Why don't you just give each one a test drive, as they're both free? Which one works best is all a matter of your personal preferences.
827 2006-07-29 15:29
Re: Login script or login user may cause DDOS .. (4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
This isn't a bug
I'll trust Smartys. Moved to troubleshooting.
828 2006-07-29 15:27
Re: SimpleViewer integration, need help (15 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
Where is SimpleViewer located in relation to your forum install?
829 2006-07-28 22:07
Re: Firefox 1.5 (38 replies, posted in General discussion)
Just got the Firefox update today, and much to my surprise the update system worked. It's the first time that it has for me.
830 2006-07-28 20:25
Re: Lead PHP programmer quits (7 replies, posted in General discussion)
Yeah, I was pretty shocked when I saw that chat transcript on Digg earlier today. What a shame.
831 2006-07-28 15:39
Re: how can i add a coloum of "poster作者" in forum table ? (6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
Sorry, but your link seems to be broken.
832 2006-07-28 15:36
Re: Saving parsed versions of messages (11 replies, posted in Feature requests)
The "you can do it yourself" is the easiest thing to say offcourse, but with every update this is a problem: you have to keep track of each modification that has been made in that release to the files that affect your functionality.
No, not really, you can use the hdiff to update manually if you have a modded forum.
833 2006-07-28 15:31
Re: i cant crate punbb forum (68 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
We'll need much more information than that to help you at all.
Moved to troubleshooting.
834 2006-07-28 13:45
Re: denying moderators access to "censor" feature. (1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
I believe you may just change this line in admin_censoring.php:
if ($pun_user['g_id'] > PUN_MOD)
if ($pun_user['g_id'] > PUN_ADMIN)
835 2006-07-26 20:57
Re: lightbox gallery (34 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Ok, sounds good.
836 2006-07-26 20:54
Re: lightbox gallery (34 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
got it..haha... but is there a way to make it drag and dropable in the folder without doing any mods?
No. It's not a large edit anyway.
Use it or don't use it, it's your choice. It won't hurt my feelings; I did it as a proof-of-concept more than anything else.
837 2006-07-26 20:27
Re: lightbox gallery (34 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
838 2006-07-26 19:46
Re: MP3 + FLV ... crazy, but there are crazy coders here :) (3 replies, posted in Feature requests)
The FLV player looks great, thanks a lot for pointing it out.
839 2006-07-26 19:41
Re: Users can edit own posts in read-only archive forum (4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
did you set it so that in the admin options users can not edit their own posts? Or did I miss the boat on the question completely
I believe Eugene only wants post editing disabled in his archive forum, not globally.
840 2006-07-25 23:59
Re: lightbox gallery (34 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Oh and by the way, I've modified your gallery to use Litebox, and fixed a couple bugs in your original package as well. If you want, I can tidy things up a bit and email you the files.
841 2006-07-25 22:59
Re: lightbox gallery (34 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
pog, that kewl... the images size is up to the user... keep them small.. plus having to change the coding.. might be a pain..lol...
cause it is design to be a drag and drop in folder type gallery. the script build the images instead of listing them...
I said nothing about image size. What I'm saying is this:
Your gallery script currently uses Lightbox JS 2.0. Litebox does exactly the same thing as Lightbox JS 2.0, but its Javascript code is much smaller than that of Lightbox JS 2.0.
The only relatively challenging part of implementing this would be adding onload="initLightbox()" to the body tag when necessary, but it is certainly doable.
If you don't wish to use my suggestion, fine, but in the future, actually read the page(s) someone links to, especially when its a fairly short read.
842 2006-07-25 20:49
Re: Team Organisme Offensif aka #O.o (5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)
Wow, excellent work.
843 2006-07-25 20:47
Re: Can't block spam : really very annoying (27 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
pogenwurst wrote:Does anyone happen to know why post flood control isn't available for guests? I've heard it asked about here before (seems like there were one or two similar threads as well), and it seems like it would be useful although certainly not foolproof (then again, what is?).
doing an IP-block for posts will make some parts of the world really have problems to post anything at all, someone else is always there before yourself... IIRC China have a very limited number of available IP numbers, thus making an extreme amount of users using the same 'public ip'.
