(29 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Paul wrote:

If you want to fix the juddering menu, you have to make sure that the padding and border in the :link state is the same as the hover state. You either use a border the same colour as the background in the link state or make the padding one px bigger than in the hover state. Now you'll tell me the judder was deliberate big_smile

Actually, I believe that's how I had it at one point (honest!), but for some reason that seems hazy to me know, I changed it. I'll look into it.


(29 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

pogenwurst wrote:
Paul wrote:

Internal Server Error

Uh-oh, where? Main page? I haven't come across any errors.

Edit: Someone who came visited my site via this thread is using Safari. If you're reading this, would you mind telling me how it renders (or any other Safari user)?

I just got a spat of internal server errors, but they're gone again. Probably a hosting issue (my host isn't that great, but I use it anyway because through a somewhat complicated series of events it doesn't cost me anything).


(29 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Paul wrote:

Internal Server Error

Uh-oh, where? Main page? I haven't come across any errors.

Edit: Someone who came visited my site via this thread is using Safari. If you're reading this, would you mind telling me how it renders (or any other Safari user)?


(29 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

hcgtv wrote:

Wow, did you leave out any mods wink

Probably. tongue

hcgtv wrote:

I'll keep playing with it but so far I like the different look of it, not your run of the mill looking PunBB forum. Andreas would be happy to see one of his creations adapted to something other than a blog.

Thanks. I couldn't design my way out of a paper bag, so Andreas's design really came in handy.

hcgtv wrote:

In Firefox, when I run my mouse over the side menu it slides down a bit, that's the only thing I've noticed.

Yep, it didn't do that at one point, but I've forgotten what I've changed; I keep changing things to cope with IE6 CSS problems and end up messing up other things. I've given up on that and a couple other minor bugs for the time being, though.


(29 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Well, after a few months of intermittent tweaking and tinkering, I finally have something decent to show off. It's a replacement of my old forum (with largely the same database, in fact). Read more about it, if you wish. I don't plan on it being anything huge, but a) I couldn't stand the state my old forum was in and b) I wanted something to show off.

Anyway, please take a look at forums.pogenwurst.com and give me any comments you might have (in this topic, or if you'd like to make me especially happy, in the Forum News, Help, & Suggestions forum - guest posting is enabled, even wink ).

Also, I'd like to take the time to give my utmost thanks to the following individuals: Rickard, for PunBB (of course) and the Easy BBCode mod; Paul for his markup/CSS work on PunBB; hcgtv for his excellent docs; Mediator for his Extra Boxes mod, some of the code of which I used; CodeXP, for his Group Change Security mod, his Lightbox integration script, his dynamic template tweak, and his alt text for smilies fix; Lokesh Dhakar for Lightbox JS; Cédric Savarese for the wForms repeat behaviour; Andreas Viklund for his Andreas05 template; Ghost, for his You Can See Profile! mod; Chacmool and Connorhd for the Private Message Mod; Smartys for his sig once per topic tweak and his Google Sitemap generator; NightFalcon for his Image Upload mod; bbaweb for the turn images off in a forum mod; elbekko for his links mod, and Pokemon_JoJo for his PBB Gallery mod.

I've also done a bunch of tweaks of my own, but I'd rather not take the time to list them all. If you notice anything you'd like the code to, feel free to ask. If you'd like links to anything mentioned above, feel free to ask about that as well.

Once again, the site is forums.pogenwurst.com. Thanks for taking a look (and... registering...? Hehe, I'm desperate, I know)


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Assuming you haven't already, make the changes over again on a fresh viewforum.php.

Before you do that, however, paste the following code at the top of viewforum.php right after the opening <?php tag:

ini_set('display_errors', 'on');


(14 replies, posted in General discussion)

helter wrote:
pogenwurst wrote:

Hilarious, though I'm actually looking forward to seeing how the Zune is...

I am aswell. I'm not anti-microsoft, however I do think their practices are kind of retarded (to put it nicely) the majority of the time.

Same here. I'm fine with Microsoft seeking a profit, but I wish they would do so by creating superior products rather than through brand lock-in.


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

It loads fine in IE6, Win XP Pro for me.


(14 replies, posted in General discussion)

quaker wrote:

how did they pick the name zune? why not name it pmp portable media player and stamp the media player logo on it..

I don't think "portable media player" or "pmp" really rolls of the tongue like Zune does... plus portable media player is already a generic name used by many manufacturers.

http://wiki.punres.org/Last_post%27s_su … orum_index


(14 replies, posted in General discussion)

Hilarious, though I'm actually looking forward to seeing how the Zune is...

