O sorry.. I thought polls were integrated into punbb already.
2 2005-10-20 09:09
Topic: Show All Posts (3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)
When you goto a user's profile and go show all posts, if they have posted in a POLL the link goes to viewtopic.php instead of viewpoll.php. viewtopic.php still shows the post, but the poll isn't there *INVISIBLE*.
3 2005-09-23 10:18
Topic: Guest Announcement Toggle Mod 1.0 (0 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
## Mod title: Guest Announcement Toggle
## Mod version: 1.0
## Works on PunBB: 1.2.8
## Release date: 09-23-2005
## Author: m4dm4n (madman@dreyx.com)
## Description: Adds a simple option in the admin panel -> options for whether or not a guest can see the Announcement.
## Affected files: admin_options.php
## header.php
## Affects DB: Yes
## DISCLAIMER: Please note that "mods" are not officially supported by
## PunBB. Installation of this modification is done at your
## own risk. Backup your forum database and any and all
## applicable files before proceeding.
4 2005-09-23 06:47
Re: 请问这个论坛有中文版本的么? (6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
it takes that many question marks to say yes?
Yes it does indeed Translate it, and ull see what i said.. But when i tryed to translate it back, it turned into gibberish
5 2005-09-23 06:09
Re: hmm Error (1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
It's a fault on your hosts side. Considering your on a free host, dont expect 100% uptime either.
6 2005-09-23 05:49
Re: 请问这个论坛有中文版本的么? (6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Translated: Asked this forum has Chinese edition?
My answer, ??????????????, ???????????????????????
7 2005-09-23 02:47
Topic: Group Promoting (1 replies, posted in Feature requests)
This would be good if you have some sections you only want members that post to see. Exactly like the ranks, where a user gets put up a rank everytime they reach a certain post, but also add one for the groups.
New Member - 0 posts
Member - 10
Active Member - 50
You might say this is exactly the same as ranks, but you have some forums that only appear as you work your way up in the user groups.
8 2005-09-23 02:44
Re: Mark topic as agreed (2 replies, posted in Feature requests)
I had trouble understanding you for a second, but now I think I understand. Having an extra column in a Help Section, then when a user posts a X is there, then the user/admin has the option of saying is the question has been answered then make the X a tick.
10 2005-09-22 04:54
Re: PunBB 1.2.8 (67 replies, posted in News)
Slight prob with editing profiles... The page where you put the admin notes, when you click submit, it goes to a page saying "Bad request. The link you followed is incorrect or outdated."... Any other page of the profile (personal, messaging, personality, etc) works, but not Essentials.
11 2005-09-12 10:53
Re: Importing? (2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Not sure what the DB plugin does, do you have a backup of the entire forum ? Just import that.
No, I don't have a backup because we converted from IPB.
12 2005-09-12 09:59
Re: Newb Q... Should I delete the "install.php" file? (5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
It doesn't really matter since you cant run it once the config.php file has been made.
13 2005-09-12 09:57
Re: Is there a way to... (2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Just move /punBB/ to / and change the Base URL in the Admin Panel. I don't see why that wouldnt work.
14 2005-09-12 09:53
Re: HOW DO I remove the ['Board info'] from being displayed (3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
In header.php, replace:
if ($pun_config['o_announcement'] == '1')
if ($pun_config['o_announcement'] == '1' && !$pun_user['is_guest'])
15 2005-09-12 09:49
Topic: Importing? (2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
One of our admins accidently deleted some specific catgeorys not knowing that one of the other admins wanted it. So luckily we had a backup of them using Connorhd's DB Managment Plugin. We have them on a separate forum, but now we have hit the problem of importing them. Does anyone know of a way we could import them to our main forums?