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falconflyz wrote:pogenwurst wrote:Why would you like to do this, may I ask?
Simply I wish that the pages of my forums are indexed in Google, but that when a guest come on the forum, he has to register to have access for reading it.
That's called cloaking, and it's quite controversial. I guess someone might implement it as a mod, but I seriously doubt Rickard would add such a feature.
Why would you like to do this, may I ask?
I'm not sure about why guests can post, but before you deal with that it would be advisable to use the hdiff to update immediately to avoid security problems.
Like I said, I'm not sure about your problem, but you may want to check into these posts and see if you dig up any helpful info:
I'd recommend that you center the top navigation to match the rest of the page.
Looks very nice, although the header image is too tall for my tastes.
Kato wrote:pogenwurst wrote:@Kato: I guess the easiest way would be to have Javascript set a cookie.
Probably so, but I really want to avoid the popup method. I'd rather look at changing the color of the message for "New Private Messages" or whatever it says. I have been trying to change it through the css and I try to change the font color just for that specific div, but it just doesn't ever change. I've tried to add the code in to my style.css and even in the main.tpl. None of them ever change that font color though. It's really kind of annoying.
Well, the popup was an answer to minis's difficulties anyway.
Has main.tpl been edited at all? Check to make sure that the tag for the footer hasn't been removed from it.
NicKy wrote:the last posts
not topics
That's what "active" topics means.
...or do you want the actual text of the posts?
If your host is in the Netherlands as well, you might consider glancing at its TOS. They'll probably have included many restrictions to keep you (and them) legal, which should apply to your forum users as well. That might not cover everything, but it's a start. And like Paul said, proffessional help is the only real way to be safe.
$cur_forum['forum_name'] works in viewform.php; $cur_topic['forum_name'] works in viewtopic.php.
Hmm, good point I guess, although if someone posts to another topic in the same forum as the topic that you want to check, you run into difficulty.
Wouldn't it be easier to just replace
if ($pun_config['o_announcement'] == '1')
in header.php with
if ($pun_config['o_announcement'] == '1' && $pun_user['g_id'] == 4)
(assuming he doesn't want to specify the group on a per-announcement basis)
Look at my answer above. If you want to have users specify a URL for avatars, then give that remote avatars mod a try.
I'm not quite sure if I understood you, but the Extra Security mod might be what you're seeking.
@Kato: I guess the easiest way would be to have Javascript set a cookie.
A link to the CSS files would be appreciated.
When the topic subject is displayed, I find the last post column useful because it gives me a rough, at-a-glance idea of what is being discussed, especially when I'm visiting a forum for the first time. The date and username are both pretty useless to me though.
@ahniwanika - it should work.
That sounds like a great use of the Punres wiki to me.
Looks wonderful, great job!
Bill, neubrain's method has worked fine for me, so I suggest you give that a shot.
The simplest way I can think of... create a file like this under whatever name you want and save it to include/user:
if (basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) == 'profile_fields.php') {
then include it between the <head> tags in main.tpl using <pun_include> as described in the docs.
I use Paint.NET as well and I love it. Powerful yet simple enough for most tasks that I don't have to read much of anything.
I think as long as you add
define('PUN_GALLERY', 1);
to whatever this new page is before you include header.php, the code you posted above should work (I may be mistaken though).
Cool, I just messed with the code I originally linked to; I didn't pass it through the validator or anything.
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