It's for an old page that is custom made, and is going to be exchanged before the year ends, so I don't think it's worth the work to update.

Is there any finnish translation to Version: 1.1.2?

I get this in the bottom of my mails (swedish langpack) after registered to my board.

IC-Controls Supportforum E-posttjänst
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One more thing about the langpack, when recieving an email from the board, it says in the end: Dont reply to this mail, but the from adress is the sender so why's this text there, it works to reply?

Any chanses to see an updated version of this langpack to 1.12, and a question to richard, are there many changes from this langpack to the latest version?

If not I probably can update it myself.

I'm using punbb:s login system to my site and after logging in there are a redirect to the page that you were on before you cliked login, but this only happens if this page is in the forum directory (, I want it to accept all pages over this directory (

Found out that it's thiis line that determine if referer is vaild:

$redirect_url = (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && preg_match('#^'.preg_quote($pun_config['o_base_url']).'/(.*?)\.php#i', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : 'index.php';

But my skills in preg_match isn't so good, help please?

How did you fix it?

So I can apply the fix to my modified board.

Noticed that the translation for text that appears when an user creates a new account don't exist, checked the langpack (swedish) and there's no Reg e-mail there, only Reg e-mail 1...
The english langpack seems correct.


(6 replies, posted in Feature requests)

As of what I can understand I think he want's to have a button under each post, and when you click on this, the users post count will increase.


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Great, thanks!


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Can you make a list of which files that are updated in this release?

In 1.1, have you fixed so you use the secret copy field in mails that are being sent out to a lot of peaople? So that the users mail-adress isn't showed to the other users.


(2 replies, posted in Feature requests)

OK maybe standard or nothing (0s)

I've got a request from some users on my board, they want to be able to change the rediredt time by themselves. So why don't have it in the user profile?

The old value in options can be the standard value when they register and then if they like, they can change it.

I like the redirect text becasue it shows the user that something are happening.
This isn't so much work to fix, I will probably make a mod but I think that this function should exist in punbb.


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

My first program for ericssons t610, an irc-client for the mobilephone that uses the computers internet access:

I want to be able to automatically send an email to the admins(mailinglist) whenever a new post is posted, hav'n decided yet if I want only new topics or both replies and new topics. I think this isn't a such a big mod to make.

As it is today the form is submitted via POST , problem with this is when you click on a post in the search results and after looking trough this post you want to go back to the search results to pick another post, then you get theese errors from ie to not send the POST information again.

Why not submit with GET, then you overcome this problem.


(6 replies, posted in Feature requests)

I must say that I like post preview, consider that you write a big post and want to check it a last time before you send it, but I also think that you should be able to turn off the post preview.

I'm looking for some sort of statistics application for my site, I found one that I really like, but it's in asp, I want it in php, so if anyone know a good one that's almost the same as this one:
Please let me know



(21 replies, posted in General discussion)

I can only come up with 1 thing, maybe you want html for tables, but that can probadly be solved in some other way, what are the reasons to have html in the forum?


(3 replies, posted in Archive)

Ligger denna knapp i samma ruta som jump to här nere? isf är det en av de rutot jag har prioriterat bort


(3 replies, posted in Archive)

Vet att denna funktion finns ,men jag kan inte hitta den smile

I mitt moddande av forumet kanske jag tagit bort denna del, var ska den finnas?


(12 replies, posted in Archive)

ah visste att det fanns någon sådan funktion men visste inte vad jag skulle söka efter smile


(12 replies, posted in Archive)

Hur gör jag för att på ett enkelt sätt få ut några specifika rader ur en tabell.
de id som jag vill få ut ligger i en variabel, kommaseparerat. Eller måste jag köra en query för varje id?

finns det någon sql-sats som kan lösa detta, som nåt liknande denna:

$query = "SELECT id, rubrik FROM produkter WHERE id = 1,2,4,7"

Jepp testade precis och så är det.

hur skulle man lätt kunna lösa detta?
Man kanske måste starta upp en smtpserver, vad finns det för några till linux?