Member Group is already there

Thanks a lot guys, I actually ended up figuring it out myself, its actually pretty simple. Anyway, I was using a different table, the one specifically for my rpg. The thing linking to the rpg table is that it takes the user's id, goes to the rpg table and looks for the appropriate "forum id". Thats how I've been calling everything in regards to my rpg.


(34 replies, posted in General discussion)

There are actually good crackers. I hate it when people get hackers and crackers confused as one and the same. Let me break it down for all you people who don't seem to notice the difference.

Hacker: breaks into sites and servers with the intent of causing harm.

Crackers: breaks into sites and servers to find flaws. Most report said flaws to the owner of the site/server.

It's very easy to mistake one for the other as most people don't have a very good notion of either. I have a friend thats a cracker and he makes a lot of money (and in the case of game servers sometimes a free subscription) for his help in finding security flaws. On the other hand he gets threatened with a few police phone calls sometimes too but the people don't realize he's trying to help. Thats just my oppinion.

Alright, I was wondering how I would add things between the Username and title on the user list. I need to know since I was going to add an attack/healing link, as well as level and hp for my rpg. How would I do that?

my own custom made one, you can check it out now here. I just recently re-activated registration thru the forums section tho there is no active link to the forums on the site as of yet.

ignore the testrpg part, I'm moving to a new host as soon as all of the bugs are worked out of the system.

Where and what would I enter to do such a thing? I've tried it myself and I'm stumped. Thats the last thing aside from fully integrating the RPG code into the forums, but that other stuff can wait.

ahh, but how would I add code to change the both user databases when a person changes their username/password/email?

yes yes, but I mean after a while it times out.

EDIT: I'm talking about my forum, not PunBB's
Also, whats needed to add a page to the admin cp? I want to add a page for rpg-based stuff.

Alright, I noticed after a while that if you stay away from the forums for a while, even while playing the rpg section of my site, you'd get logged out of the forums but not my rpg. What would I have to add to the rpg sections to make it keep them actively logged into the forum?

I've got a way to do it, I figured it out on my own and its really quite simple. I'll get you the code if you would like to try a very simple way.

Yeah, I finished that much, I just need help making it so going to things in the rpg section keeps you actively logged in. Also, when they change the password and/or username I wanna make it so it changes in both sections. Another thing, how could I merge my rpg's admin and user cps to the forum's respectively?

Also, wanna make note that my rpg system uses sessions.

Alright, well for the most part I've integrated everything but the login and registration. If I post the Login and Registration code could someone help me with integrating them together? - Site - Forum

Where in the Register.php and login.php files would I add my code for registration and login respectively?