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You aren't required to have MySQL locally, no. Your host has to have it installed.
It could be your host is blocking install files. Try renaming install.php through FTP to something else, like firstrun.php.
Another thing you should check is your error log, if you know where it is
Err... I just comment it the way I like. Nothing special, and certainly not Java-style.
$db2 = new DBLayer($db_host, $db_username, $db_password, $db_name, $db_prefix, $p_connect);
Then just modify in there what you need.
The easiest way is to create a second DB object
Damnit people, learn to read. If it stops being free, which I sincerely doubt, Rickard (or anyone else on this forum I dare say) will fork it.
It's because there's a character limit, and special characters get converted to their HTML entity.
Yes, it's looking great
It shouldn't be. PunBB-Hosting used to be on shared hosting for quite a while with a whole lot of concurrent connections, so it shouldn't be a problem.
Hrmm, those shouldn't cause problems.
That could very well be.
And the problem they addressed you about:
Which mods do you have installed?
Contact your host, either you're running something that makes a new connection every 2 lines of code, or they're messing with the server.
You should upload the files in the upload/ directory to the forum/ directory on your website.
From there on you're doing fine.
Probably the file is being saved with an UTF-8 text editor.
It might be better to show the real name instead of the username where it's displayed.
Not to mention it's very annoying
You donated. That's exactly that.
And it's been clearly stated it'll remain free.
Paul is completely correct, the sizes of the posts don't change, unless the text doesn't fit and then it expands. The signature is just being wrapped against the text.
With a lawyer on the dev team, I'm sure they know what's in the contract.
Yeah, but I think it'd work better as a CLI tool tbh.
That's because redirects to index.php and index.php in return redirects to It's an infinite loop.
Try my suggestion:
Open include/functions.php
$links[] = '<li id="navindex"><a href="index.php">'.$lang_common['Index'].'</a>';
Replace with:
$links[] = '<li id="navindex"><a href="/">'.$lang_common['Index'].'</a>';
Yes, they want to make money. Like any other company. But they are merely sponsors and, as said, the paid forum hosting could produce quite the income if played properly.
And for a paid version... why not? Personally, I think it'd be better if people could 'buy' official extensions in that case. It'd be pretty much like a donation.
And you know, it's still software under the GPL. If the developers don't like the way the company is going, they can just fork off and go their own way again.
Good to see it all cleared up.
Give me 1.3!
I think it's easier to just modify profile.php to have the link not go to index.php
That's an odd bug...
Nice find.
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