Will something like this work (upload to your PunBB directory)?


header("Expires: Mon, 31 Dec 2003 12:34:56 GMT");
header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") ." GMT");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
header("Cache-Control: no-cache");
header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);

define('PUN_ROOT', './');
require PUN_ROOT.'include/common.php';

// Load the SimpleViewer configuration.
require_once 'SimpleViewer/SimpleViewerConfig.php';

// Load the SimpleViewer functions library.
require_once 'SimpleViewer/SimpleViewerFunctions.php';

// Get the current number of albums.
$dirList = getDirList('./SimpleViewer/', '', false, 'dirs');

// SimpleViewer is not installed yet.
if ($dirList['Number'] == 0) {
//Set the page title here
$page_title = pun_htmlspecialchars($pun_config['o_board_title']) . ' / ' . !empty($simpleViewer['title']) ? $simpleViewer['title'] : $simpleViewer['defaultTitle']);
define('PUN_ALLOW_INDEX', 1);
require PUN_ROOT.'header.php';
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="SimpleViewerCss.php" />
    <div class="block">
            <div class="box">
                <div class="inbox">
            <?php require_once 'SimpleViewer/SimpleViewer.php'; ?>
require PUN_ROOT.'footer.php';

PunToolbar may be found on PunBB.fr. It used to be on Punres, but I guess it has been removed.

Mark wrote:

doesnt it log mods aswell?

Unfortunately, no.

Therminator007 wrote:

But this mod only logs if I change something in the admin menu, but I want to log it if s.o. edits or deletes posts.

Well sorry, I can't help you with that. Really though, if you have so little trust for your moderators that you need to log their activities, you might want to reconsider whether or not they should be moderators.


(11 replies, posted in General discussion)

I can't find the orginal, but here's a quick little example plugin that you can use:

# Firefox plugin file for forums.punbb.org
# by Brian H <pogenwurst [AT] gmail [d0t] com>
# Created: August 1, 2006
# Last updated: August 1, 2006

 name="PunBB.org Forums"
 description="Search the PunBB support forums." 

<input name="action" value="search"> 
<input name="keywords" user=""> 
<input name="sourceid" value="Mozilla-search"> 


You can get much more perfectionist about it, but making a simple search plugin is almost too easy.

mycroft.mozdev.org has the full documentation.

You might be able to mod Mediator's Admin Logs mod to log moderators as well as administrators.

The PunToolbar mod sort of does that - clicking the smiley button makes a horizontal bar of smilies appear along with a "More smilies" link, which opens a new window with more smilies when clicked.


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Enable debug mode, please.

hafbaked1 wrote:

Currently I am using a combination of phpbb (for the forum obviously), and phpfn for the news section.  Both are doing an excellent job on their own, but I am hoping that PunBB with the news plugin can accomodate both needs with a single program. All the news portion needs is to let people post an article that will show up on the front page, preferably a summarized version with title and author name, and from what I've read, the news plugin, or even extern.php can do exactly this. The one thing I am unsure on, is can it allow a user to assign an image along with the post? (Preferably one already uploaded they can select from, as opposed to them attaching one themselves by uploading).

Assuming the extern.php news extension works fine (I've never used it), it should suit your purposes for the news section. I'd recommend against the news generator plugin if you're going to have users posting news items, as the administrator has to regenerate the news each time a new item is posted. As for the images, it might be a bit tricky, depending on how you want your images displayed, but I'm sure something could be worked out.

hafbaked1 wrote:

The other piece I am hoping PunBB can help with, are two custom "applications" that I'd like to be tied into the forum login session. Both are simple, single page apps. I'd like users to have access to them based on their forum logins, so that only 1 login is required across the site. How easy/hard is it to setup PunBB authentication on external pages like that?

It should be very easy. For starters, check out the integration section of the docs.


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

According to this topic, it can be moved:

RNilsson wrote:

DB-file is easily movable. Just shutdown your website, zip up all files, move to new location, unzip and you're ready to go.

Unfortunately I can't provide you with any info beyond that, as I've never used SQLite.


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Yep, I was wondering about that. Thanks for pointing it out.

No, not that I know of, but you can always set up a web server on your computer then install PunBB on that.


(15 replies, posted in General discussion)

CodeXP wrote:
elbekko wrote:

Yeah, it has been released for quite a while now. And I can say it's unstable as hell for me =/

Been rock solid for me, both on Windows & Linux. For those of you having problems though, the release of Opera 9.01 is *very* close now smile

I haven't used it for much more than testing and a bit of torrent-ing, but it's been fine for me when I have used it.

Use the CookieCuller extension. It allows you to protect certain cookies of your choice, then delete unprotected cookies on startup. Just make sure that Firefox's built-in option to clear cookies on startup is disabled, as Firefox does not care whether or not you have "protected" a cookie, only the extension does.

This is what I do and it works great for me.

Doesn't Profile>Privacy>"Save username and password between visits" work?

Also there are a few Greasemonkey scripts out there that will automatically log you in to sites that you have saved passwords for, although I'm unsure of their effectiveness.