{FF0000} what, color, background, height?

He's trying to style the link not the list item.
#brdmenu #navsearch a:link, #brdmenu #navsearch a:visited {}
#brdmenu #navsearch a:hover {}

I know I'm right about the css. If the stylesheets are disabled and the flash movie still doesn't work then its not the stylesheets. It could of course be the Doctype.

Its not PunBB's css, you have problems even with the css turned off. It doesn't work at all in IE or Opera. Your markup is invalid in lots of ways but particularly you need to close the <object> tag before you try anything else.


(6 replies, posted in Feature requests)

As far as I know PunBB already works the same way as most other forums in this regard.

If you want to have a go at running different operating systems on virtual pc's you can grab it here http://www.microsoft.com/windows/virtualpc/default.mspx


(24 replies, posted in General discussion)

Knowing Rickard, probably IKEA.

All it does is autofocus the first field on forms.

I don't know much about javascript either but what I do know is that body onload is now frowned upon. I think it would be preferable to alter the punbb code. Maybe somebody who knows more than either of us can help.

Try removing <pun_body> from main.tpl and see if nifty corners works then. If it does then you know the problem is a conflict between PunBB's body.onload and nifty corners.

Take a look at th code starting at line 37 of header.php which is used to decide whether to use main.tpl, admin.tpl or help.tpl. All you need do is define a constant near the top of whichever file you want to use a different template then add it to that list.

Why bother, the next version of PunBB has a proper extension system so the problem will simply vanish.


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

PunBB doesn't have such a feature. Since this is a question about existing features I've moved the topic.

Shrinking to fit is the standard behaviour. For browsers that understand such things it is controlled by min-width in the stylesheet. For IE a script called min-max.js is used to simulate minimum width. There is no setting for it because it can be set via the stylesheet, just search for min-width. If you disable it large pictures will simply be cropped if they don't fit.


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Wrong file. Try editing main.tpl.


(109 replies, posted in General discussion)

Limber wrote:

... or is it just the infamous society-paralyzing swedish vacation which has set in?

No, its the anally retentive, pixel perfect xhtml guy turning into a quivering mass of indecision.

Actually I think I would call it an error in the language file. The simplest anwser would be to change the message to "There are no posts by this user in this forum which you are entitled to view".

I must admit I do rather like the flash movies they are using to demonstrate various admin functions, rather like Rickards little demo for the extension system.

One thing I see wrong with it is its in the wrong forum. Moving.


(1 replies, posted in Programming)

It appears there are differences in rendering between Beta 2 and Beta 3 despite MS telling everybody there wouldn't be. Download it here if you dare.
http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/dow … fault.mspx

If you want an easy way to do it just add a new item to the template like so <!-- pun_modmenu -->. Now you just place all the stuff from the moderator menu after the line in footer.php which reads  // END SUBST - <pun_footer> and create a buffering and str_replace routine to replace <!-- pun_modmenu -->. You can place <!-- pun_modmenu --> anywhere you like in the template. As it it a xhtml comment you don't have to bother about replacing it for those pages where the moderator controls are not present.

The alternative is to just use css, specifically absolute positioning, which means you don't have to modify anything.

We don't want ripoff threads, they have caused problems.

Please use search, this has been discussed many times before.



(16 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

I like it. Maybe you've changed it since the previous posts but its clear to me the bottom copyright is the site copyright. I think if you wanted to minimize PunBB's footer then simply "Powered by PunBB" or "Forum by PunBB" on one line would be fine.