I'll fully release it in a future version, with the option to disable it, but this'll do for now:

Okay, to do it, open Links.php and find this line:

        if($link_num > 0)


            // Prevent errors
            $last_a = "";


            while($link_row = $db->fetch_assoc($link_result))


                // START INDEXING
                $firstletter = substr($link_row['LinkName'],0,1);
                if($firstletter != $last_a)
                    echo "</ul>";
                    echo "<b style=\"margin-left:10px\">" . strtoupper($firstletter) . "</b>";
                    echo '<ul style="margin-left:25px">';
                $last_a = $firstletter;
                // END INDEXING

This should do it just fine smile Have fun smile

Comments out the ob_start(); on line 930?

Then just change group_id!=4 to group_id>4 ...

Shouldn't really matter, but you can easily change it smile

Bekko: pun_mail uses PunBB's SMTP settings, not the ones in php.ini tongue
If someone put their SMTP settings in PunBB (which is I think what's happening here) because they need to for the mails to send, then the sending will fail your way tongue

And why in the world do you need to send HTML email when nothing else in PunBB does? n00b tongue

For the link... I can take it out ofcourse, but yah... And as he said, his SMTP settings aren't set, so he uses the standard mail(); command wink If you really want, I'll rewrite it a bit to not use HTML mail and just send it through pun_mail();

I thought I ordered them by name... I'll check smile

EDIT: They are indeed ordered by name, but I guess you guys mens something like this:

    ? link
    ? link
    ? link
    ? link
    ? link

    ? link
    ? link
    ? link

I'll do it smile


(13 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Indeed... Well, you could always try removing the key, doing this operation, and then resetting the key...


(13 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Ok, so that doesn't work... tongue Odd tho tongue


(5 replies, posted in Programming)

I suppose you can send JS comamnds from a flash movie.


(13 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Something like this maybe? You should try it out...

$db->query("UPDATE ".$db->prefix."groups SET Id=Id+1");
##        Mod title:  Links Page
##      Mod version:  1.2
##   Works on PunBB:  1.2.*
##     Release date:  2006-04-06
##           Author:  El Bekko (elbekko@gmail.com)
##      Description:  Adds the possibility to have users
##              post links and moderate them from 
##              the admin CP.
##   Difference with  
## previous version:  Possibility to have alphabetical Indexing
##              for the links and some small bug fixes.
##   Affected files:  Only included files
##       Affects DB:  Yes (Creates table and adds a value to config)
##            Notes:  None
##       DISCLAIMER:  Please note that "mods" are not officially supported by
##                    PunBB. Installation of this modification is done at your
##                    own risk. Backup your forum database and any and all
##                    applicable files before proceeding.



(5 replies, posted in Programming)

That's probably done with Javascript wink window.position or something.


(2 replies, posted in Programming)

Set width and height to a percentage?

Could you try replacing



$mailres = mail($recipients,$subject,$message,$headers);
        error("Something went oopsie with the mail... ", __FILE__, __LINE__);

Maybe it'll show an error...

The code you've sent me looks fine, so yah... no idea what's wrong there :S

Smartys: nono, n00by tongue It needs to send HTML mail, so I need those headers wink

EDIT: And if the SMTP settings aren't set, it'll just use mail() anyways.

It should use the settings set in php.ini... I see that PunBB has options in its adminconsole to set the SMTP server/port/... If you have those filled in, I guess there's your problem :S I'll take a look at it wink

On that page, right-click, choose View Page Info, go to Media, select copter.swf | Embed and click Save As. Now you can put it on your site smile


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

I meant index.php and such...

I have absolutely no idea what can be wrong... Make sure your SMTP server is set in php.ini


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Try commenting them out in the file?


(2 replies, posted in Programming)

Looks like it's working nicely smile

Ah, like that smile it's an issue that I dislike, as each link should
a) have PUN_ROOT
b) have $config['o_base_url']
in it. Maybe it's something for 1.3, I dunno. But for now, I suggest you just fully intergrate the site in the forum (easier) or just open the forum and have some links to your main site.

No, in your site tongue

I meant something like this:


echo '<a href="'.site_root.'/index.php">Site Index</a>';

Try making a constant called SITE_ROOT. Include it before every link and it should work smile

Nothing important to this mods has changed in .11. Are you sure you've put the functions in functions.php and call them in post.php?