Topic: Greasemonkey script for automatically logging in to PunBB? (FF plugin)

Does anyone have it? I tried modifying the Gmail one, but blatantly failed sad

Re: Greasemonkey script for automatically logging in to PunBB? (FF plugin)

Doesn't Profile>Privacy>"Save username and password between visits" work?

Also there are a few Greasemonkey scripts out there that will automatically log you in to sites that you have saved passwords for, although I'm unsure of their effectiveness.

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Re: Greasemonkey script for automatically logging in to PunBB? (FF plugin)

Username and password is saved, but cookies are cleaned on exit wink

Re: Greasemonkey script for automatically logging in to PunBB? (FF plugin)

Use the CookieCuller extension. It allows you to protect certain cookies of your choice, then delete unprotected cookies on startup. Just make sure that Firefox's built-in option to clear cookies on startup is disabled, as Firefox does not care whether or not you have "protected" a cookie, only the extension does.

This is what I do and it works great for me.

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