I am not really sure where to post this, its not really a feature request, more something about the layout, thus I put it into the general forum, but you are welcome to move it somewhere where it fits better. Here it goes:
I would like the layout of the messages slightly different - where we do in a standard-punBB have a left area with the user information and a main area with the actual message, I would like to have a right area, same kind of grey background as the left area, where the avatar goes and - if possible without messing around with the code too much - the user name is repeated under it.
I suppose it would be done with CSS mainly. I am just starting to learn CSS, so if someone is willing to help, please talk to me like the newbie that I am
Talking about avatars, would it be possible that the admin assigns avatars, not the user chooses them?
Regards, Bernhard