thankyou! Your sites put me to shame - they are really good! Just removed the borders really and made everything white, wish I could put more stuff in the top field, can I change the field type anyone?

thanks guys - lots of great advice there, I'll try it out.

it does look like its one of the mega ISPs - looks like they have lots of class A address blocks.

someone keeps on logging in under different names and is abusive on my board, I can ban him for a bit - but because his ips dynamic I cant stop him altogether, he does however seem to be operating within a certain range of IP addresses, is there anyway I can ban a range of addresses?


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

thnx Kennel, much easier - you are the king of hassle-free interfaces.

Hi there, finally got myself a decent host  for my forum, no more tapping in 4 spaces for every forum edit. WooHoo!


Thanks Kennel!

DeMuX ;]


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

how do you add moderators to forums?


(4 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Kennel wrote:

The next version of PunBB will work with 4.1.0 and later.

Cool, Thanks.

But why don't you just upgrade to the latest? Or if your on an external host, ask them to upgrade?

Believe me I've tried but they are in the middle of a constant upgrade it seems and never respond. I think I'll just have to find another host.


(4 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Going back to my only problem with punBB, getting a bit tired of tapping in 4 spaces before each field in admin, and when I forget having to go in to phpmyadmin to fix the resulting problems. In short an end to that missing 4 character bug in php 4.2.3. Not really a big feature request, but would make a huge difference to me! TIA.

DeMuX ;]

don't worry - fixed it, it was a tiny tiny little typo, I didn't have a capital O in Oxygen...heh.

hmm. yeah thats what I thought, but since the 4 character thing I've been editing all the fields with phpmyadmin.

Could you check what CSS file the forum is trying to load when you are logged out?

not sure how you do that, is there another config/settings file apart from config.php?

I get all warm and fussy inside hearing things like that smile

and so you should, I certainly would be chuffed if I wrote something as good as this.

having another problem tho, when I log out I lose all the CSS formatting, is there a fix?

P.S. Thanks for your incredibly fast support and incredibly fast and good-looking forum software, best I've seen.

DeMux ;]

yep, figured that - unfortunately my host is in control of all that, but I'll let them know. It seems quite important, so hopefully they should do something about it.

thanks Kennel, sorry I posted this in the wrong place as well. thats a bit of a nightmare, is there anyway around it? I guess I could just edit the fields in the DB instead.

Hi, first off great software! But I'm having a major problem with 1.0, each time I submit a page in the admin section, for example options, it deletes the first four characters from every field eg. board name, email etc. it seems to do this in every section, it does it with the forum names when you change them in that section too. Any ideas?