Using sessions/cookies isn't really an alternative either, I doubt spambots care about those
Thanks for explaining. That's all I needed to know.
I was thinking that cookies would be effective, but as you pointed out, spam bots wouldn't necessarily accept them or handle them properly anyway.
844 2006-07-25 18:55
Re: Can't block spam : really very annoying (27 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Hrmm, this is just a wild idea I'm posting, and it would require quite the server, but here goes:
A "Report Spam" function that sends the message, username and email of the poster to a central server when called. This server would be secured with user accounts and data transmitted through a "safe" connection (to prevent spambots populating the server). When a new post is made, the entered data would be checked against the data in the remote server. If the post/username/email finds a match, a confirmation box is shown.
This ofcourse would only be available through a mod, as it would slow down PunBB too much. And the central server would need to be way too powerful if i's a popular system.
I dunno, sounds like a lot of work. I wonder if something like Akismet could be used with PunBB, though.
no flood protection
Does anyone happen to know why post flood control isn't available for guests? I've heard it asked about here before (seems like there were one or two similar threads as well), and it seems like it would be useful although certainly not foolproof (then again, what is?).
845 2006-07-25 18:19
Re: Integrate PunBB forum into Wordpress (18 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
Don, what is the link to the main site? so we can help!
Please, who can help me? I was trying to copy and paste my css stylesheet, heather and footer and i don´t get the desired result.
Sorry for my bad english but i can´t find a similar forum in spanish. big_smile
Website: http://www.ambulancias.biz
Forum: http://www.ambulancias.biz/punbb
846 2006-07-25 18:14
Re: Progress reports... (11 replies, posted in General discussion)
I agree with pogenwurst but at the same time it takes about 2-3 minutes to write up a quick "what's going on"-post. Even if it's just "Totally busy right now, haven't had time, the dog just barfed on my keyboard..." or whatever. smile
Yeah, you've got a point there.
847 2006-07-25 18:02
Re: lightbox gallery (34 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
You might consider using Litebox instead of Lightbox 2.0 - it's a modified version that behaves almost exactly the same, but significantly reduces file size.
848 2006-07-25 17:51
Re: I hate computers! (24 replies, posted in General discussion)
My laptops are the only thing I buy from a name brand and I've had good luck with Gateway.
My experience has been awfully different from yours. Granted, I've only used one Gateway laptop, but it had and/or has a defective CD burner, LCD, and AC adaptor. I guess I was just unlucky.
On the other hand, my brother's college gave it to him for free, so I'm not too worried.
849 2006-07-24 21:03
Re: how can i add a coloum of "poster作者" in forum table ? (6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
pogenwurst: I guest there was nothing good on TV tonight then.
Haha. It was mostly for practice - I'm very slowly learning PHP (I try but I don't tend to be very patient with tutorials, and although learning as I go might not be efficient, I don't have a pressing deadline to learn PHP or anything), and although the code I actually wrote myself isn't too complicated, it's still very helpful to me to practice reading code and figuring out what it's doing. And yeah, not much of anything better to do (actually, that's not true, I've got some schoolwork I need to do - a pattern, maybe? -, but the procrastinator in me says otherwise).
O....i have changed my viewforum.php according to the above maunal....
The original poster after topic is disappeared . .. it's suit for me...
However, I can't see the original poster after last poster.....
please refer to http://angeljhouse.awardspace.com/forum ? m.php?id=9
after ???? last poster, i want to add a coloum of 'original poster ??'...but it doesn't work....how can i do now??
and the table after code changed becomes too height! it just have one line words, but it have about five lines space.....how can i do to adjust the height??
Last edited by angeljhouse (Today 05:15:21)
Sorry, but I'm not quite sure what problem you're having.
850 2006-07-24 00:19
Re: YouOS - an operating system... with a better approach (6 replies, posted in General discussion)
Well, we're forgetting about the Intranet. The barrier to run your own home web server is pretty low these days. Grab an old PC and run Linux on it or use a package like XAMPP for your Windows PC.
Good point there (that actually sounds like a fun thing to do), although MadHatter's point still holds true: gaming would be a problem with this kind of setup.