa forum.

Vet du någe mer om vem det är som jobbar på det här, och ifall det är någon som gör det Kennel?