(0 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

I am not really sure where to post this, its not really a feature request, more something about the layout, thus I put it into the general forum, but you are welcome to move it somewhere where it fits better. Here it goes:

I would like the layout of the messages slightly different - where we do in a standard-punBB have a left area with the user information and a main area with the actual message, I would like to have a right area, same kind of grey background as the left area, where the avatar goes and - if possible without messing around with the code too much - the user name is repeated under it.

I suppose it would be done with CSS mainly. I am just starting to learn CSS, so if someone is willing to help, please talk to me like the newbie that I am wink

Talking about avatars, would it be possible that the admin assigns avatars, not the user chooses them?

Regards, Bernhard

Thats good news, thx. I have a board up and running by now and like it a lot.
Found two or three more translation issues I will have to fix, though - in my own translation file, that is ;-)

As nearly everybody here seems to have said sooner or later: Thanks alot for this elegant work!


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

OK, I will send mine to Rickard soon.


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Hello Coaster,

you are so very right about UTF-8, but how can we be sure what the browser encodings are? I am sitting at my (Ubuntu-) Linux box right now, and thus I am on UTF-8.
I suggest that, after receiving answers to my other questions, I upload my files. They are only in formal language, like Eric's. I am very willing to leave you the first place to work on 1.3 ;-), but if you decide you don't want to continue on it, you are welcome to send me the files, and I will try to finish them.

Regards, Bernhard

P.S.: Wo steckst du denn in DE? Gladbeck/Ruhrgebiet hier.

Connorhd wrote:

i think the only javascript feature is the submit button which is disabled when you click it, but works fine without javascript smile

Everything that works fine without javascript as well is fine with me. I had stumbled over something in my registration process here, yesterday, when I got a javascript error box - was too stupid to write down what it was, though...
Anyway, I suppose the errorhandling would have worked without js being enabled, just an additional check before commiting the input fields, maybe.

What made me thinking about javascript was that the search function on SMF seems, at least in the installation on www.simplemachines.org, crippled - you can' t choose _where_ to search without it.  But I don't think PunBB will have anything like that.




(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Since I will most likely start a PunBB-based forum soon, I looked over the German translation by Eric ("eha") who had based his work on that of Johannes ("schnetm") and found some typos and such which I corrected, mainly unsolved Umlaut-entities. I did also some (minor) rework on style, just differences in taste, I suppose.
I will gladly upload the translated files here. Since Eric called his German_V2, mine will be German_V2.1.

Some questions before that:

- Eric's original .zip contained some directories under /_MACOSX which were empty. Is it necessary to include them?
- Am I right in assuming that the search function does not work for umlauts (because I want to give that info in the translated text)?
- Rickard, will it likely be necessary to add translation for PunBB 1.3 when it comes out?



Hello everyone,

having been looking for a forum software, I wanted something clean and simple, and so it is no wonder that I came here :-)

I do have one more question about PunBB:

Is there any feature anywhere in the software that only works if the user has javascript enabled in the browser? Any other question I had has been answered either somewhere on the site or in a review, but I am not totally sure about this one.

Either way: Big thanks to Rickard and everyone else involved for this remarkable piece of software! It seems the only one on the market at the moment where all pages validate without errors with the w3c.

